This is literally the best solution so far. If you people can't compromise and see that, then we're just going to have to tear your guns from your cold dead hands instead.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>left comes up with mental illness registry
>vast majority of people on it are lefties

for that reason it seems okay, but you are literally taking someone civil rights away based off of vague "illnesses" that may or may not even exist.

Did you know being gay was a mental illness one upon a time?

Germany already tried but got in trouble for it

Still is. Fits all the correct criteria outlined by the DSM. Was just political whining that got it pulled off.

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Yes, it is.
Because all the mental institutions were closed down in the 1980s under Reagan.
He approved the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act which repealed Carter’s community health legislation and established block grants for the states, ending the federal government’s role in providing services to the mentally ill.
Suddenly the communes and counties were expected to pay for hospitals.
The Asylums got closed and all the crazies were kicked to the curb.

Just reinstate federaly funded insane asylums!
Germany has some of the most private gun ownerships in europe but such things don't happen here because we put our schizoid lunatics into institutions.

Every single mass shooter since Charles Whitman of the University of Texas tower shooting was diagnosed and often treated BEFORE going on a killing spree.

>Before the attack, Whitman had sought professional help for "overwhelming violent impulses",[2] including fantasies about shooting people from the tower.[4] An autopsy after his death revealed a brain tumor.[5]

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Only for legit crazies like schizophrenic and bipolar people

>then we're just going to have to tear your guns from your cold dead hands instead.
this sounds so conservative

liberals are peaceful. The guns will be taken in a peaceful and orderly fashion. Don't worry, it will all be well.

Nazis watchout!

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>think you are the opposite sex and chop your dick off
Hey you totally unique individual, come join the military, here's a M4
>believe whites have a right to exist free of kikes and niggers
Oy vey goy, you are mentally ill no guns for you

Genius, we can seize Trump's nuclear codes due to his mental illness.

It has to have due process, or it's unconstitutional.

OMG - another sjw on a fucking 40 year binge...

last time i saw one of his narrated pig clips 5 years ago it was so disgustingly out of whack and so brazenly filled with a lie every time he opened his stupid fucking mission yapper I've made sure to never see one again

that asshole is the last person that should ever comment on anything

Except there will be an ever growing list of mental illnesses.

20 years ago if you had a 4 year old that had a bunch of energy, you took him to the park and let him run around. Now you take him to a psychiatrist and put him on prozac.

You have to be able to definitively define mental illness in relation to your level of danger to yourself and others. I became depressed once and decided to take a break at a hospital willingly to get a handle on it. As a result of my responsible decision, even in light of a crushing depression, I can't have a firearm for another year. I'm literally being punished for being a responsible person - probably more responsible than most. I live in Illinois. If you stay in a hospital for ANY reason related to mental health, your right to a firearm is revoked for five years. I'm fine now and don't take medications. I haven't for years, but I'm still not allowed to go target shooting. What makes you think they'll come up with a good plan for this? They won't.

thats absolutely antisemitic :^)

>do you believe that jews have an inordinate amount of influence over our media?
>do you believe that jews are over represented in our government?
>do you believe that there is a conspiracy for the state to turn our children homosexual?
>do you believe 6,000,000 jews were systematically murdered during the holocaust?


>such things don't happen here because we put our schizoid lunatics into institutions.
You have to identify them first.

(((Who))) will decide who has a mental illness?

how many millions of people have been on anti-depressants that have never shot up a school?

this is unconstitutional and he is a fucking faggot that will deny rights to people that are afforded them by the constitution

A profession run by women and Jews deciding these things

>make watch list
>nobody acts on it like all the other watch lists

asylums were just ways of fleecing shekels by the corrupt heathcare industry

asylums were horrible places that helped no one except the people getting paychecks from working there or dealing with the bureaucracy around them

Biggest question.


>Did you know being gay was a mental illness one upon a time?
It still is.

