Anyone else want to go to south africa to kill niggers once the race war begins?

it will be a very rare time in our lives where we can shoot niggers without having to face consequences.

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edgy white kids from all around the world, this is our chance

It truly is the last bastion for a potential white state. No where else in the world will grant whites the freedom to shoot and kill the negro savage. This race war would be so one-sided.

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What if the military intervene?
Would we be fugged?

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>white men
>traveling anywhere in order to fight

Pick one.

Join the army, it helps with a lot of the cowardice. You know, since you have no choice but to go.

The thought of killing niggers without anyone caring is beautiful....

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I think we should use our A-10 squadron one last time to eliminate every fucking nigger in that region.

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>where we can shoot niggers without having to face consequences
Implying a "human rights committee" wouldn't bring you before a court, if you lost the war


How exactly would we go on about shooting niggers? Would we enjoy ourselves and do it slow and steady or just go full 14/88 and shoot every nigger as fast as possible to secure an ethnostate?

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no one is gonna know do you think nignogs have the ability to identify a free militant shooting a bunch of niggers? listen, nignogs can not achieve anything on their own.

When Whites start winning the (((International Community))) will step in.

They'd be doing so for their own self-presevation. It would have to start as a political movement.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I honestly didn't think anything on Sup Forums could still shock me.

YES, the Chechen war was the last time I got the chance, LET'S DO THIS
Nope, South Africa doesn't receive military aid from the B.R.I.C.S. And their army is weaker than the modern Iraqi army. We could literally take over the country if we wanted to. However we'd be fucked if we didn't get a tank from any era or if the United states of kikeland intervene

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We'll need both an A-10 and a Su-25

Ditto. My god. The Boers need to resort to IRA-esque tactics. Until they have sufficient manpower, they need to make this an underground, political movement. Start bombing and ambushing under the cover of darkness and anonymity.

when it begins. oh you are so blissfully ignorant of the situation. whites are dying out in south africa and you cant stop it. that hot pocket wont eat itself and you know it but here you are ignoring the microwave after it made that sound when its done. still just fapping to mongrel nigger faggots

And how do you intend to get there? You understand the international community will side with the niggers, correct? Do you think they'll just let you normally get on a plane or even boat? You have better chances of making a difference by building online pressure for the international community at least not meddle in it, because they obviously won't side with the boers. If things get to that stage, then it will be possible to travel there and help them.

No, I want to take 700,000 boers in my country and create the basis of a new hard right movement.

Also, by fighting the war you may just get them having help and supplies from foreigners...let them the land, let them everything...we all know they are gonna starve and die in millions by a can kill them just by smiling and help them achieving a land without whites, as they wished

I so\\\
I do love you.

I love all of you....

so where do i sign up.?


The first thing you do, in any conflict, is secure an airfield. This is a priority. That is why our US Army Rangers are so well-trained and well-funded. If they can secure an airfield, they can start receiving aide, supplies, and more bodies. Until then, parking a utility van packed with ammonium nitrate in front of a military/police installation is probably what needs to happen unfortunately.

i'd like to but i cant find a SA user to pay my airfare/room/board

im pretty sure they will die out eventually by themselves.

just kill them in europe

it's almost like those fags that went over to join isis except going to sa would be for the good


There won't be a race war. Whites are too cucked, they'll defend the niggers, in the other thread there's a cuck stating:
>Well we can't kill the innocent niggers and there's no way to find out who is guilty, but donate more please.

I want nothing to do with Africa.

This is the dream.

I actually think the U.S. would intervene in this situation. It's a violation of human rights.

Besides the original south African tribes, no one really has a right to the land. And the only people I really see calling for land appropriation are the bantu who are not native to South Africa.

The communist party of South Africa redistributed the land.

