Why is Tom Morello taken serious seriously in any capacity?
Why is Tom Morello taken serious seriously in any capacity?
>Son of a Civil Rights activist and high ranking Kenyan politician
>Band signed lucrative record deal with Sony, massive conglomerate
For a guy who Rages Against the Machine, he has ben well taken care of by that machine
Can any liberals explain how they can simultaneously hold the views that Trump is literally Hitler and we should surrender our guns to him at the same time??
Guns are also Hitler. Giving Hitler to Hitler cancels out Hitler.
You know what probably looks great on a Harvard application?
A Kenyan Ambassador and a Civil Rights activist writing letters of recommendation
You know what looks even better?
Having them as your parents
>guy who led a grassroots movement to win a referendum on removing the authority of a foreign based unelected governing body from their otherwise democratic country is a failure and is the real machine
wow, this is really profound
The EU is the most counter culture thing there is man
Wouldn't that just make a double Hitler? Or some kind of super Hitler? Are liberals chaotic evil??
>Yet another millionaire Marxist.
Remember, all true rock stars make a statement and then have to post at length to defend it because they are cool and don't care what you think.
Hypocrisy is lost on (((entertainers))). since acquiring money and notoriety they believe their opinion is superior to everyone else forgetting that without their money and name they basically are still dumb normies.
Tom has been swaddled by and suckling at the teat of the machine since birth
Tom is the worst in my opinion
a pseudo-nepotized admission into Harvard, so his pontifications carry weight with dopes
Made tons of money as a Sony employee
Giving Hitler to Hitler creates Gigahitler
Because he’s a communist and a nigger with a famous communist nigger father
>with a famous communist nigger father
He's benefited from his connections to the machine, how can he be raging against it?
Is that the Hitler see the end of Wolfenstein 3D? We need that Hitler now more than ever
I has an Bachelors in political science from Haahhvaahhd and in my astute opinion FUCK DRUMPF.
> One does not have to be an honors grad in political science from Harvard University to recognize that a poli sci degree would be a waste of 100's thousands of dollars on a useless degree that you wouldn't ever use. I happen be an an honors grad in political science from Harvard University so I can confirm that for you.
>tfw went through a RATM phase in middle school