Why is there Z E R O push to have Evangelion Anima translated?

Why is there Z E R O push to have Evangelion Anima translated?

Yea, sure its supposed to be weird and probably pretty bad, but I think its worth making that decision for myself

>think its worth making that decision for myself
Translators have also made a decision by themselves.

there are better things for me to translate. Far better

Fund it fagget

Also nice t&a on that .. robot?


Jesus, take the visuals away from it and it just becomes meh.

How much pages does it have? How many of those are in color? I've never been on a fan project but I'd possibly, maybe be willing to do the graphics and editing, if someone else would be willing to write a translation. I got Sup Forums and photoshop open almost all the time anyway.

It already has a pretty extensive artbook,but I'm not sure if the artbook actually containts the story or not. So I'm not totally sure if any sort of photoshop or new editing would be necessary. We just need a direct translation of the content.

Its surprisingly hard to find information on it. I think it was supposed to be some sort of serialized novel?

You'd still need to get rid of the niprunes, whole keeping the text and page layout as close to the original.
On full color pages like the one you posted, you'd first need to spend a whole day (or 2) clonestamping the image to get a page without text. If there's a character or an object under the text you basically have to redraw the missing parts from scratch. I could spend an hour or two just messing with the tiny mp eva on the upper right.
Black and white pages would literally take 10-20 minutes per page, unless something complex is going on and the page needs a lot of editing.
Also whoever decided to give Toji a parabelum artillery model deserves free drinks forever, even if they don't drink.

They were translating it and they got a C&D order. Thank god, this pile of shit is only worth it due to the shitty batshit art.

>Kaji Shinji who becomes Kaworu's fuckboy
>Asuka who turns into a Eva unit
>Trillion and one Rei clones and one of them is evil
>loli cat girl Mari
>Evil Kaji who is possessed by Keel
>Toji with a metal arm and a loli Rei who wants his dick or something
>Brainwashed Hikari

There I saved you

Actually it didn't get even get a C&D, the guy that was in charge of it just thought it would be a smart idea to ask the original author on twitter if he could localize it for free, which the answer was obviously "no". So the whole project was shut down.

I had no idea the translation process was so complicated

That's Asuka you fuck.

This is the simple version where you're doing things for yourself and have full control.
When you're doing something for print or animation each of the steps needs to be approved by someone else, and it lasts much longer.

I was thinking more about her hands.

Genius that guy was.

>Kaji Shinji who becomes Kaworu's fuckboy
Its not Kaworu death?

Shinji fucks off to space at the end to let Kaworu tongue his butthole. Kaworu didn't die somehow. I don't know, it has Eva units that are shaped like wolves. It's retarded

And rebuild has units that are shaped like cats. And penguins.

Its Anima even popular?.
Wonder who likes and buy this thing?. Even Nips are mad of all eva shit and rebuild 3.33

Since Rebuilds became a thing everything else fell out of the spotlight. And nips will never get tired of eva, Anno is basically printing money.

Good thing is that Fate is becoming bigger and is stealing Evangelion spotlight.

>it has Eva units that are shaped like wolves. It's retarded
I wonder why people always get infuriated by any EVA that doesn't have the same old design of the original 3

I was told that Shinji and Kowaru become some sort of representation of Adam and Eve

Some people like the insane over the fucking top shit.

Obviously it will never hold a light to the original anime and EoE, but I like seeing just how absolutely rediculous things can get in the Eva extended stuff

So now shinji is eva and is Kaworu's bride?
Damm this is dumb, looks like everyone in khara are retarded shippers, well at least that would explain why 3.33 is so shit.

Cause Evas represent humanity. They represent both the connection between parent and child, and between human will (biological part, field) and creativity (mechanical part, armor).
You lose some of the symbolism if it's just an animal or an organic aircraft. The design can look good but that's it.

Fate's too chuuni for me, but I've seen and liked F/Z and DEEN FSN.

Nobody knows. It's just unreliable source after unreliable source.

This is why we need some sort of translation

>Cause Evas represent humanity. They represent both the connection between parent and child, and between human will (biological part, field) and creativity (mechanical part, armor).
I thought they represented evolution?
Either way, you could just spin this to say they represent life as a whole instead of just humanity.

was there ever an explanation on what the hell this is?

Same thing from a different angle. Union with a capital U.
From the concept alone I'd say they tried making their own angel and slutting it up with cybernetics. The original test type might or might not be inside the womb-like thing on the bottom.

>>Toji with a metal arm and a loli Rei who wants his dick or something
It wasn't shinji the one who loli rei wanted fuck?.
Heck I remember well every Rei wanted fuck shinji , even the evil one, she wanted fuck him first and then kill him.

I agree with this. As long as it doesn't mess with the source material, I want to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Thats why I'm not even letting the rebuilds bother me.

Bring it on, anno.

You're aware the mecha designer for both OG and Rebiuild Eva and the Anima guy are the same guy... right?

Yeah, but different design goals. Rebuild ones are closer to super robots with an organic/biomech twist. Both in how they're drawn and how they're animated. Rewatch Asuka's final fight and compare it with the 3.33 spear fight, you'll see what I mean.

>Rebuild ones are closer to super robots with an organic/biomech twist.
And the originals weren't that? I don't understand what you're trying to say

I'm fine with different designs, as long as they're not retarded.

Not sure I remember what I was going to say either. I simply prefer the original aesthetic.

Toji was like a older brother, Shinji was the one she wanted to fuck.

