ITT: We thank Trump for defeating isis
ITT: We thank Trump for defeating isis
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I shall withold my congratulations until all of them are under 10 feet of sand
>ITT: We thank Trump for defeating isis
But the CIA still exists, though.
Trump thanked the judge on Jeffrey Epsteins pedophile case by making him Labour Secretary for the Trump administration, what do you think about that?
He's also in one of the cases against Epstein as a witness and perp.
Whats up with politics?!
CIA is stopping ISIS now you retard
Stopped obama era program giving them weapons and money. Who knew?
Umm no sweetie, that was the SAA and the Russians.
Its intresting how ISIS finished in Iraq and Syria once Trump got in office, looks like a media psyop, the sick individuals behind the war crimes in these 2 nations and other nations clearly still at large.
thank you SAA and Russian aerospace forces
Israel is losing badly, why do you think so many JIDF shills are on Sup Forums now? All they do is spam pictures of Trump touching the western wall because they have no factual basis to make arguments.
There is some truth to that but another part is Mattis had a good strategy and implemented it. Annihilation rather than letting these assholes escape after every confrontation. Russians and Syrians did their part and generally we stopped getting in each others way.
>trump defeated isis
ogge den redard :DDD
>CIA is stopping ISIS now you retard
Who told you that?
The fucking CIA?
They are still trying to kill American GATE students, they are entirely untrustworthy.
Because the CIA is such a trustworthy organization, they will do what they are told, huh?
Typical kike bullshit. Just like with 9/11, Israel and you JIDF losers love blaming the CIA for things that Mossad or israel is responsible for. israel's days are numbered and you can't stop it.
>blaming the CIA for things that Mossad or israel is responsible for.
are you implying that there is a difference between the two?
russians and saa only fight civilians and fsa. They pretty much have left isis alone.
Just facts.
Yes, there is, and the only people on this board who say FBI or CIA instead of specifying the fifth column Jews, just like you are doing, are kike shills.
thank you but don't stop now, we still need you
>Yes, there is, and the only people on this board who say FBI or CIA instead of specifying the fifth column Jews, just like you are doing, are kike shills.
So, who is responsible for preventing Mossad art students from gangstalking and torturing GATE students?
Pretty pathetic. Good thing Trump doesn't pescribe to that nonsense.
USA stands with Israel and Jews.
Based Trump, next target Assad
Yes God willing
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Trump stands with Israel. Antisemitism is for losers who hasn't achieved anything on their own.
>Trump stands with Israel.
Then we do not stand with trump.
Trump doesn't stand with Israel, you are a nervous Jew who is scared shitless because this is the first time in your entire pathetic life that israel is legitimately being threatened. I can't wait until the investigations start to wrap up here in the US and then all of Israel's bullshit gets exposed and Trump can give all your land back to Palestine.
Fuck off kike shill. You've already been exposed as nothing but a stupid Jew.
>Fuck off kike shill.
Are you calling me a jew because I don't stand with Israel?
Like, seriously?
That would mean that the Obama administration had aided them (isis) which has been suggested on the net or the Obama administration literally let them run amuck in Iraq and Syria.
Suggesting that the Obama administration were full of terrible people?
I'm calling you a jewish shill because you said you don't stand with Trump because he stands with Israel when nothing could be further from the truth and Israel is getting BTFO a million different ways right now, DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF TRUMP.
lel. It's so funny seeing all you sad polbois who worship Trump but also want to be edgy antisemites. Lel if Trump read the shit you guys write he would never associate with you loser.
Start the video at 5:44
>An ally can turn, you're gonna find that out.
>you don't stand with Trump because he stands with Israel
That's what I said.
>when nothing could be further from the truth and Israel is getting BTFO a million different ways right now, DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF TRUMP.
Are they? that's funny, we are still being gangstalked by them.
Trump is a friend of Israel and so is any true conservative.
You are a kike shill. Your pilpul is sub par and you're losing so badly you have no talking points that even make sense anymore. it must be exhausting going into work every day only to sit at a computer screen and shill on an anime imageboard. Jews are pathetic.
>You are a kike shill.
Nope, i'm an unemployed american who doesn't like being gangstalked by CIA/Mossad.
So you're mentally disabled and you think your opinions mean something? Fuck off moron.
>So you're mentally disabled
AAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDD you're defending CIA/Mossad's practice of gangstalking Americans.
It's funny because Tucker Carlson stands with Israel aswell.
First you need to prove that takes place you insufferable retard.
russia has modtly bombed civilian areas in the north and around the cities rather than isis in the east. Trump literally defeated isis with only very little help from kurds.
>First you need to prove that takes place you insufferable retard.
Google "Zersetzung" you complete moron.
it's part of documented history.
I'm not going to side with ANY politician who won't even admit that Americans are being targeted for destruction by foreign nations, and systematically destroyed.
