Fate/stay night [UBW]

Why didn't Sup Forums like UBW?

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Fuck off.

I love it so shut up.

That's not true. I liked it, and according to your logic, Sup Forums is one person, so Sup Forums liked it.

Just wait, HF will get popular, then Sup Forums will start shitting on HF and praising UBW as the best Fate ever.

>Sup Forums

Fate/stay night [UBW] threads were endless shitposting, autistic rage in almost every thread, muh secondaries, muh bad adaption (Mishandling of characters, disregarding exposition and character development for more "cool", or fanservice scenes, altering fight scenes, disregarding existing mechanics to make it more cool, at the cost of completely contradicting existing and as HF movie showed future materials), cookingpriest MAL reviews and that one review from ANN that read like a gender studies paper were the nails in the coffin.

Even if Nasu and Takueuchi themselves were heavily involved in the TV series, Sup Forums (shitposters) hated it because of small changes, or they didn't like the soundtrack.

Example: Lancer and Archer fight in the day in the VN, and at night during the anime, and Sup Forums hated that change.

>endless shitposting, autistic rage in almost every thread, muh secondaries, muh bad adaption
You just summed every adaption Sup Forums thread.

>caring about anime reviews

I liked it, others liked it. Just because you don't doesn't mean Sup Forums hated it.

The fight? Sup Forums said the first half was good, and the second half was shit.

>Sup Forums
>At least Deen's version somewhat succeeds as a complimentary piece since it shows you the "action" part of that fight, while reading the VN gives you the context behind it (they also had to fit it in a 90 mins movie). The Ufotable one, on the other hand, is just a super drawn-out version of that struggle with some questionable changes, sloppy execution and an out of place j-pop song thrown in.

Talk about high expectations

Muh lore, muh monologues, muh faithful adaption, and muh sequel to zero

>considered by everyone to be the best adaptation of Fate ever
Only in your wildest dreams, Rhino.

Why couldn't UBW and HF's directors switched place? It isn't fair, Rin bros. We didn't deserve this shitty fucking adaption.

when deen takes liberties
>lmao deen
>read the vn
>they fucked up

when ufo takes liberties
>fucking miura stop changing fights
>read the vn
>they ruined shirou and rin's characters
>i-it's not a battle harem reee ufo
>bad adaption
>wasted time on filler
>they ruined shirou
>fucking zerofags

UBW threads on Sup Forums in short

The out of place j-pop song annoyed me the most. I've never seen anything use EMIYA as ineffectually, and to add insult to injury they throw a shitty vocal track on top of it all.

We do like it.

>Most anticipated anime of the season based on a popular franchise has lots of shitposting
Stop the fucking presses.

I fucking hated how ugly UBW (the reality marble itself) looked. The fight in Reality Marble in ufo was also nonsensical. It wasn't even that it was CG that bothered me, it was just really ugly CG. Bloom effect in the sky looked like ass, too.

I actually like DEEN version better because they didn't spell everything out and explain everything to the viewer step by step.

I thought the Emiya remix was just average.

Shirou's fight against Gilgamesh had to be prettied up from the VN where they were basically just breaking swords slashing at each other while swords flew around them, I get that. However, I wasn't a fan of the huge retard leap and then the unnecessary change of Shirou stabbing Gilgamesh.

Archer casting UBW for a second time in the mansion fight makes the whole "how did he survive until the end of the last night" question even more muddy.

That said, I didn't hate it. I just think it could have been a lot better in the end.

I loved it and the VN.

Same here. Deen SN definitely makes Shirou seem stupider than he is in the Fate route, but then he was pretty rock-headed in Fate anyways (BUT YOU'RE A GIRL!!!) and the filler adds a bit for those who already knew how the route would go at least. Some scenes in Ufo UBW could have been handled better since they were strange compared to what Nasu wrote in the script like CG archer teleport murdering some people in the middle east instead of living Shirou doing that in the path to becoming a CG, but eh, it was mostly alright.

EMIYA track was great at Gil's fight.

>The out of place j-pop song
Fuck you, Last Stardust is great.

I liked it but only for Rin.

the first season was great, the second part was not so good. The movie was alright, I really enjoyed the first 12 eps. I felt like it was well adapted up to that point.

Well, overall, it's very sleepy, user. The fight is good but that's it.

what's wrong with the second part?