Let's strategically distribute Boers in America instead. If your enemy is fighting strategic demographic warfare, you ought to at least show up to the fight.

okay, but where the hell do you get the airforce from? Buying Russian Migs and Antonovs from Chad or Lybia? The only reason for securing air fields as insurgent is to cut of the supply for the local state forces. Getting bodies and artillery over the land border or by sea will be way cheaper. btw, I like to see Namibia or Botswana opening their airspace for airplanes delivering material to an insurgency of pro whites

>when the race war begins
bro you can go to SA and start killing niggers without consequences right now. but it will be like going into a roach infested apartment building with a fly swatter

Where is my maxim gun

i think we should leave africa alone so that they leave europe alone

>so that they leave europe alone
hhaha sure

No. I want to import Boers who’s experience and voice can radicalize Europe. That’s where we need to K the N’s.

i dont know man,cia could get involved but us directly,i dont think so.they would have to proxy like sending guns...chinese would do that for the niggers anyway as they are there gold raping that continent but you could subvert that country so fast.just arrive with a fuckload of cheap drugs,weaken infrastructure and tgen strategically regain land in increments.
if un didnt recognize human rights violations have amnesty intl there the whole time documenting nigger reprisals and white self defense.

>NEET larpers go to south africa
>whoops forgot shots but brought muh guns and sports armor outfits
>arrive at boer house
>get asked who the fuck are they
>reply with "im here to save the white race"
>coughs violently
>boer family pulls out guns and tells user to leave that they might have disease
>larper goes back into town and decides to stay at crapshack in city
>larper starts feeling flu and malaria
>larper freaks out
>muh fucking niggers gave me this thoughts
>larper goes out on street and starts shooting nearest black man
>a hundred hungry angry black guys show up and overtake the larper
>larper gets violently beaten, starts getting eaten and shit on
>larper gets on liveleak as international embarassement

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yeah only problem is boers aint leaving without a fight.
and all the eu will say is hey germany and sweden,niggers cant do it heres 20 million more niggers to ruin your country with.someone gotta stand and say no,fuck this bullshit,white human lives arent a jew pedophile chessgame.
gotta stand and face it or they think its ok to keep fucking with us.itll spread.

Yes, this is the issue. They would need to procure old Russian equipment. Also, they would need to hire pilots who were capable of operating said equipment. This would be extremely expensive. Securing an airfield would be necessary for a prolonged conflict. Honestly, it's sad to say, but realistically, they need to revert to guerrilla style tactics. They are largely outnumbered, but the average black "soldier" has poor cognitive skills and is unable to assemble a clear strategy. With deadly, hit-and-run attacks, they could turn the whole county upside down. The local military/authorities wouldn't know how to deal with that.

You can go conquer other African nations

No other country will come help them down and in ok shape but i cant drop my job.ive got money to make,people depend on me for $.
crowd funding effort,dunno but id do it in a minute.aint a larp.

wtf are you 8 years old,jesus.

>if you lost
If you win you can shoot the fuckers, traitorous fucks.

Honestly, I am no Ricky Ticky recon Marine, but I was an infantryman. If I was getting paid and provided a place to stay, I would gladly go over there and train alongside some white, civil defense group.

Can I buy a fully auto fun in SA?

Why would we stop there and not eliminate all nigger-kind?
That's why the race war won't happen, we are too good.

>We could literally take over the country if we wanted to.

I would rather go to England and begin the new Crusade by recapturing London from the godless Muslims.

>they need to revert to guerrilla style tactics.
That should have been obvious since 1994.
>but the average black "soldier" has poor cognitive skills and is unable to assemble a clear strategy
>With deadly, hit-and-run attacks, they could turn the whole county upside down
If the Boers manage to take over one or two military supply compounds and get their hands on some armed vehicles, light artillery and some MGs it should be enough to apply some German Blitzkrieg tactic and slowly take over control over strategic points of the country. Issue is that the same bastards sit in the IOs and administrations that once made the end of Apartheid happen. If the SC gets cucked, Blue helmets could swarm the country in no time. Its a fucked up situation. Burnt earth tactic might yield the best result. Starve those Niggers to dead

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Yes, 5000 rand for an illegal ChInese made AK-47 from Mozambique

Tanks aren't as invincible or reliable as you'd believe, nothing like some good ol' epoxy to the tracks to make any mechanics rage incoherently, or expanding foam in the cannon so it misfire. Shit you could get in any decent hardware store and the nigs will obliviously won't rush to it because building materials sure won't be on their priority list when shit hit the fan.

They are little more than glorified war tractors with cannons on them. Lots of firepower, but quite easily disposed of individually AND each one lost will be a huge hit to their military infrastructure, since you can't new ones on a moment notice.

They would just kill everyone white person on site. It's really simple, if there was a civil war they would more than likely lose. The only thing whitey could do is run away with his tail between his leg and parasite of some other African country.

