Does Sup Forumsdare show their faces ? I'll go first
>Nice try FBI
Does Sup Forumsdare show their faces ? I'll go first
>Nice try FBI
Why the fuck did it put it sideways
maybe i'll show my face to someone who doesn't glow in the dark
You look exactly like I imagined a fascist pussy looking
Show your flag too or else we don't know what we're dealing with.
Put timestamp or go away.
Anyone replying to this with real pics is a moron. Tell this memeflag faggot to fuck off for me
Old pic of me, I'm not allowed to take pics in my new living arrangement
Do i look white,guys?
Sup Forums strips all EXIF data, including information on rotation
No. Why would I out myself to the lurkers here who may be friends or family and no know I shit post here?
this thread glows in the dark
I'm a nationalist hungarian
"Don't move to Brasil, Portubro! They will assimilate you!"
>300 years later
i am British
I will post my mouth if CIAniggers insist
Would NOT suck :^)
jelly and mad
Shut up turkroach,at least i had the balls to post my white...
me with macron
You look med so I guess that's not terrible
I know most CIAnigger posts are joking, but you are fucking retarded if you don't know the government already knows all your political views.
Reported to the local authorities. Can’t have hateful people on the internet yknow!
Just letting you know this is a terrible idea you had considering the country your in
definitely but i am bored and i thought this would entertain me (it has)
no bullying please
are you a concerned citizen?
what's with that awkward left arm
or does neck hurt from sucking too much dick?
r u Albanian?
I'm pure anglo
sup fags
>: 1519181718482s.jpg
god you have dead eyes
looks like a mask
anyways no cia nigger
the fuck do you of all people have to lose?
I want to see what the non whites here look like
een probleem Baart ?
dont save the thumbnail next time jerome
Hello Sup Forums keep making America great.
This is pretty much what I look like.
I can't afford a camera so I just drew myself in ms paint.
/soc/ is that way
Soft boy
this is how i imagine the average pol tard looks anyways
it's a no from me
You dumb motherfucker
I know you're not FBI because that's a mobile photo, hence why it posted sideways
I dont care
We have downloaded measured and logged 2347 biometric reference points of uniqueness attributed to your pubescent facial hair.
>ya done goofed
>t. 56% whiter than you Muhammad
This is me
>chad browses Sup Forums
Fuck you Nazis i'm not scared
Proud white nationalists here, I ain't afraid of no spooks.
>an american and canadian calling me a mutt
purity spirals don't work well with white nationalism. go be a national (((socialist))) in europe if that's what you want to live by
what ? are the police seriously going to arrest me for posting a picture of me on an image bored ? if that is the case then fuck me my country truly is a police state
I was game, but I couldn't find a photo that didn't have my kids in it and they are naked all the fucking time, so, not gonna engage any pedos.
Sorry bros! But good on ya, don't be afraid!
heres some faggot that posted his face on Sup Forums
>hundreds of rapists and felons run free due to overwhelmed police departments and lack of documentation and resources and niggers harass and rob people with impunity and white people get put in jail for saying mean things
ftfy. right track though
You look russian.
You look better than I thought Ameri4chad. Get out there and make some Mutty kids.
Hell, I don't even show my flag if I don't have to.
I've posted my face on here multiple times. I even made a thread with my face on it just a few hours ago.
Pic related.
shoo Belarus KGB
hi guise
perhaps i don't know my family history but there is always a chance that i am of part Russian decent
Need a full body shot
Show your flag roach/poo in loo
Sup Forums not u
You could almost be a passable trap OP.
Consider hormone replacement therapy.
Jesus Fucking Christ, what kind of Creatura are you?
kill it with fire
you look autistic as hell
my wifes great grand father was ss. Unfortunately her mother is a lefty and tries to make up bullshit about their family history, my wife on the other hand is proud of her heritage.
Yeah pretty much. The gubmint already knows everything about you. The real danger is getting doxxed by radical lefties and yellow journalists who'll try to destroy your life.
Someone get that man to a tailor. If you're gonna wear a suit, at least get it fitted properly so you don't look like a child trying on his dad's clothes.
Daily reminder that we used to autoban every faggot that started or unironically participated in one of these threads and Sup Forums was better for it.
we is legon
we is mak murica grate agin
irish spaniard mostly and a little mayan/aztec or something like that.
i like how i look
Thank you Italia
This always cracks me up, it’s like he was trying to be seen as a Bond villain
So a half spic?
Gotta say senpai, im sorry but given that fact, you just arent white m8.
Clearly you're scared if you have to hide behind a ski mask
Lmao this is the bug woman who shills “Asian women are superior”
gay chad. nice.
>me before they chopped my head off
pic related me and my wife's friend
you should be creampuff