Should all Slavs unite against our common enemy, the jews and the jewish slaves(white countries)?
Should all Slavs unite against our common enemy, the jews and the jewish slaves(white countries)?
We have much bigger threats right now mate. (((They))) are not an issue, Uncle Dolphi took care of that business long time ago.
Every time i suggest this people get mad, so yes I love this concept
I want to see armies of armored men marching wherever they please
>all Slavs
>common enemy
There are no Jews in Yugoslavia, our biggest common enemy are the Nazis. We are the Jews of Balkans. Learn history faggot
and Kolovrat isn't Slavic swastika, it doesn't carry the same symbolism. It traditionally symbolises the sun, but more recently Slavic unity. It has nothing to do with Jews, Nazis, Right or Left wing
They probably should. Strenght in unity and all that.
>being this stupid
>not knowing jews are about to unleash the west on us: they have been pushing anti-slavic propaganda in the west and own the western establishment, they hate Slavs maybe even more then they hate white civilization and have been pushing to give a pretence in western countries to hate slavs by painting us as new nazis and accusing russia of subversion.
>thinking that Kolovrat is meant as a swastika and not a symbol of slavic unity in this context.
You're out of the union already weak shit.
Europe is easy pickings as long as Greece can hold back the roaches
We should unite against anyone who is threatening us, no matter if it's jews, Muslims, Arabs or other Europeans.
I'm positive that we will be able to live with other Europeans peacefully, but jews and Muslims need to go.
>I'm positive that we will be able to live with other Europeans peacefully
As long as they are free from the jewish control, otherwise they are their puppet.
No. Fuck off.
Yes. Slavs should unite under holy Russia.
Hell no.
Fuck you panslavic scum.
I quess Poland is finally realizing that their Warsaw Pact role as a proxy state under the Soviets was just fabulous.
Do you actually realize who would lead such an alliance and what your role would be? I laugh at your simple-mindedness and ignorance of history.
No. It never worked,it never will. Best we can do is realise we are in the same shit and need to work together or at least stop fighting each other.
But no unions,no panaslavism, no ubergovernment. First thought of a slav is fighting for independence, it backfires heavily in case of stupid ideas like this one.
Not really, Russian shouldn't be in a leadership position, a country this big, old and almost never threatened by others and this rich in resources being below India in GDP is a big warning sign. Russia would benefit greatly from Polish ownership of the Russian economy. They are incompetent and stagnant by themselves.
We are all the same race and the differences are very minor.
I know that many would fear us uniting because we are the most powerful ethnicity on the planet.
V4 is working out great though.
Can we include Hungarians as honorary slavs? Or maybe Romanians.
So we'll have solid borders without enclaves.
I like patriotism and stuff,but don't get ahead of yourself, we're not superior to russians in any way. Ask yourself in last 10 years,have we had more than 1 intelligent person in government ?
None found.
Could argue,but V4 is kind of a deal that could work, no unions or same countries tho.
It would be a repetition of history. Like when Sviatoslav of Kiev BTFO'd the Khazars shortly after the Khazar Khagan officially had his people became the Synagogue of Satan.
my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmothers 2nd cousin twice removed's dog walker was polish
slava kurwaaaa
>1 intelligent person in government
Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Why? Russia copies some policies from Poland, Poland copies some policies from Russia.
I don't see how one side is stupid. Poland is just more entangled with the West at the moment and Russia actually tried under Putin to do the same.
Today both countries move towards the same ideology and world view, only with some consciousness of being competitors.
V4 is the kind of union I had in mind, I wouldn't dare thinking a full on union or federation would end well.
About the Russians, I'm just giving my honest opinion on Russians, I think they are generally inferior and it shows in their economy and culture. About our politicians, you're right, I like our current government but it's not the brightest, definitly a space to improve in the intellect aspect and I hate Jarek, I'm hopeful that the next generations will start voting for Kukiz and Korwin.
gib ljotic pls
He never made it to government even though he tried number of times.
One could name a few who could appear somewhat intelligent but truth is our politicians are low tier, which means that our people are not the wisest either.
I like romantic visions of this patriotic user but he should get real.
Sure we are not that different with Russians,but that fact is not enough to share a country. It's extremely dangerous to put two nations inside one country, especially Poles and Russians, we've got history of idealised killing each other
V4 is more of a deal and it indeed could work.