They can't pull off now what they weren't able to achieve in the past at a time in which there were less nogs, more whites and when they had an army at their disposal.

No, a fight would be a slaughter, and would legitimate the globalists.
They will have to do what my people was forced to do In Istria, Dalmatia and other Italian lands that were cleansed by slav communists troops...they have to go away, and they will.

Because I would rather gamble my life in another country rather to have my family raped and killed in front of me , and so they will.

We can win bigly by what is an appartent defeat.

About nogs....they will starve to death and die.

could salt and burn the earth beforehand, maybe poison the water supply. Would be fun watching Nigger starve and die from thirst

top kek nigger

yeah haha amirite bros

I think they could successfully do this, but it's a matter of will. Personally, I think they are just going to wait, out of fear, until inevitably, they are either killed or decide to flee. These rampant attacks on white farmers and Boers should've served as a strong enough catalyst. I know there is an abundance of homemade armored vehicles and retired military vehicles in SA. There are Americans who go there, purchase them on the cheap and drive them north to sell to warlords, insurgents, etc. If they keep getting attacked without striking back, these niggers are going to get more hostile and more brazen. They need to organize.

i know ppl already on their way

Are they being payed as mercs or what?

This. Bigger nations will take sides, and we would probably only end up receiving help from MAYBE the Chinese.

No I have already been there, no desire to see it again

Just like they got this star?

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>parasite of some other African countr
try harder larpy

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sign me the fuck up

I'd rather fight on the "nigger" side against imperialism. You fuckers have no clue.

>when the whites left in the (((international community)))'s militaries refuse to drop bombs and fight against the SA whites and rather defect to kill niggers
please god. PLEASE GOD

So, do you enjoy fantasies about fighting as a mercenary for money? How is this better than terrorism? You are a sick person.

Then why are you speaking English retard.

Cleanse the ZA continent !

>I'd rather fight on the "nigger" side against imperialism.
those niggers would still be drinking shit water and living in mud huts if it weren't for "imperialism" you cuck. they'll be back to cholera and AIDS soon enough, it seems

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Sure if they can

>clothe me
>feed me
>provide shelter
>and some pussy

Then we all good boss man

What language should I speak on an English board then? Finnish? Ymmärrätkö yhtään mitään?

This is what niggers do.

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Niggers are better people than you. At least they have a soul.

arabic is more your style


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Go speak Afrikaans

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I agree, I would love to go to SA

Real men would do this rather than go there to kill elephants. I hope all hunters choke on their own blood tonight.

I think you’re mentally ill.
You remind me of those edgelords from atom waffen.

It ain't gonna be easy.... the blacks will be funded and trained by CIA, UN and NATO. Plus they'll do shit that cartels would be too scared to do because it's wartime and all bets are off. If you're caught, you *will* suffer.

Although it would be cool to participate so you can get an awesome nickname like "mutilator" or "decapitator".

"They are throwing rocks at the house and are coming through the walls - please hurry," the panicked voice of a woman, speaking Afrikaans, shouts into a two way radio.

Minutes later her home was in flames after being hit by petrol bombs.

The attack on the Rietvlei maize farm, on the outskirts of the remote South African town of Coligny, came just half an hour after two white farmers were granted bail for the alleged murder of a 16-year-old black teenager.

The nigger police could not protect them.

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This. If white people are genocided by a Government and the UN is doing nothing then whose job is it?

source pls.

>implying they would have a chance

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I had a guy I served with work as a mercenary. He made quite a bit of money protecting dignitaries and employees of the State Department in war-torn countries. You are basically a glorified body guard. Almost fucked him out of a job with his city fire department. Black lady on the hiring panel didn't understand what a private security contractor was, so he used the term "mercenary". She voted against hiring him and thankfully, others came to his defense.

i'm an iraq/afghan combat vet who got out a few years ago because i realized i was fighting for zog. how can i get myself to SA and get set-up with a white militia? i have no purpose in life and if i were to die in a race war that would be a-ok with me.

i'm fucking dead serious. i will put my life savings into monero and turn the keys over to whatever fighters accept me. i don't expect glory. i don't expect women. i don't expect loot or riches. i want to die for a purpose.


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You don't have to go that far to kill niggers, user.

I'd go in a heart beat if I had the funds.
Poorfag here. Name and flag totally unrelated

that's some violent kang tier shit. There's no honor in "fighting" a defenseless opponent.