Everyone realised how shitty the route actually is.

Fuck you, Last Stardust is great. Prove me wrong.

The character design and compositing got worse in HF.
And cutting important content dosent't make the adaptation better.

Not enough of based priest in it

The major scenes in the second part just didn't live up to expectations. Particularly, the fight against Emiya was all over the place with Archer re-casting UBW, and throwing giant swords all to unfitting music rather than the more serious fight with Archer testing Shirou's projection ability while steadily pushing him back.

>Ilya and Rin fighting during the graveyard battle
>Saber getting cucked by the bridge
>All those extra scenes during Gil vs Berserker, including Shinji memeing into the castle and Gil brutally murdering Sella and Liz
>Castah no Mastah's episode
>That based as fuck epilogue

I really enjoyed most of Ufo's made-up garbage because it made me pay attention. However they ruined a lot of scenes: Shiro vs Archer, all of Lancer's great moments sucked, Rin falcon punching Caster sucked, Sasaki's fights sucked except the skirmish with Archer. All that Gilfag pandering was pretty obnoxious as well.

Last Stardust was really cool, though, you fucking fag.

Oh no, UBW is my favorite route. The thing is, both adaptations had flaws. The movie was rushed as hell, and cut out several of the best scenes, like Saber getting BTFO, or Lancer teasing Rin. Meanwhile the anime was too long, having added blasé flavor scenes. There was also the issue that ufotable jad been too eager to add in painfully obvious CG to scenes in lieu of actual animation. They can manage something movie-length just fine, but doing an entire two-cour anime stretched them too thin.

Sup Forums here. I liked it.

Shirou went from barely tolerable in the VN to insufferable retard in the adaptation.

I enjoyed it, but it still isn't amazing. Watch it for the fights, but read the VN first

Go home Fai.

It did.

Stop trying to start shit.

>all of Lancer's great moments sucked


Adaption is more true to Shirou than the VN. Nasu said so.

Carnival Phantasm is the best Fate ever followed by Prisma.

>Carnival Phantasm is the best Fate

>followed by Prisma

I liked the Epilogue very much, but the final scene confused me a lot. We know for a fact Rin stuck with Shirou, we know that Shirou is satisfied with his choice, and we know he won't meet his end in the same place. So what the fuck is that scene of depressed Shirou in the desert supposed to be?

Blame Sup Forums's boogeyman: Miura.

Mushroom himself had to explain the epilogue on his blog because they cut so much of it out.

Heaven's Feel is better and the movie is gorgeously animated

He was smiling though.

Could you link me a tl of the blog by any chance? I'm not sure I ever read it

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, yours is just wrong.

Carnival and 2nd, 3rd seasons of Illia are on about the same level on the top of Fate, imo.

It was perfectly fine. The anons who complain about its adaptation should just replay the visual novel. Perfect screen by screen adaptations are boring, they don't add anything to the imagination that wasn't already there.

Why did the anons complain about the adaption?

Shirou dreams about being in a wasteland wondering whether to keep going or take a different path. Wakes up in his apartment, goes over to Rin's place and starts makes her breakfast. He opens the curtains revealing it's London. They have breakfast, talk about what they're going to do that day etc etc. Shirou starts to tell her about how he got the invite from the association but stops, Rin notices that he's worried about something but doesn't say anything

They go out and head to the clock tower. Shirou stares at a nondescript random student while wondering if he's out of place being there. There's a conversation about how Shirou has to protect himself from people who don't like him and might gandr him or something and he's like "like you?" and Rin gets flustered and causes a scene.

Then they have lunch and Luvia insists on coming along since she was the one who got them the apartments anyway. Luvia reminisces about how she first met Shirou (he saved her from assassins with kanshou in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other). She wonders if he's worried about something but he brushes it off and goes to put away the dishes. When he leaves Luvia pesters Rin about overworking him but she says she's not (also mentions he does butler stuff for Luvia twice a week), it's because he got a letter from the Association telling him what his colour is, basically meaning he can enroll. Luvia's happy and thinks Rin should be too, Rin's not so sure

Shirou dreams about wasteland again. Next day Rin gets out of class and goes to the cafeteria but Shirou's not there, she goes to the library and he's there reading and looking troubled. She greets him and notices he's reading a book in Italian, conversation about how he could just learn to use magecraft to communicate but he thinks there's things you can't convey to people except in their own language

Later Shirou and Rin are sitting together, they talk about stuff like how the grail war seemed like a big deal but he realized how small it was relatively and how he doesn't feel like it improved him but it was still a big deal. Rin disagrees that it was particularly significant, has a whole monologue about how nobody accomplishes everything by themselves but rather with the help of those who came before them, and "someday someone will use what you left behind you" etc (there's a note saying "you can cut this bc it's long" lol). Then they get on the bus and Shirou falls asleep.

