>Be Pole
>Shop on Sunday
>Get fined 100.000zł & Go to Jail
>Be Pole
>Shop on Sunday
>Get fined 100.000zł & Go to Jail
What's that in real money?
$29.411,76 USD
>taking away the liberty and freedom of your citizens because a 2000 year old book insinuated that you should
So around 29.411,76 polish whores, okay.
At least humans want to fuck our women, unlike yours
So what?
Most shops are closed here too, makes the industry fume but most people are fine with it.
A day of rest from consume cant be that bad.
What makes you so butthurt in a thread about sundays?
This is clearly religious discrimination.
Secularists should be allowed to practice their consumerist religion all days of the week.
It fucks the economy in many ways
>Workers don't get to work Sundays, decreasing national income and given money velocity, not good
>Foreign Direct Investment will be completely raped, why invest in a country where you can only do business 6/7 days when you can invest in another with 14%+ more business days? This is in a finance world of 1-3% interest rates..
>Tourism will be fucked, most tourists come on weekends, why go to Poland if you can't do anything on a Sunday?
Stupidest fucking law passed, ever. Nobody goes to church in Poland anyways, just old people.
holy shity i woke up yesterday morning around 2PM after drinking with my friends, and i couldnt buy anything to eat, i was so pissed. Had to eat my military rations and drink the tap water like fucking animal to ease the hangover. I know we are savage but there are limits, fucking tapwater.
What the fuck those retarded cockobbling midget loving parasite supporting retards from the ONE AND ONLY BEST GOVERMENT PARTY™ are thinking.
My grandparents were Polish and I understand them now that I am almost 50, but that said Polish people are going down a path they wont come back from.
Better to live and be humble then get used by the US "government".
Building up your army is just going to get you killed.
If you cant survive one day without stores, you cant survive.
There should be more peace and quiet in the world, that is healthy, not drinking and smoking and being a disgusting degenerate.
>not drinking litres of water before passing out drunk
>not drinking sok ogórkowy
are you even polish?
also what rank/regimen?
its not about not being able to survive, its about being a human being in XXI century and being able to spent any disposable income on any luxury item/food the ones desire. If its ok for you that you get cucked every sunday because some fantasy book from 2000 years ago told you its bad tohave shop open at sunday, then maybe you're th eone that need to die.
If im a free man in a democratic country, noone shoul dfucking tell me i cant buy a pair of fucking shoes or 2liter soda for my hangover.
Starszy oficerowy, but not anymore, im just still used to those shitty SR-6 so i keep some of them in my home.
Also, who do you think you're talking to man, soczek ogórkowy był, tak samo jak kiełbacha i galert. Noone passed out drunk, Hangover is just natural state of next day after drinking AND stopping - and all the alcohol shops were closed too, so i i couldn't drink more, and thats when the hangover hits you most.
God rested on the 7th day, and you, your wife, your children, you neighbors, your community and your country should too.
On the next day, and the 5 days following that, we work.
What if we replaced people with robots on Sunday so the people can rest but commerce can continue?
God didn't rest on the 7th day because he doesn't exist
pick one
some shops already declared they'll provide digital shopping with just local pick-up, but apperently this kind of behaviour will be banned too as those retards ifrom goverment really dotn want peopel to shop on sundays.
Also, if they finally make those digital-shopping local pick-up a thing, expect a massive lay-outs in all shittier jobs that require you to scan the shit and give customet a change.
Did Johnny Daniels approved it?
already said, it hits you when you stop drinking, thats why you usually dont want to stop drinking. Yes, if there is nothing to drink, because FUCK EVERYTHING IS CLOSED ON SUNDAY then problems starts.
God is in you, brother.
As if Poland wasn't a trash country already.
Bs fuck boy
Churches are pretty fucking full that last time I went I had to attend it outside with 100's other people.
This law is good. Big german shops close while little moms and pops stores can remain open. Get fucked dirty jew
I am God
ftfy. You seem to have made a typo in your dank meme, friend.
Thank God, Sunday is the day of the lord :fuck off jews Muslims and greedy fags
Old fag here. Grew up in mid 70's, thru the 80's in Northeast Ohio...there wasn't shit open on Sunday when I was a kid...another sign we've lost our way.
yup...i miss those days,
Grow the fuck up and realize ypu font need yo dpend every moment of your life consuming.
Nobody wants to fuck your women.
Only ones that do here are niggers and pakis.
So, all of the UK?
now write it again so its readable it you sperg, are you black or what?
>Big german shops close while little moms and pops stores can remain open.
Big german shops are the only ones who can afford the extra for employees working on Sundays. Little M&P stores with any employee will struggle to open.
good, poland is a catholic country
stay butthurt, jewboy
Only like 10%.
Seriously, polish women just drop their knickers.
A good easy shag is good and all, but if you sleep with one of them you better wear two Johnnies and get an std check after.
sounds pretty based to me
>the absolute state of cheddars
That clearly mark polakia, as slavshit Christcuckered shithole.
>Very un-jewish, bad polaks, no!
The absolute state of Poland you mean.
These broads are fucking nogs and pakis and then going back home to some poor hubby who's non the wiser.
What licentious conscience thinks of nothing but shagging slags?
>m-muh based poland?
your country is going down a f'd up path
Like 44% of your country.
But you have no issue with that do you, Mr.56%er?
You can deflect the question if you like. My country is right down the shitter per Jewish specifications, but I would think you'd at least try to be better than a Pole pulling shit out of a toilet.
It wasn't a deflection, I answered your question by reminding you of your nigger infestation and how that's literally all it thinks about.
Clearly, I hit a raw nerve.
How's Mohammed's cock?
I thought we were talking about Polish lasses dropping their knickers. That sounds about like my nigger infestation.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
The king of Poland is so based.
I only drink 2 days a week. kys leaf.
Following the path of the Captain
Real sabbath is saturday according to the bible...
A day not devoted to making the merchant class more wealth. Oh, this can’t be. Something‘s got to be done.
It used to be kind of like that where i live. Shops closed on sundays and for some weird reason only open for half the day on wednesday too.
Same a lot of small town in Australia still do
couldn't have said it better myself
it's unfortunate that Sup Forums treats everything we do as gospel, though, and no one has the balls to disagree with anything our stupid government does.
I'm tired of having to hide my flag too, because people just automatically agree with everything I say if I don't.
get a goddamn personality you people
Leave it to the fag with no identity to worship the economy as God.
youre so fucking jewish your nose is poking through my screen
hey dipshit, this is so that you stay at home and fuck your wife and make babies so you dont need to open your borders to nonwhite invaders
Shops are closed on syundays all over europe lol
Agree with this
Yeah work around the clock goyim. Who needs a 37 hours week and good payment when he can slave away around the week. God let it rain brain.
>money is more important than serving God
Kys rainbow nigger