why not go back to being a pagen?
Tell me
if only you knew how bad things really are
Because it's not true or real.
It's not like a choice of hats, where personal preferences matter. It's only the truth that matters.
Paganism is not an artificial religion
I already have
Because I have no plans to die in battle or a way to.
I don't intend to sacrifice half a dozen animals semi annually. I don't intend to sacrifice a human being or two semi annually.
Pagans converted to Christianity a long time ago for obvious reasons. Less messy for one.
because some brown jew died 2018 years ago, he was god it says so in the jewish book we all read nowadays. anyone that disagrees will burn in hell forever because jewish god loves them!
neva agin
>he was god it says so in the jewish book we all read nowadays
Funny how the Jews wrote themselves in as killing God and being the Synagogue of Satan after.
But you didn't read it did you.....
because it's crazy to believe in mystical people in the sky
Because Im not a satanist.
for obvious reasons, like the reason that Roman Empire was Christian. literally the only reason.
You fail to state why it matters at all to a European. Jesus was a Jew, and of course the Pharisees were Jews. They had an ideological difference and the dominant part of society won over the rebel.
If one man wearing a green shirt was killed by other men with green shirts, and then centuries later the man was depicted as wearing a blue shirt, why would that make him right?
The only people worth looking up to in the Bible are the Romans.
Who is fool enough to reject the one true God and worship false deities?
>Because I have no plans to die in battle
You don't want to be an old grizzled warrior famously dying in a battle to save your country? Would rather die in a bed from cancer?
>the one true god™
i know right
praise Ahura Mazda
What is "paganism", there is no such religion. What are its ways and scriptures? There are no such things. What will prevent people from becoming hippie and bringing new related gods? How will you even seduce people with chants about fighting with spears and hunting for food in our world?
>Because it's not true or real.
This is what we say about Cucktianity.
There is no such thing as paganism(a personal faith like christianity).
Indo-European religions were all-encompassing traditions and the worship was done in group (family, clan, tribe, people). Once these traditions are lost, it's impossible to resuscitate them.
worshiped kek unironically, then i turned to germanic paganism but got my shit just fucked up within a few days, so i went back to worshiping kek and everything went back to normal. never doubt meme magic
I too accept Allah as the one and only God to be worshipped
Because I don't care about pantheistic / panentheistic idolatry. The universe is God's good creation, but it is not God. God and His creation are separate. I do not worship the creature, but the creator. Furthermore I do not find paganism to be cohesive or convincing at all whatsoever. It requires immense reconstructionism, guesswork, and radical subjectivity to even be considered a functioning religion. Most of the gods are just irrelevant in the modern day with modern information, even if you live innawoods or deep rural. There's no reason to give offerings and milk libations to Freyr in the hope that your corn field or potato patch or cattle herd will flourish- we know it's bullshit. Strip traditional paganism from it's deep connections to the harvest and fertility and you have little left to work with unless you resort to viewing all paganism as Vedic / Hindu in nature, which I do not believe is true.
There is no god but YHWH and Jesus is the anointed son of YHWH.
not really, you can create you own traditions in the same spirit, the same way every christian sect ever has done.
o rly
tell me what exactly you think isn't true or real
>there is no religiosity outside scripture
You have valid concerns, like the usefulness of scripture and dogma (although there are other consequences from it, like religious wars and the thousands of meaningless christian branches we see today, all fighting each other and proclaiming only them have the real "salvation"), but don't misrepresent things and claim things are just about "chants for hunting" or something.
Because paganism had its ass beat by Christianity.
"Paganism" is accepting of change, it's only the core of it, the primordial truth, that is permanent. We have a decent enough understanding of what is essential to pre-christian worship and that can be preserved, whether or not we know the specific form and function of the various traditions.
Because I don’t believe a religion is going to save the white race or a dead God it will be save by the action of men so Sage this stupid fucking thread it just to split the board
>Christianity “converted” Western man only superficially; it constituted his “faith” in the most abstract sense while his real life continued to obey the more or less material forms of the opposite tradition of action, and later on, during the Middle Ages, an ethos that was essentially shaped by the Northern-Aryan spirit. In theory, the Western world accepted Christianity but for all practical purposes it remained pagan
Christianity is more effective for unifying your people.
Do you know what acts and food were deemed impure/pure by IEs ?
Do you know how IEs cleansed themselves from impurity ?
Do you know how IEs onsecrated a new temple/city ?
Do you know how IEs consecreated their king ?
Do you know how IEs consecreated and sacrified to their gods ?
Mythology is a part of IE religions but not its core. Too many thing were losts, the best you can do is to adapt the religion of the Hindus while filtering the Dravidian elements out of it.
>Millions of Europeans throughout the ages were only pretending to be Christian, but were actually polytheists
What do you mean, go back?
>implying you degenerates aren't worshipping any kind of (((thing))) that is deemed as trendy.
Believe me, you guys are pagan alright.
you will face the consequences of your own ignorant blasphemy.
Well, there are dozens of denominations, not just three, and all the "dozens of extinct religions" are all local variants of the same pan-european faith, just like the different churches "catholic, protestant, orthodox" are variants of the same christian faith.
The Thirty Years War, fought among christians over religious interpretations, killed almost half of the german population and divides the country up to this day... And these were their christian "brothers", all while the Turks marched into Germany. There is some usefullness in it, but to claim it's such a powerful tool of unity, as one of it's main qualities, is just not accurate...
Pic related. Look at the symbols (like for instance the huge fucking moon in the altar for absolutely no reason)... Do you think all christian traditions come from Roman Judea?
No, that's not the point at all.
>Not true or real
>don't take the bible literally it's just metaphors!!!
Pick one, christcuck
I agree, the church of Rome has subsumed within itself many elements of pre-Christian Greco-Roman religiosity as well as Greco-Roman philosophy (mostly just Plato and Aristotle.) Thus, Catholicism is a cheap and bastardized presentation of the Christian New Testament that appeals to previously held and easily understandable symbols and ideas.
Basically my point is that the Catholic Church is and has been largely bastardized by the established Imperial orthodoxy of old. So in a sense you're actually right, millions of Catholics have been presented a false religion.
Because paganism is dead.
Mashallah, habibi. Day of the shamshir WHEN?