Flashback to Shirou at the hospital talking to Sakura in the hallway, Shinji doesn't want to see him so she's apologizing. Shirou's like "dont worry about it lol" and leaves. Shinji watches from the window as he leaves, his face is obscured by the curtains so you can't see his expression but he looks like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

The final wasteland shot, mostly the same as what Nasu posted on his blog. Shirou is walking, he falters and sees traces that someone was there (the place Archer stopped). He looks up filled with hope and keeps walking. The camera stops on the traces of Archer's presence and watches Shirou go. (There's a note saying they could show Archer here if they wanted, but show him seeing Shirou off without any malice/grudge, just watching as if he's seeing something dazzling)

(note saying this is to emphasize that Shirou will not become Archer because he doesn't have the pendant).

So how was the HF movie and how long until we can get it?

>(he saved her from assassins with kanshou in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other)
Is that really okay? Should he really be using Gradation Air in the capital of the Magus world?

I don't know. Ask these people.

There were some letdowns for me. I thought the second Lancer vs Archer fight wasn't nearly as great as it should be. But overall, I thought it was OK.

Fights go from good to bad, and hiding failures behind flashes of light does not make it better. I do think Kuzuki, Gilgamesh and Herakles were cool fight as long as you shut off your brain and pay no mind to the myriad inconsistencies that pop up. (Every fight scene involving Lancer is impossible to take seriously because of his Almighty Kicks and lightning whip Gae Bolg.)

I'm afraid that CookingPriest only likes Prillya, and for good reason.

he generalizes the people who bought the blu-rays of UBW S2 as NEETs and hardcore otakus because of all the "fanservice" goodies it has, aka, he's running out of reasons to bash Ufotable, and here he is, liking the pile of shit that is Prillya. Because Ufo "fucked up" his favourite hentai game route, he's forever salt and delusional. Even goes to the degree to saying Ufo should never adapt TM materials again

This. They do a good job of showing Shirou's fucked up side.



>"That is not true, Shirou. Please do not get your priorities wrong. My life is not important. You should put your life first rather than such a thing--" She sounds like she's begging. ...My mind almost collapses, thinking that I'm the one making her sound like that. But even so--

>"--I refuse. There's nothing I want more than you." I can't accept her words.

>"Wha--" Saber looks at me in astonishment. ...I don't know why she has that look. But I remember. She told me I was a fool who didn't know the value of his own life.

>She's probably right. It's too conceited for someone who can't even think about himself to try to help someone else. That's just complacent happiness, as well an unstable happiness for the other party.
>The most important person is yourself. That kind of person can probably achieve happiness and share that happiness with others.

>"...Yeah. I'm definitely an idiot who doesn't consider his own life."

>I was wrong about what's most important to me.
>---Since that day, that seat has been empty.

>...But I'm grateful for that abnormality.

>Because, in that empty seat...
>...is sitting someone I want to save from the bottom of my heart.

>"But you know, Saber. Even if I valued my own life above all, nothing would change. Your beauty far surpasses that. There's not one thing inside me that could ever take your place."

>--And then I realize. It's not that I felt sympathy for her. The girl I saw in my dream. She fought alone and died alone. I thought she was unrewarded, but at the same time, I was charmed by her. I simply thought she was beautiful. She pulled out the sword and ran through her life without looking back. Her life itself was just so brilliant.

>"---That's right. That's why..."
>That's why I have to protect her. So that you, all alone, won't be engulfed in darkness in your final moments.

>...So that in your last moments, on the verge of your death... So that you can be proud of the life you've lived---

>--My doubts disappear. My path has become so clear.

>"---Sorry. There's nothing I love more than you, Saber. So I won't give you up to someone like him." As soon as I say that, I regret apologizing to her. But I had to say it. I wanted to say it now, at this moment, because I knew there would be no impurities mixed into my words.