Implying "Alt-right" ideologies wouldn't be the first thing on their list of mental illnesses. Yet wanting to cut your own genitalia off wouldn't even factor in. One of the things that scares me about the VA is that they have basically made it mandatory to have some kind of horrific mental trauma in order to not be completely forgotten about. How many of those vets are going to have their rights taken away as soon as it becomes convenient to the left?

Looking to overtake us in the police-state department hm?

>afforded them by the constitution
nigger no. our rights are god given and inalienable - the bill of rights merely enumerates the obvious but had to be explicitly added and spelled out in order for the several sovereign states to abandon the articles of confederation and accede to the "more perfect union".

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Sounds like it would be a clear violation of HIPAA laws.

Once again, the Dems piss on their own shoes.

>go through a shit time
>get better
>stay permanently fucked for the rest of your life like a felony

but the vets are probably nuts. that's what war does. it's not like in the movies, son.

>declares “hate speech” a mental illness

Sorry, but you’re wrong. They’ll be calling anybody that isn’t far-left dangerous because muh hate speech.

anyone who cannot own a gun should not be allowed to vote or drive a car

>we're just going to have to tear your guns from your cold dead hands instead.
Bring it, faggot. Let's light this fucking candle already.

Registries are for simpletons who have an instinctual desire to be subservient descended from their serf ancestors.
>hey guys lets give some glorified clerks all our information about who we are and what we do and how we think it's totally not a datamine operation meant to fuck with us in the long run

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removing guns from veterans should be step 1. they should all be on a mental illness watch list anyways. how many of those vets snap and do crazy shit? how many vets are abusive cops? i rest my case.

I literally TOLD YOU they were going to start calling people who want to own guns, mentally ill.

It already looks like they're packing heat. YIFF YIFF

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No. Fucking. Way.

Wouldn't that violate hippa laws?
Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads

So if you follow alternative media you be branded as a conspiracy theorist and thus mentally ill, point being who holds the narrative on who will be deemed a nutcase?
It of course will be agenda driven.

I think more importantly in violates the 2nd amendment

How is "mentally ill" defined, and by whom?

>Because all the mental institutions were closed down in the 1980s under Reagan.
False. It merely made it illegal for institutions to hold you against your will

wtf I love Otis O'Toole now

Depending on the state, there are protocols to hold people against their will if they are believed to be a threat to themselves or others. It is quite easy to trigger, but they can only hold you for a few days and its in a medical facility so its not like going to jail or anything.

t. 5150 Californian

so if they eventually let you go just before sending you before the panel for involuntary committal will that haunt you forever ? Are you un-personed?

>If you people can't compromise and see that, then we're just going to have to tear your guns from your cold dead hands instead.
Come make my day, I'll fucking kill you when you try to take my guns.

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The biggest problem with this is that who defines what is a mental illness?

Half a century ago, being gay or transexual were considered mental illnesses. Now it's openly accepted. Applications of to whole the rule would affect would therefore also constantly change, and that isn't fair.

Imagine if suddenly it was declared that conservatism is a mental illness. Can you imagine the shitstorm?

Fuck that, I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

come take 'em, faggot.

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I enjoy reading posts as stupid as these

Yes, it's the best solution so far. But that's because up to this point, the only offer is either "BAN THEM" or "BAN THEM ALL". It's still a terrible suggestion.
How about instead, you deregulate back to the federal standards for all 50 states, allow easy CCW and full reciprocity, remove gun-free zones (except for private establishments), and let the citizens become the well-regulated militia once more?

>Calls posts stupid, doesn't explain why they are stupid.

I enjoy reading posts as weightless as yours.

As long as they keep tabs on these trans freaks and fagalones

Aren't like 20% of Americans on psychotropics?

It would be hard to find someone whos NOT "mentally ill" in the modern day West.

Talking to god will be considered a mental illness soon and they will take Christians guns away.

what do you mean by un-personed?

