Russia meddled in the elections and tried to spread strife in the country to subvert it and make people on both sides hate each otehr more and this is not ok?
They literally propped up BLM and anti-BLM at the same time
When will Sup Forums admit
Other urls found in this thread:
when you provide evidence
Also: sage, faggot meme flagger
maybe pay attention? it was posted here several times already, and discussed in congress and admitted by both sides
>links to a jewgle search
>first hit: CNN report
When are you going to do us and your parents the favor and end your life?
Still sage
>first hit: CNN report
not here, maybe stop reading their shit. Also not an argument
if it's so obvious why hasn't he been impeached
Putin said it was the Jews, thats enough evidence for me.
>he thinks russia is the only one who meddles
Jesus, our own govt's doing makes them look like kids with playdoh
nice strawman
he actually didnt, he said it might have been people who arent russians but with passports, including jews or americans
why should I give a fuck about meddling in other countries? Not a globalist
Fake news is fake
>muh Russia
Russia is our #1 enemy. They must be destroyed at all costs. If you disagree, you are not patriotic and I would ask that you get the hell out of america you traitor!
>Russia is the enemy
Facebook is the enemy
AND by Russia you actually mean
Soros &Media Matters.
Along with their Pet Turds Share Blue Pedo Faggots ?
He said (((jews))) - it's enough. He isn't immortal - so he couldn't say jews directly, and put them in comma-separated list.
Vladimir Putin: Not at all. They do not represent state interests. If you are worried about anything, state it officially, send us documents proving it and explain what exactly those people are accused of. We will see if they have violated Russian laws…
Megyn Kelly: I did that.
Vladimir Putin: No, this is not true. If they violated Russian law, we will prosecute them. If they did not, there is nothing to prosecute them for in Russia. But after all, you must understand that people in Russia do not live under US law but under Russian law. This is how it is. If you want to reach an agreement with us, let us negotiate, choose the subject, make an agreement and sign it. But you refuse to do this. I am telling you for the third time: we have proposed working together on cyberspace issues. But the US refuses to work like this and instead throws 13 Russians to the media. Maybe they are not even Russians, but Ukrainians, Tatars or (((((((((((Jews))))))))))), but with Russian citizenship, which should also be checked: maybe they have dual citizenship or a Green Card; maybe, the US paid them for this. How can you know that? I do not know either.
Provide a specific link.
so exactly what I said but with meme ((()))
>he actually didnt, he said it might have been people who arent russians but with passports, including jews or americans
that's anti-semetic you disgusting anti-semite
i admit it. if by meddled you mean spread and produced fake news. and i dont give a fuck. let me know when the kgb uses drug money to pay for an insurrection in the usa like the usa has done dozens of times to other countries and maybe i'll care.
I have a hard time thinking that a couple of Russian stooges making internet memes is a bigger threat to America's democracy than Saudi Arabia and Israel donating hundreds of millions of dollars to a campaign, the vast majority of the MSM across the world having a strong bias to one party, and the leaders of almost every country telling Americans how they should vote, and threatening what they would do if they voted for the wrong person.
When considering it all, I don't see why I'm suppose to care about Russia, simply because ((((their)))) candidate lost.
So there was troll factory - how is it illegal though? And ain't amerimutts doing the same being a pot calling a kettle black. You don't like it - let's agree on cyber security rules and forbid spreading fake news with bots on all sides instead of running 2-years histeria with same fake news methods and informational campaigning.
You should see what shareblue and media matters were doing.
This has the Russian "trolls" travelling in the US in 2014...,before Trump was running...
They are psychic Russian trolls..
If Russia really did that, I guess you had it coming. It was payback for all those CIA led interventions.
>if it's so obvious why hasn't he been impeached
>nice strawman
That wasn't a strawman. Stop trying to argue in Sup Forums when you can't even grasp the basics. sage
>lets argue against arguments not made
>not a strawman
Dear American left,
There is this thing called the WORLD Wide Web, It's a place were people from around the entire world spout of about american politics on a daily basis, and on a massive scale. American presidential elections are particularly popular to spout off about to Americans on facebook and and twitter because the outcome of these elections affect everyone around the globe. Ask yourself; How many Leafs "meddled" in your election? How many from China etc. etc.? Think bot's are a tech only Russia wields? How retarded are you?
>despite all the grandness and extravagance and theatrics, nobody can prove it
>despite all the supposedly powerful people who spent their entire lives gathering influence to hold some level of authority, they're all powerless castrati when it comes to this issue
They always meddle, as do we. Publicly broadcasting the obvious, while technically true, sends a larger message that is not true; that Russia did anything to us that we don't do to others, and that it effected the results in any meaningful way as Liberals and the MSM are trying to portray.
I hate to break the news to you user but every single country on the planet does this. From our allies to enemies. We do it to.
Has "meddle" been defined yet?
Can I taste a Russian meddle, feel it, hear it, see it?
13 Russian click-baiters does not a "meddle" make.
russia didnt do anything compared to what corporations and their lapdogs did.
>be nigger
>be 12 more likely to murder white
>be responsible for 90% of black homicides
>have the least respect for both your race and other races
>demand respect for your race
i first i was angry about the decline of the west, then sad, then apathetic, and now i wonder if i live in some twilight-zone type reality. not everyone can be this ignorant, i just can't conceive of it.
This weird thing that democrats keep doing by blaming Russia for all their corruption. Get bent fag.
Because he has pedophile friends on the left and right.
He donate to the democrats.
He's friends with Bill Clinton therefore Hillary Clinton.
Shit check out this image in post.
>Be Russia
>buy some facebook ads in support of Trump
>libshits throw a 2 year long and counting, multimillion dollar autistic fit claiming that Putin directly interfaced with the ballots to make GLARNFT win.
Is Russia the grand champion of shitposters?
No shit. Much of the media deserve to be tried and hung.
Hahahahaha. I meddled in your elections you dumb piece of shit and so did fuckloads of other rightwingers all over the world. I created and spread pro-Trump memes everywere. I created a great chunk of the OC used in the #DraftOurDaughters campaign. I subverted and stirred more shit among leftist faggots than any Russian lacky could ever hope to do.
I had leftist pro-Bernie, pro-Hillary social media accounts stirring shit up and sowing disinfo all over the place. I started infighting and shitstorms lasting days on multiple leftist platforms. In the end it was the people of the US who voted for Trump. You lost the propaganda war and the presidency, get over it.
When its proven by non-Obama and Hillary shills? howboutden?
t. everybody involved with Sup Forums in nearly every single know country on earth.
Faggot OP BTFO!
It's actually scary how fast they scrub the web now. I looked up the origins of the name Prigozhin surname a short while back and immediately found it was a common Jewish last name in Russia. I try to look that up now and can't find any of it.
I was able to find it in here eventually.
I guess he's a traitor to USA being a supporter of a foreign government, right?
>Russia tries to instigate a race war
OP you must be a new fag this is exactly what pol wants.