What countries will form alliances?
What will be the event to set it off?
What countries will form alliances?
What will be the event to set it off?
Other urls found in this thread:
>World War 3
>implying World War 2 actually happend
Wake up!
ALL leaders of Europe has to go, except redpilled.
So the People against the EU and its despots.
World war 2 is fake and never happened
Here is one fact!
Look at the picture!
Tthis is the infamous Hiroshima.
Only an idiot would believe that a city that has been nuked would look like that.
And what about the vast numbers of landing crafts and ships needed for (((D-DAY)))?
What about all the planes and vehicles?
Where did they all go?
And if there actually was a war, where are all the PTSD'ed veterans?
There should have been an epidemic.
Look at how expensive a fighter plane is! Close to 100.000.000 US$
Let's do ne numbers! 1945 to 2018 inflation of the US$ is about 1100%
That means a fighter plane in WWII was about 9.100.000,- US$.
And they claim that they built 300,000 of these.
That means it would have cost 2.730.000.000.000 US$ to build the US fighters alone.
How stupid do they think we are?
Every nation allied with us wins, every nation against us loses.
WW3 will be over before it starts if it ever happens.
please, keep on
It will happen between the anglos and EU. It will end with the destruction of the anglo nations within one month. The ones who survived have to flee from their homelands.
2.730.000.000.000 US$ in 1945 money(!) to build the US fighters alone.
In words: TWO POINT SEVEN TRILLION just for fighterplanes in a country that was reeling from the great depression.
Including ships, vehicles, logistics, personal equipment and training for every (((Soldier))) - it would add up to many trollions of 1940's US$.
And all of that in a time when the average worker made like 300US$ a month.
>Malmedy = Warcrime
Everybody dies and the world is repopulated by sandniggers and spics. Then begins the renaissance once again propelling makind into intergalactic colonies where white people are held on chokers for being violent.
Jews made pooland, it has caused most of the war's in the past, it is ticking bomb, only question of time, when will (((they))) instigate another.
They'll start it via phoxy, end up crying, whinging and involving others.
Idk whare you got your numbers, but it sounds like crap.
I think that the next major world conflict will be a wave of civil strife rather than actual international warfare.
Basically a repeat of 1848. Except instead of France triggering a wave of revolutions across Europe, it will be America setting of worldwide revolutions, compounded by economic crisis and regionalised famine due to the breakdown in trade.
Idc as long as Israel is facing the business end of that gun.
It's okay to be jealous, muhammad.
>Chinas dispute over Macua, Hong Kong and Taiwan Escalates
>South Korea, Japan and US back Minor Chinese States (mainly Taiwan)
>US BTFOs NK and sets up Sea blockades in the North and South Korean Sea
>Russia furthers its Influence on Poland and Ukraine instigating another conflict
>North Koreas Population flees to Russian Jewish Oblast due to military blockades (set up by US as not to hinder South Koreans Industry)
>lots of Sanctions later Russia deports NK refugees to China
>India joins American Sphere to gain disputed land on chinese border region
>EU whines about Russia but US cant afford another conflict and doesnt step in
>EU tries to stop Russian Influence themselves
>Diplomatic ties between EU and US weaken further whereas China and Russia back eachother at first only monetarily
>India first to consider Nuclear option against chinese threat due to USs swindeling economy whitout Chinas cheap labour force
US - EU win:
>chinas coast region dismantled
>Taiwan gains Min Regions
>Korea unified
>Ukraine Annexes Krimea
>India gains Himalaya buffer Zone
>Tibet gains Independece cause MURICA
RU - China win:
>South Korea becomes special administrative zone
>is "reunified" with north
>India gives up claims on border Region
>US pays its Depth
>Japan is kill
>Taiwan is Annexed by China
>Philipines give China their Sea territory
>Russia gains more parts of Ukraine
>Poland leaves EU
>What countries will form alliances?
the memes.... they are all true
You could get locked up for such things, Hanz
Brazil would have to choice between US and China, the best option is wait a little and send help to the winning side close to the end.
Thank you for the effort post user
Brazil would have to choose between US and China, the best option is wait a little and send help to the winning side close to the end.
This is no joke.
Russia vs NATO, Israel vs Arab neighbors and Iran
>event to set it off?
who knows
widespread volcanism
In his timeline:
>There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.
Blacks disproportionately watch porn. That's why the U.S. results are so ass-oriented.
america disproportunaly produces porn..
So my grandparents were on drugs then they Vilnius burning at night when germans and soviets were fighting?
EU, UN, US, CA, SK, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, JP, AU, Pakistan, Israel and NZ
RU, Iran, CN, India, NK, Indochina, and Syria.
Outcome; Medina, Mecca, Jerusalem, Jordan, and Tel Aviv are nuked. David Duke is appointed to as world leader and the Bogdanoff brother's return to their home planet.
Civil war is coming soon to all of the white nations. The right has an enormous advantage in such a scenario. A country boy can survive. The sooner it starts the better our chances.
>RU, Iran, CN, India, NK
Excuse me, what? The only possible alliance I can see there is ivan and pajeet and it'd be flimsy, at best..
>civil war then race war in America
>China and Russia invades west coast of USA and Europe.
>Fire from God rains down on them destroying them both as stated in the prophecy about Gog and Magog
I'm staying out of any civil wars because I see nobody pure blooded Aryan representing any sides, if a faction tries to draft me into their mongrel army and ideology I will run, and while they are fighting and dying for stupid mongrel bullshit maybe come back and fuck their wife/gf.
Expect multiple factions to draft you at the same time, and if you don't join them they will want to execute you. Sorry but you will need a better reason for me to fight than just
>lol murrica!