>"-----" I hear her gasp. I wanted to turn around and see, but I won't since I can't really see anymore in the first place.

>I get up. I can still fight if my heart is beating. My magical energy is my life. As long as my heart is beating, I'll keep on recreating her sword.

Saber & Sakura can have Shirou's dick and can even eat it if they want to. Rin belongs to Archer anyway so you don't have to bully her. You should shit on her rival Sakura instead.

Este es mi verdad forma.

It's over

I liked it. The only thing that I remember bothering me was herc doing flips and illya using string birds so it would be more like zero.

>illya using string birds so it would be more like zero.

Actually the string birds were in the drafts for the Illya route.

I liked it but the designs were a bit off.

fuck me then

Cute. What's the problem.

CP is shit unless you're a Saberfag or Lancerfag. The director bias was so blatant it made the show offputting to watch.

>The director bias was so blatant it made the show offputting to watch.


Did you see how shafted the Tsukihime segments were compared to the Fate ones or how awfully Sakura was treated?


How shafted was Tsukihime, and how awful did they treat Sakura?

>Saber, Rin and Sakura all like each other
>Their fans hate each other

You are making your waifus upset.

Not only the best but also informative. CP is not just for show. Everything in it is pure canon. It even answers why Illya does not have a route. Saber wanting to have a date with Gil is canon. Either the Saber that is with Shirou is just a front or Saber is two-faced and wants them both.

Saber was using Gil as a wallet in order to buy a gift for Shirou.

Rin and Sakura fans hate each other.

Why? when did it start?

Compare the source material to how Carnival Phantasm adapted it:

The director actually deleted jokes in order to add out-of-character anime-original scenes making Sakura look bad (Since when does she punch people or want Shinji to abuse her?). That's ridiculously unprofessional behavior.

>the state of UBWkids


Saber is fairly indifferent to Sakura and visa versa. They really don't interact enough outside of a few diners at Shirou's house. Rin follows Sakura around constantly checking up on her, but, Sakura's character is very much defined by a jealousy towards her sister or at least a bitterness. Rin and Saber get along pretty well though.

Reality can't be all happy but if you focus on the chunks of happiness between it, you'll be able to be happy still. Archer & Shirou learned how to compromise between ideals and reality in UBW. That desert scene is just part of the big picture. It was part of a big picture so it is not that depressing as you think it is.

>fuck off moviefag

what did they cut?

cuz of Rhino, aka lowest tier female

>Shirou will not become Archer because he doesn't have the pendant
That is just a lame excuse. Besides the pendant still existing, he can also trace the pendant if he wants to. Reading too much into the text to get what you want is not the same as predicting the outcome. I don't think that Shirou would mind becoming a CG. He saw the future through Archer's eyes and didn't mind it at all. He is not the Shirou that would end up regretting things and become unhappy. That is the plain truth.

Shirou almost broke just from seeing the future through Archer's eyes though. Also projections aren't permanent.

Aho! Saber used the money she got from working as a waitress to buy Shirou the gift. She rewarded herself of the hard work that she had done by going out with Gil. How can you be so dense?

She didn't get paid though. She told Gil to accompany her and left the cafe without receiving a paycheck. So she used him as a wallet.

He didn't mind Archer's way of LIFE. Even Archer didn't mind that.

But that doesn't mean he should devote the eternity of his afterlife to his ideal as well. Both Fate and UBW point out that this, alone, is wrong. He doesn't owe the world anything more than that.

Alternatively waifu wars have nothing to do with hardship and everything to do with immediate attraction and endearing moments. A majority of them haven't read the VN and simply worship Rin as the purest ZR tsundere to ever be animated, picking up any memes they find to fight back with.
Those who do know the source material aren't necessarily denying Sakura's tragic existence, they just want more out of a character than a tragic existence. I can feel bad for a character without them being my ideal marriage candidate.

The Illya scenes.

I'm really happy for Sakura. This is making F/HF more and more less canon than it really is. Just look at that smile on her face. Kanpeki!

>motivational posters

>Since when does she punch people or want Shinji to abuse her?
So you can't handle the truth, eh? It is just normal for people who got used to being abused to eventually like it. Some even become violent themselves in the process. That is a fact.