I wanted it for a fucking decade and it never happened. I think I saw one chapter done but that's it.

And now that Eva was entirely ruined with 3.33 I don't give a fuck, it's too late. Wouldn't read it even if someone translated it. I'm still enjoying the pretty evas and lewd as fuck girls and that's enough.
It's a damn shame Anno didn't use Anima as the basis for the new movies but he's a tasteless fuck, so he made sure none of anima's stuff like the better mecha design, entirely different/adult Asuka&Rei ever happens in his movies (using the most contrived plot device ever)

It's overrated

mfw almost no giant asuka content

Have a tall Asuka, user.

Something around the lines of "is too hard", or at least that's what I always hear, people say is even harder to translate for your regular translators.

Is it because of the amount of text to translate or the amount of graphic work?

I'm more interest in the fact that black Rei and Mari appeared first in this novel than in the Rebuild movies. Also though I haven't read it, people say that some elements from Shinji Ikari Raising Project were used on the rebuilds too.

No clue, just repeating what I read from the last thread we got about it.

Evangelion? Never heard of it.
Not interested in christian anime though, sorry. But I'm sure something called "Evangelion" would be a hit success in America1

will have to do for now

And the Sadamoto version.

>loli cat girl Mari
For the love of God, post scans.

That's like the biggest turnoff I can think of that isn't Lord Gargoyle. At least he has his niche, with the masks and hugo boss shit.

does it have the 2deep4u shit that the original has? if not then never. fans want that eva movie 6.666.6.6.6. or some shit cause it enlightens them .

Frankly, I like the art and designs and just want to see them come to life. I just want to see what could have been.

Nah, he's resurrected on the moon or some shit, an idea that got reused in the Rebuilds... which all lends credence to the idea that there's some kind of Eva multiverse or time-loop, and ANIMA is just the most batshit insane iteration of the endless loop.

I kind of hope they go with this in 4.0, and have the plot be about breaking the cycle because that's pretty much the best ending 3.33 could be building up to.

This is going to sound idiotic but I want them to never make 4.0.

>Deus Ex Toji with a needlessly TACTICAL Luger

I didn't ask for this

Absolute degeneracy

>3.0 + 1.0
That would make sense

Does future Asuka ever get laid or anything?

I'm sure she's got someone to keep her satisfied all the time.

Also in the future there's no wifi or tv, so there's only one good way to pass the time.

Playing video games?

Yeah, while someone's going down on her.

Yes, me.

And you are?

Did kaworu and shinji really have sex in this one?.

One would think than any of the girls would try to make a move on kaji shinji after all those years but looks like literally everyone involve with eva are hardcore shinji x kaworu shippers.

Fucker aged like wine.

I think Asuka made a move, but then she literally merged with her Eva and went retarded, I shit you not

What about Rei?

Implying Shinji wouldn't want to sync to that at least five or six times per day.

Ten to one he'd drink her LCL too.

It's Penpen

What is this man chin Asuke?

It's a moe trait, user. Accentuates her long neck.

Superior 3DPD

>Shinji fucks off to space at the end to let Kaworu tongue his butthole
I already knew how Anima ends and I still laughed so fucking hard

How long ago were these pics anyways?

Got more?

Not long, it's some Russian cosplayer

It's because Evangelion is super metaphorical and vague so things don't always translate properly

400%. Saved to the scrolls.

By the look on his face, neither did he.

1.- It's hard because it's full of technicism and katakana shit

2.- The team that was gonna do it were a bunch of retards who actually tried to get permission from Ikuto Yamashita to translate it. Of course he said no, now there're not many knowledgeable enough willing to translate it.

3.- Scans for every issue are not available. It was supposed to get collected in a volume and it never did apparently.

How anima actually end?
I don't believe than end with shinji an kaworu having sex.

it's cryptid shit but yes they fuck off, the last page of Anima is them talking of being in an island and seeing white figures approaching in the distance

I don't remember mentions of sex in Anima but there was a time Kaworu lived inside Shinji and talked to him while he slept

No seriously, it does.


I don't know you visited these threads, Kaji-san.

I should read Girlfriend of Steel some time.

Translate it yourself.

He must be on a break from /x/.

jealous Asuka a cute.

Man rebuild final is gonna be a gay fest with shinji acting full "muh kaworu" mode.
Hope than the last heaven's feel movie release in the same thime than rebuild final, it would make me happy see Anno fail with the last movie.

Anno has a merch machine. Only way he can fail is in the astronomic chance some over-dedicated fans blow up the south pole.

Well after 2.22 the merchandising explote and end selling like hotcakes and everyone was happy.
After Q the merchandising sales drop and now is purely focus in Kaworu stuff.

>Why is there Z E R O push to have Evangelion Anima translated?
I translated a bunch of it a few years back for a few friends.

Before you ask, no I won't release the translations. I translated something for Sup Forums some years back and not more than a week later it was up on some cockmongler's site with my name ripped off and his slapped on. I swore I'd never translate something for "the internet" again, and I've kept that promise for twelve years.

There is a reason why Rei and Asuka have been demoted to minor characters. Its pretty much written in stone that Kaworu WILL win in Final.

Well at least Asuka now have the friendship of Mari, that is something or at least is a lot more than anything than Rei would have in this franchise

Then why even bring it up, dickhead

If you are going to be useless just fuck off

I translated everything available for my own usage, but because of this guy's "internet" attitude, I wont upload it anywhere.

Translate it and put it behind a patreon dipshit

You don't have jack. Post proof, Asuka's tiddies or btfo.