Russians are different, I'd stop myself from saying they're inferior, they just never believed in democracy and that's biggest flaw one could find in them. Our current gov is not bright but they have heart in the right place, still it's not top tier politics we'd need to control more than Suwałki.
Yes, you should.
You guys are the only hope left. I almost dont care if you have to wipe us out while at it.
Belial, ya lub'lyu tebya
democracy isn't the answer and neither is communism, something military based and those who serve can vote, those who are breeders can breed and farm
>supporting traitors
you're no diffrent then the commies
>I almost dont care if you have to wipe us out while at it.
you sure about that?
I just want to clarify that I don't hate russians and I don't think they are all inferior, but it really hurts to watch the, have so much space and resources and never use them to develop as a country, they just stay there, stagnant, seems stupid to me.
Sven don't give up. We're all gonna make it.
There is no one certain answer, all politics should be adjusted to times and kind of challenges nation meets. Russians could've grown for past 20 years if they were more democratic, they chose to go for oligarchy which benefits nation very little.
Corruption and sickness of russian soul - alcohol. Dostojewski writes well about their problems. It hurts to watch what we became for each other but I'm optimistic, polish and russian nationalists are getting along.
Rather slavs than jews.
There's a lot of bad blood between some slavic nations, but I think in a V4 type of deal against a common enemy we just might work together well enough.
It will take years before common folk realizes who the real enemy is. Even as we speek 30% of polish voters are ready to get fucked in the ass just for sake of being 'european'.
I hear Putin is woke on the JQ though.
Btw Polish has kompleksy that make us want to be european, as soon as we reform all the shit that people complain about that issue will be gone and everyone will accept their slavic bloodline.
They do,and they have endless supply of faith in whatever comes from west, yougner generation is better though.
Aside of those students who just dream of going out and singing Mury, fighting for issues that don't exist.
Do you have an opinion on the issue of foreign companies owning most of the Polish economy? Any way to solve it?
>Btw Polish has kompleksy that make us want to be european
What's actually up with that? Why do the Poles pretend Poland is a western country, and why do you pander to the west soo much? I've seen Poland degrade in the last 10 years, trying to speed up to the same feminist green-hair and SJW degeneracy, almost as if its an ocean wave wiping away the old sand.
When are we getting rid of the false churches and sticking with the old ways?
I never understood why some Eastern Euros push for a united Slavic nation that shit would go up in flames faster then Yugoslavia but at least the civil war would be gucci af
The most peaceful way is chosing polish products and preferably going for local shops. If majority of Poles did that, we'd be much better. I've once read a good work made by several polish economists showing that such synergy could double speed of our development, can't find it thought.
Syndrome of inferiority. For years we lived in commie state, believing that anything from west is superior. Some still believe in that.
And do what ? Throw empty vodka bottles at us ?
Sit the fuck down polish death camps.
man I wish
exactly, slavs are just too dumb and lazy for a country like that to work.
>this cognitive dissonance
Under communism we looked up to the west with hope that we might be free some day and enjoy all the good things they enjoy, back when the west was free. That mentality lingers and people aren't informed well enough so they still blindly belive everything to the west is great, we suck, and everything to the east is a pile of shit. It might end some day, I think it willl end at the same time that ZUS ends, ZUS is an ancient soviet retirenment fund institution that is so far in debt it drains everyone's pockets and gives back like 100$ per month of retirnment. Yet no politician is brave enough to remove it because they would make every citizen lose their retirenment funds.
>European pollitical gymnastics: the post
im from the killer killer hill
we keep it real persistent
for that dollar dollar bill
we will murder you in an instant
>western euros live together for a 100 years before deeply important political issues and jewish undermining split the country in two, they shake hands afterwards
>slavs genocide each other the second they make eye contact
really greases the ol' cogs
>slavs genocide each other the second they make eye contact
We're not the same country though mutt
idk but i do have genocidal tendecies towards other Slavs,not my fault that they are not Serbian.
