>Posters like this being plastered all over Canadian schools
i fucking hate this country
Posters like this being plastered all over Canadian schools
Now that whites are 49% of Canada how can they still have privilege?
I have white privilege because my parents made the right decisions in their life in order to help me succeed in mine. I have white privilege because I've worked my ass off to get to the position I'm in now without any hand outs. I have white privilege because I chose personal responsibility and having ambitions to be successful in life, over racial identity politics.
You know white privilege works just like wellfare?
You don't have to earn it just live there.
have you ever been in a corp atmosphere?
they have to say stuff like this or they will lose their job. the next step is chasing down white people and taking their land. oh wait.
They will have this so-called privilege until they’re wiped out. What a joke.
Guy who got out of an Ontario high school 1 year ago here. I have some good news and bad news.
Bad news: every single day they would play an announcement talking about how our school was on native land and whitepeepo be evil an shieet.
Good news: Most kids hated it and defending the announcement was social suicide.
I mean i live in a conservative town so its not really proof a gen zylkon is not being a meme but it is a possibility of good.
>Teresa Downs(syndrome)
We don't need a caption, this women has made it clear she's retarded.
You have to realize that having privilege isn't unfair or evil. Being white in a white country is SUPPOSED to be a benefit. Fitting in among your own institutions is a GOOD thing.
It's stuff like this that has caused the liberals to slip behind the conservatives in the current polls. Not that the conservatives are much better then the libs but anything is better then this all out cultural assault.
>TFW lived in Canada until 1999, remember it being white and conservative (not US conservative, more like Bernie Sanders in an alternate timeline where he had balls but still)
>19 years later whites are 49% with Sweden tier birth rates, and the leader is a drama teacher with a bachelors degree in English who is the bastard son of Fidel Castro
And you have the privilege of being trusted by your countrymen and the privilege of inherited wealth. They want to turn these things into disadvantages because they're invaders, Embrace it.
Welfare is artificial and governmental. It breeds self-hate and degeneracy, and is funded through theft of the native population. White privilege, on the other hand, is your birthright in the anglosphere.
People like this need to be loudly confronted in public and at their homes. Don't let them rest easy while forcing white guilt on you and your family. See, she is exempt because she's one of the "good" whites. But you, you evil white person, you're bad. You have to pay for being white. It is time to hold white self haters and their Jewish Masters accountable for white guilt and Forced Integration.
It has been a real privilege for generations, to be trusted by your fellow man. Your ancestors built your country for your benefit, specifically.
Only when post-modernists turn privileged into a pejorative term does it become a disadvantage to fit in amongst your own people.
Christ on a stick! I've been screaming the same mantra. I love my privileges! I got them from good decisions by my ancestors. They are proof it's the right way to live. Proof to continue doing it. Fight tooth and nail to push the lazy commies off the treadmill first. This guilt game is the only one they can win and they know it. It's a competitive world. We're are here to win.
Well they got that part right.
they're not though
Good taste.
why are you saying whites are 49% thats not true at all. It's above 70
>I mean i live in a conservative town so its not really proof a gen zylkon is not being a meme but it is a possibility of good.
>Live in a conservative town
>Driving my white bimmer late at night
>Pass some obvious hooligans up to no good
>Hear "HEIL HITLER!" as I drive past
>"My bad! Carry on boys!"
No one kills these people so this will keep happening.
Do the right thing for long enough and they'll kill themselves.
So that dyke immediately resigned her position so that it could be taken by a PoC, right? RIGHT?
I've never fucking benefited from my skin color, not sure what this bitch is on about.
White privilege is a racist term and 42% of whites live in poverty. WP is just a way for racists to justify their racism.
draw a juden star on it
It really bothers me how racism against white people is acceptable for some reason. Liberals are crazy.
