FBI user was 100% right and the Jew World Order is crumbling

This was an AMA he did on another website after he made the thread on Sup Forums. Time has proved that the questions that were answered were done with facts and that this person knew exactly what they were talking about.

Attached: 1491015003751.png (1249x4302, 2.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:


You have no replies because jews run this board.

it grows so tiresome.

Attached: 1509300950246.png (629x758, 715K)

How do I know that youe not a Jew who just wants me to think the JWO is crumbling when it is actually in its final stages?

Attached: Jews truth.jpg (640x572, 151K)

Because now Israel can't false flag nuke us like they tried to do in Hawaii in order to start WW3 so Trump can't drain the swamp.

Attached: 1494655555063.jpg (1241x1538, 466K)

That's ok, they'll just keep shooting up schools, bombing marathons, and blowing shit up.

Nah, these kikes are finished. They can't keep doing that and too many Americans are awake. The Jews are so stupid that they don't realize when they censor everyone or fake polls they have no idea what real people are feeling or thinking about. By censoring they underestimate the amount of people who are awake and aware.

FBI user was 100% right whole q user is LARP pretending to be anything like him

Q is literally a mossad psy that spreads blatant disinfo. Just yesterday they were trying to say that Merkel was Hitler's child or some shit when she was a communist in her youth and she's actually jewish. It's sad that people believe that garbage.

Where are you faggots getting this shit about Q? I have yet to see a Q thread on pol in the past 5 months.

Are y ou stupid? Shills post this Q bullshit every day.

psure they moved it to its own board on infinity chan.
this board wasn't safe for the boomers and honestly there are way too many competing psyops here.

The JIDF shills still post Q threads from time to time and they're full of bullshit. Like I said in a previous post, yesterday they had a thread up about Merkel being Hitler's daughter or some shit. Complete retardation.

Cripplechan /qresearch/
Don't bother to go unless you are exceedingly Christian, they talk about religion more than politics now.

That's because praising Jesus Christ as if he's god is actually worshipping YHWH (Moloch). It's a sign that it's a zionist psy op.



based mods
my permanent ban is gone

FBIanon Thread 1 and 2
02 July 2016


LITERALLY none of this LARPer's predictions came true, what a fucking joke

Are you retarded? Nah, you're just another JIDF shill too stupid to realize that nobody is buying your bullshit anymore. It's hilarious watching you kike shills squirm.

>Trump has some files as well, and likely plans to leak them and use them to his advantage soon.
>The leaks will have to be made in a non-transparent fashion

The point out something that came true you cock nigger
come on do it
do it you nig
do it you slave
come on show me horse pussy

>there are way too many competing psyops here
That's the only reason this board works.
They all cancel each other out.

>was a communist in her youth
>in her youth
She's still a communist

He didn't make predictions you fucking retard he gave information about the current state of affairs at the time that the thread was posted. You're too retarded to differentiate between a prediction and what i've just said though.

interesting info!

>disappearance of 70 holistic health care professionals
this is huge on its own

you think this is bad? look at the number they did on infinity qresearch. they have retarded boomers convinced jews never did anything to anybody

i've never been so convinced Q was a kike psyop

it's pretty annoying faggots act like the nra "owns politicians" yet the pharma industry spends 30x what the nra does in d.c. lobbying and they NEVER get mentioned

Pharma industry is an extension of the israel lobby

It was mentioned, during OWS.

>this board wasn't safe for the boomers
>infinity which hosts baphomet and literal OC pizza snuff boards however is

Or because the file is illegible due to the compression

During the time period that the Qluminati were spaming threads on Sup Forums 24/7 we found out something very interesting. They got super triggered when you talked about jews or spammed any jew redpills in their threads.

Attached: 1518439003590.png (2700x2046, 1.76M)

Remove the m from the fucking picture url link phoneposter.

Sup Forums is shilled so badly it's hilarious

Good I hope the mods get assassinated soon.

Oh wait nvm I know black magic and can gut them myself.

Mods just 404d a thread about NK peace and having a US embassy in Pyongyang. Mods legitimately need to be investigated for being Israeli shills

FBI user was great. He didn't pull that "I'll tell you more on X date" bullshit. To the fucking point with concise information rather than games and riddles. Fuck that Q bullshit, even if he isn't a larp, he is not benefiting anyone.

The truth is always simple and to the point. It pierces through lies like a knife going through butter.

Attached: 1516690524849.jpg (642x1039, 331K)

We make lots of tricks with the Q stuff, you should learn some.

Party tricks to impress your friends with deep geopolitical knowledge.


Q is a Jewish psy op.

Has Q named the jew? If not, then it is 100% psyop to guide internet sleuths away from Israel.

not only has Q not named the Jew, they get butthurt when you mention zionism israel or jews

Q said yesterday that leftists are actually the real Nazis, and so Nazis are all bad people who support Marxism. Nazis are the Deep State, etc. Not even kidding.

I think pic related might be more true than I thought at first because if what you're saying about Q is true that means the Jews are legitimately gonna try to blame pedophilia on the ebil nazis!


Attached: 1520696716030.png (1892x426, 311K)

Q is probably George Webb and that other jewey looking guy.

Kek. Fucking classic jew style.

I think you're probably right. I wonder if George Webb is the person behind Victory of the LARP because I have a feeling that every other LARPing faggot like MegaAnon and Q is also George Webb.

I thought about making an infographic of the various mechanisms used in crafting propaganda and listing Q posts that use those techniques under each category, but never got around to it. It would be very easy to do though, Q uses all the standard agitprop: invokes God, demonizes opponents, claims to be working for the common man and so on. It's really textbook stuff for anyone familiar with psyops.

There's only 1 reason why Q is still being talked about and it's pretty simple. They are paying faggots on youtube to perpetuate this larp like Jordan Sather among others.

Not sure I disagree, but this isn't Q.

I know it wasn't Q. Did you not look at the context of my reply and what the person I was replying to said?