Kosovars are muslims, not serbs. Any border conflicts were organised by US
South Slavs are meme Slavs
Imagine if Germanics and Slavs United?
our true enemies are eternal kraut and anglo
>t. meme flag
and thats what makes us the best Slavs really
Ok sorry to drop in as I know you see me as a worthless nigger, but c'mon
>I heat Putin is woke on the JQ though
That's fucking obvious kurwa. You think any leader would get to power in a nation as important as Russia being ignorant to the JQ? That's absurd. Only countries where brainwashed feminists get to power have a leader unaware of it, places like Sweden. But you can bet that leaders who climbed the ranks out of their own merit, as opposed to being placed there, know about it full well. Even in this shithole I often find out some normies know about it, they just don't speak out because they're aware of the consequences. Obviously I'm not talking about kids with their face glued to instagram, but people who have worked for years, mainly those in corporations and entrepreneurs, know about it. There is zero chance someone would command Russia without knowledge of it. Now, his reaction to that knowledge is another debate, but stop being so naive. Your comments seem to imply you're still thinking on a very local level, guys like him are very much global, no one gets to that position without at least some influence within the cabal. Much less someone who worked in the fucking KGB.
And one addendum: I'd expect nations such as the slavic ones, where the jewish presence has been obvious for quite a while, to have more redpilled people. Your situation is probably better than you give yourselves credit for
>a worthless nigger
First off we're slavic subhumans, secondly southern brazilians are white.
If it comes to what you said, agreed at all points. KGB had to realise role of jews in communism and teach their techniques to their agents.
So, it's settled, almost everyone keeps their flag, we all toss out the jews and muzzies, bosnia, kosovo, crna gora get absorbed into croatia or serbia. That's the south, how about North ? Is Ukraine full of bad people?
No thanks, I don't want to have anything to do with russniggers and definetely I don't want more of those barely human ukrainians with their africa tier std rates and jamaican economical growth
Just imagine...
>be ukrainian
>your country is one of the most fertile lands in europe
>you can literally shit yourself anywhere and after a week something will grow in it's place
>free of catholic corruption
sounds like a future utopia doesnt it?
>africa tier std rates
>africa tier IQ
>africa tier gov corruption
>africa tier welth inequality
>jamaica tier economic growth
>avg incom literally 20c an hour
>all of your country's heroes are castro and mandela tier terrorists
>officialy use the roman salute
>your most beautyfull cities were made by poles and you claim them as your just becouse at some point the 8% of ukrainian vermin living in the city decided to ethnicly purge the city as hitler is coming to fucking murder you
>STILL after failing at everything you possibly can
but keep calling us "pshek" online while noone but your shitpoor country has ever heard the word in their life
stalin was rightm holodomor should have lasted for much longer
Guess that's my answer
>Jan acting tough behind the screen
only behind the screen little mouse,only behind the screen
I have an idea
Let's Wag The Dog make a big false flag operation (eg. blow up oil rig in adriatic), and get loans from the BIS dragon for war.
We shoot and shooot and bomb, claim millions lost and get more loans for war.
I live in south Brazil friend, and I'll tell you the situation is not as good as most make it out to be. In the last 20 years alone a lot of mixing has ocurred. I'm not talking niggers with whites, in my state we didn't have slavery, so there are only niggers in my cities, and they came from further north. I'm talking people who are mixed but light skinned mixing with whites. You see, this is a mutt nation, so there is no racial identity. And since the portuguese begin mixing within our first century of existence, mixed people are not obvious to the untrained eye. I'll use my town as an example: it was founded by germans. In the last 30 years it went from about half the population having blue eyes to the current 10% or so(maybe even less). Now that the german genes have been heavily watered down, they are bringing in niggers. From Haiti and Senegal mostly. And you can be sure this is planned: all of a sudden the whitest cities are being advertised in national television, within a couple months the niggers arrive. A nearby city got a bunch of nazis after WW2, a friend of mine is descended from a very famous general. In 5 years they went from that to having a nigger mayor. That's what happens in a rootless place like Brazil.
This is why it is so important for you to take a stand in your homelands. NOWHERE CAN REPLACE HOME, and you won't truly understand that until you've seen with your own eyes the effects that a couple decades in the new world has on European immigrants. The importance of your homeland can never be stressed enough. I wish words would do justice to what I truly mean.
Greeting southern brother. You're catarinense I assume(?)
Man, You should check Legião Identitária, if you never actually heard about them, I think it might appeal to your tastes
I'm up for a confederate type of deal; some sort of Intermar...ahem, Visegrad expansion to Three Seas Initiative. Independant slav-states in a semi-loose type of military/economic alliance. You have my vote, but only under the condition that we don't repeat the Yugoslavia bullshit.
I wish all Slavs united. I am Slav BTW. All this hate between Ukraine Poland, Russia, etc makes me cry.
Oh ho ho. Slavs and Jews both go in the gas chamber.
another buger who fell for the gassing meme.
this is why the holomeme stays alive