Why don't we just privatize our national currency?
Why don't we just privatize our national currency?
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It's already private.
What a great idea, user.
it already is.
you should privatize your organs you mongrel
kek - a literal polack knows more about the fed than burger OP
>What is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Yeah. Great idea. There's no way corporate greed can possibly fuck that up. Oh wait. They already did. It's called the fed, and it keeps Americans poor.
>he doesn't know
I like having Jackson on the $20. It's a reminder that we were never supposed to have a central bank in the first place.
Listen up you dumb fucks, everyone in the Fed is a government employee. Sometimes they act like a private firm because it's literally their job to make money for the government, and that's how you do it.
All currency is debt.
There are several layers of money.
Learn economics.
The fed is privatized you retard
>Learn arguments
Great argument fagtron, how about filling me in on what I'm missing?
It is privatized.
Will this meme never die?
>Why not just give the kike corporations more power
burger in a nutshell
want a life? git gud.
Oh yeah, well your country is so irrelevant I can't even think of any witty ways to insult you.
Seriously, what even do you do over there?
We couldn't run an ad that says "no Portuguese, but ...no Portuguese.
Sorry, I don't know how to post a jewtube video.
Came to post this, it's the root of our economic problems and a terrible idea to boot
I'm gonna be doing this all night.
>he doesn't realize the fed is not part of the government
Federal Reserve is private you fat retarded mongrel.
Do you know who its shareholders are? Why has the damn bank never been audited? What's said and what's done are two different things don't pretend like it's one in the same
The Central Bankers hate privatized currencies. Those kikes need to be brought down.
Only on paper, it was created by act of Congress and its head is appointed by the President.
>Do you know who its shareholders are?
All those same banks that depend on it for their very existence, since it makes the money they deal with.
>Why has the damn bank never been audited?
Because the bill to do it never got passed in Congress, because they're the ones whose job it is to approve the President's appointment.