In my situation they kind of mandatorily made you sign up for an outpatient program while you were still on the involuntary hold. I think the idea is that a long term (multi-month) outpatient program is enough to get the person back on their feet and in my opinion it was a pretty good experience.

Most stuff was presented in the format of "You're going to do this." I don't know what happens if you ardently refuse to comply.

pic unrelated

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My father would have psychotic episodes and periodically abandon us because he had the delusion of being a reincarnated pigeon sage, or try to attack us in a fit of madness

I love him but he belonged in an institution

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Kys Zogg

I mean, we used to have registries of the mentally ill and insane asylums and all of that. We even sterilized schizos to keep them from passing on their flawed genes. It was that liberals that stopped all of that in the name of equal protection and civil rights. And guess what? We've seen a huge increase in mass murder since then, even as the murder rate in general has gone down.

When liberals say we need to expand background checks to include the mentally ill, it's like a fireman putting out a fire that he started and expecting to be praised for it.

>tear your guns from your cold dead hands
I'm taking a bunch of you bastards with me if that's the case

it should be

We need mental illness registry for would-be journalists.
>"B-But muh first amendment!" they screech



No. 'Mental Illness' in it's broader Talmudic interpretation could mean a white christian male raising his voice in anger and being reported, or even being a white male christian nationalist. Fucking Jews are truly sneaky evil fucks. The Jews have found the perfect solution to disarming their white christian enemy in the US

B8 thread but I'm shocked no burgers have posted this yet.


Trey Gowdy is a US national treasure.

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This coming from John Walsh after all these years of him narrating AMW makes it feel like a grand betrayal.

Sounds like the worst idea i ever heard hahah come and get um

If mental illness is the standard, than the communists will just call any right wing view point a mental illness.
>You're religious? Mental illness
>You are against third world immigration? Mental illness
>You are against the welfare state? Mental illness
If you think this is far fetched, just look at the media universally banding together to push the agenda that Trump has a mental illness, simply for the things he says.

Sage and report shill thread

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>we're just going to have to
and by "we," you mean anybody besides yourself. See, somebody has to go into niggertowns like south Chicago, and start knocking door to door asking for everybody's guns. You don't have the balls for that, pussy.

>Shall not be infringed unless they are "mentally ill".
Thats not what the amendment says.

>everyone that doesn't agree with me is mentally ill

is he a /polack/?

Stop watching scary movies that stimulate your emotions and actually look up what they're like, volunteer or work in one and you'll see some are pretty alright.

>0 replies

Pol is a low IQ place these days

>from your cold dead hands instead.

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you stupid nigger they would put political dissadents in the mental registry, mostly the right wing. making up bullshit mental illnesses just to take away people guns

The soviet union was doing exactly this in it's dying days.

Dont they did that at brazil and started to accept almsot no one?

>INB4 average brazillian has mental problem

I don't understand the thinking behind this. It woukd only hurt law abiding gun owners cause they would only be the ones to do the mental health check. And also who would do the checks gov. Doctors?


Can't wait to make up some bullshit disorder and get them all. Mahhahahahahahahahahahahahamuahahahahahahamuahamuhahgahahahahahahhaa

>I don't understand the thinking behind this
>It woukd only hurt law abiding gun owners cause they would only be the ones to do the mental health check
My mind is boggled by the fact that you can't reach the simplest and most obvious conclusion, even more so considering that it's staring right at your dumb fucking face since you typed it out word by word.

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>this hollywood guy agrees with hollywood and liberals about guns
Seems like a worthless article if you asked me. Taking a shit would be time better spent than the time it took to write this.

Did you know that in some US states, if you applied for a medical cannabis prescription, can deem you "unfit" to deny you permission to have guns?

So would you agree to lift ALL gun restrictions in exchange?
Would I be able to mount a MK19 on my truck so long as a psychiatrist confirms that I'm not mentally ill? Would you have any objections to me open carrying a light machinegun?