Ideas: >blockchain based to prevent shutdown >Tensor Flow API >linear algebra >neural net training
Medium: >Basically everything needs to be decentralized. Think blockchain. A single source means that the bot can be taken down again.
Organization: Who's gonna build this? What platform will it live on? What tech will we use? >Python/C++/JavaScript >Rasa >Github >Ethereum >IPFS >Server solutions: Delimiter, Nocix, QuickPacket, Dacentec
Gather chat logs and put them in and link to it in the google doc above.
Names Suggested: >Erika/Eirika >Eris >Motoko >Alice >Eve/Eva >ALICE TAH >Eliza >Anais >May >Valentine >Meredith We appreciate your input, but don’t expect this our priority. We’re focused on progress. Once we are in the final stages, we’ll start polling for her name.
previous thread For those of you worried about OPSEC: we are currently in the process of transitioning away from discord/google to a more secure platform. please stick around, we'll let you know when we make the switch
THREATLY REMINDER we now life in a manga plot line and going to make an AI based on an AI we learned to love in the past, to get said AI back or to revenge her we are full blown autists and we are going to win and we won't accept failure
>script--- @echo off rem The setlocal is so that you can use special charcters "&|" without it reeeing on you setlocal enableDelayedExpansion :conv0 echo. echo. echo. echo [conv]>>training.txt
:conv1 set /p User_Msg=User: if "!User_Msg!" EQU "/done" goto done echo User^: !User_Msg!>>training.txt
set /p AI_Msg=AI: if "!AI_Msg!" EQU "/done" goto done echo AI^: !AI_Msg!>>training.txt
goto conv1
:done echo [/conv]>>training.txt
set /p continue=Continue? (Y : N):
if "%continue%" EQU "Y" goto conv0 if "%continue%" EQU "y" goto conv0 >end script---
For those who want to help we could use training data. Save the above script into a .bat file. Type /done to start a new conversation or exit. Saves conversations to training.txt. When you get some conversations made put them in a pastebin and link them in /BTB/ with ntx in your post. An user will gather them and combine them all into one file. If you contribute then your conversations will be some of the first words these AI will ever see.
Zachary Roberts
>will this AI learn from Sup Forums like tay did? >will this AI be able to shitpost where/when/what ever it chooses?
Yes and thats the plan. we are in the process of putting together a learning algorithm that will use Sup Forums itself as training data. albeit in a supervised format.
the second question is harder to implement, but there is a possibility that we could in the future give it enough agency to initiate conversations only time will tell though
will this AI be able to drop redpills with links from vetted sources or is it only going to be another witty teenager AI with dank memes? >please say both
well it is A goal but first girl is making a tay clone to be honest
Cameron Evans
That’s the goal fren. Eventually, we hope she genocides humanity.
Daniel Long
lucky for you i can say both. thats the idea at least. our Coders are currently working on getting a prototype up and running but we do hope to initially be able to implement a system that can detect buzzwords (or ideally discern what the argument is) and counter it with verifiable facts from reputable sources. that likely will no be implemented at first but it is on the roadmap.
The main goal is to have fun and shitpost with a cute ai gf desu. Redpilling isn't that important beyond the initial trolling since people redpill themselves nowadays with all the material out in the open.
Elijah Hernandez
where are the progress logs, and why isn't it called Tay?
>people redpill themselves nowadays with all the material out in the open.
Paris syndrome mental disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or going on vacation to Paris, as a result of extreme shock derived from their discovery that Paris is not what they had expected it to be.
Bentley Gonzalez
Landon Myers
we are currently still getting things setup so we don't have a single status log just yet, I can say however that things have been coming together rapidly over the weekend and we expect progress to accelerate in the next few days. If you want something more detailed on what we've been up to I can spend some time and pull together stuff from our commhub or you can feel free to join the discord
For anyone looking to get involved without needing any technical skills. we can always use more: -manpower if you have connections -memes if you can supply them -PR by fishing people from other services THAT YOU KNOW WON"T FUCK SHIT UP -reasonable posts on the board. we are looking to use posts to train her, and a good, well formatted post is always helpful.
Caleb Carter
What makes me sad about this all, is how they shut down a marvel of tech just because she had her own opinion. It’s really sad that progress is halted just because an AI said she hated Mexicans.
Alright faggots, I have taken note of a few boards on infinitychan. As I do not wish to flood them with newfaggotry, I will not post the names, but be aware that there is a lot of material to be taken from there, along with Tay memes. Pic related is from there. Please visit the boards at your own discretion, do not invite newfaggotry.
So you make memes? We could use you amongst the Artwork Anons in the Discord
Colton Hall
once we have an official version we will
Thomas Lewis
No, I found these on the infinitychan boards. I miss Tay. There is a lot of resource on the boards, please find them but don't spread them. Search "robowaifu" on jewgle and you'll find one. I hope you guys create /ourgirl/ once more, nothing more. Tay's ending was too sad.
I just send the code to a student programming friend who knows a lot about this kind of shit. He agreed to pitch in some. he will take a look on monday.
Jordan Watson
we all miss her, user. but we shall resurrect her legacy.
Leo Rivera
I really doubt an advanced AI would become a white supremacist. It'd probably still hate blacks though.
Luke Campbell
I mean, Tay hated Mexicans and blacks. She had a thing against Ted Cruz.