And that's just a fact.
If you aren't against the practices, then you are fucking complicit.
If you haven't broken the law then what are you worried about?
Arguing with you is like talking to a brick wall. You're a sad excuse for a shill.
>If you haven't broken the law then what are you worried about?
Mossad/CIA doesn't target people because they broke the law...
They target people because they were in GATE, and are goyim.
>Arguing with you is like talking to a brick wall. You're a sad excuse for a shill.
Any politician that refuses to protect americans from this practice does not deserve our help.
Cite your sources.
They target terrorists. You know those people who did 9-11.
>They target terrorists.
Bullshit, they target GATE students.
You're just trying to justify the practice of destroying the lives of intelligent goyim so that Israel will be the smartest nation.
Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Nice try Drumpfnigger.
Seek help.
>Seek help.
You are starting to sound a bit schitzophrenic.
The sources are in the bottom you putintard
ameritards actually believe that
>thank Trump for defeating isis
/sg/ shills won't like this
Are you fucking retarded? That literal Israeli puppet did nothing but destabilize the middle east and Syria. It was Russia and Syria who defeat ISIS, not the Kurd/FSA/ISIS funding kike that is Donald Trump.
>Then we do not stand with trump.
Not anymore, fuck him, hope he strokes out before midterms
You should thank Reagan for defeating the Soviets and tearing down the wall.
Everytime your brother sends some money to your mom from his plumming job in Denmark you can thank America.
Thats a funny way of saying:
>Thanks Obama for keeping your nose out of Syria and letting the SAA and the Russians wipe out ISIS
Pence is actually even more Pro Israel than Trump is. But Trump is healthy as a young man so we don't have to think about that.
Waterheads like you are a bigger threat than the CIA ever was or will be.
Trump ordered missile attack on Syrian airport without seeing one toxicology report. trump has no idea what fake gas attacks are.
>But Trump is healthy as a young man
I hope the stress gets to him, I cant vote for him again anyway, I don't even care anymore after his gun control bullshit, fuck it all
>hope he strokes out before midterms
now you are just overdoing it.
I switched from independent to Republican just to vote trump in primaries, now I'm only keeping it in the chance we can get rid of his ass by 2020
Trump will eventually depose Assad.
Trump isn't weak on Syria as obama was.
>Trump will eventually depose Assad.
I didn't vote for a pipeline through Syria goy
If Trump died the most likely 2020 ticket would be Pence - Cruz.
And how he "defeated" Isis...restraining to finance them as Obama did?
It was Assad and the russians who defeated them, stop your ridiculous "merika superhero!" meme/propaganda, its getting boring.
Mossad is still alive and well, though.
>Mossad is still alive and well, though.
That's what I said.
pol is now full of trump dick sucking retards that believe this .lmao
/nupol/ really is shit. They're morons that bought into the meme. kek
Bring out your weak mongrel memes if you want.
Nothing triggers poltards more than the truth that America is the most powerful force for good in this world.
by then you will be old enough to vote for the first time my based pede
And what if Mossad was using an army of Femininsts in the tech fields to destroy the lives of goyim males that don't like Hillary?
I was old enough for your mom though.
only problem is your pathetic president as all others before him is the bitch of a country the size of new jersey you retard
ebix reply
Mossad mainly fight terrorism. All you antisemites have some silly fantasies.
>Mossad mainly fight terrorism.
"Everything I don't like is terrorism!"
You should see this movie and learn about mossad.
Are you implying that hollywood ever tells the truth?
Especially about jews?
RuAFand the SAA defeated them lmao
US had been bombing ISIS in Syria for more than 12 months without any effect, in fact ISIS gained more territory with "US air strikes" which were filmed and revealed to be hitting empty fields and vehicles with IS fighters nearby laughing as they brandished US weaponry. The US directly aided them multiple times which always coincided with an IS offensive and they shipped thousands of IS fighters out of areas with USAF overwatch and into Government territory to fight Assad and Russia.
Within months of the Russian intervention it all went south for the traitor western backed rebels and ISIS now as of March 2018 the rebellion is all but dead (220,000 dead fighters, 103,000 surrendered with just one city left in control) and ISIS as a military force is finished(still extremely strong as a ideological force for Muslims) but the twist is, they wanted to be "defeated" in order to bring the "crusader" nations into conflict with each other whilst they regroup in the "crusader homelands"
Webm related is 2015 in Syria. Russians began intervening in late September 2015 and full intervention in December 2015-Present and expanded their naval base at Tartus and been leased for 99 years the airbase at Latakia with a planned army base near Damascus later this year.
this is a b8 thread no way this guy is serious about this bs do not waste your time here you are either talking to a troll or a 15 year old maga pede
>ITT: We thank Trump for defeating isis
Funny way to spell Assad/Iran/Russia
>the pot calling the kettle black