So on one side I'm supposed to be glad that women are less ''oppressed'' and should do everything in my power to further improve their situation
I'm also supposed to believe white peoples should be ashamed for themselves because of wrong some ancestors of some other white guy totally unrelated to me did to some other guy ancestor who is also totally unrelated to me
So how the fuck can you even support both at the same time? I can't blame her for being white, since it would be disregarding her gender. I can't blame her for being a women, as it would be misogynistic. I can't blame her for being a white women, as it would be racist. There is literally no solution possible to the problem, as there is literally no way to even approach the subject without being accused of worsening the situation.
Great job Jews, you fucked yourself over by constantly lying. Hope you enjoy the fiery pits of hell, because Sheol sure has become filled with the kindle of FIERY RAGE from the countless peoples you've damned, and they'll make sure you don't become cold any time soon.
>our problems don't count unless jews are doing it
when will we start killing politicians like this? these people need to be battered in the street and then hung from a lamp post.
It's 53 right now. It's 49 in a year.
>country notorious for abhorrent shitposts gets fed its own manure
it doesn't matter if they are slipping right now. as the west becomes a mixed mutt state of degeneracy, this anti-white rhetoric will be openly accepted more and more and the voting demographics won't punish these people for being clear as day bigots. they are just prepping us for the worst right now.
i'd say at this point political violence is justified
i wont have a bunch of numales and mindless women insult me when im just trying to live my life
it's coming. if we sit here peacefully, we are going to get out-bred and replaced and this type of talk will be more and more tolerated by the orcs they have replaced us with.
Americans are trying to feel better about being 56% by pretending the Great White North is a lower %
i just find it astounding how there's so much anti white bollocks in every single white country and these stupid subhuman normalfags still dont care about it
Show me a statistic. in 2017 22% of Canada was a visible minority. This includes all non europeans.
benetitted from her cunt privilege, thats about all
>mfw all this would stop if the masses would just up and lynch all the politicians inciting this white hate
>instead no one does anything
Social engineering is evil.
Although I am quite surprised they used a white woman over a white male.
part of me thinks this is there plan though. they want to be so abhorrent that they bait us into violence and then they will use that violence as an excuse to basically label us as hitler reincarnates which will be their "reason" to silence and basically genocide us.
Yeah but we're getting blamed and replaced anyways. Damned if you do damned if you don't so might as well get to work.
Is there any country that’s gayer than Canada?
Americans are atleast trying to uncuck themselves with trump while you leafs keep sucking Trudeau’s dick.
Except trump is a kike pawn, dumb beaner.
my grandma, a former communist, says these aren't true communists and need to be killed. said back in her day they'd be swinging from a tree same day
If she's so guilty she should fucking neck herself
>kike pawn
>posts with a globalist flag
What did he mean by this?
This. Any institutions where Lefty's or jews are at the top become hives of group think. You think all the cops and firemen want to march in the fag parades? A voiced opinion against it will be met with consequences. It's the new face of the modern workforce. The " You're not some kind of racist, are you?" attitude is everywhere.
at least youre not american
>Your ancestors worked hard to create a better world for you
>That's white privilege!
>Throw it all away
>Be ashamed!
>at least you're not a leaf
Non-visible minorities also have the option to identify as "Canadian" which is about 25-30% of the population. European Canadian's are only those who still consider themselves to be recent european immigrants. You can also look at the stats and they state that whites are 78% in Canada by the same source.
>Non-visible minorities also have the option to identify as "Canadian" which is about 25-30% of the population
This. Most of my family is descended from Loyalists and New England planters. I don't see myself as British or European, but as a white Canadian.
Where is this at that the corporate mooks play this shit on the PA system? Never heard this once, granted this was like 6 or 7 years ago I was in highschool and Trudeau has... changed... alot of the landscape. Both figuratively and metaphorically.
When are leftists going to go after Indians?
She has Downs.
wow you seriously wasted your time making that while hiding behind a meme flag. Yet you don't have the time to look at the other part of the census where it specifically talks about what I said...
damn lucky bitch
fucking hate speech. where is it, I'll wreck it
>it's going to stay that way forever!