Brit/pol/ are tommehberg edition

>Abortion protesters trolled into holding up BUF signs at pro-abortion rally in Ireland

>One in 10 universities now BAN newspapers such as The Sun in assault on free speech

>After hopeful figures, EU takes Spains side on Gibraltar

>Labour fault lines grow between Momentum and Unions

>DUP have checked out of power sharing

>Fiscal Phil to reveal spurious figures next week

>BCC claims UK Govt is using Brexit as a coverup for failings

>Corbyn slams May in PMQs over Saudi 'collusion' in war crimes

>Stormzy for PM, why grime is good for politics

>Sturgeon has also fallen victom to mansplaining

>Official statement on Salisbury false flag assassination expected @ 1215

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, I'm here.

Yes I'm queer

Ride the tiger

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>Who wants to be a millionaire will return with JEREMY CLARKSON as the host.

Holy shit, look at the price of this

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5th for common purpose

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fascism desu

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Fuck people tbqh. They're all so sensitive and emotional. My other supervisor got into a rabid tizzy because he overheard people talking about vegetarianism being gay.

Why can't everyone just be an emotionless robot like me. I don't give a shit about what other people say. It's so much easier. They're so tiresome.

Maybe you NEETs are on to something

>endless idiocy by the extremes of each political wing

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Not poorfag, just think there's a lot more you can do with £20 than going to watch Sargon of Akkad speak.


Be the watcher.

£20 is a bit steep for an internet celebrity, but Milo wanted something like £70.




Eddie is a gypsy queer

Is it possible to feel preemptive and vicarious shame for the people who will actually pay to watch this cunt fake-laugh in real life and not just on youtube?



At least milo was a breitbart editor, author, been on TV etc. What the fuck has soygon of blackdad ever done apart from his shitty jewtubes?


you guys suck!

suck on these

Nice to see you building trust

No, we just hold

What was that?

>deep chest sinking feeling level of depression

Oh well. At least I'm dry and warm.

kill me

I was reading stuff about common purpose years ago, forgot all about it tbqh ladm80.

Serious stuff, at the very foundation of the material application of social justice if I remember rightly. A registered charity with absolutely no resemblance to a charity.

Milo an absolute faggot. I'm so glad we never hear about him any more.

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Filth. Check your youtube.


I've been feeling a bit melancholy this past week as well.

Would you ever build trust with Eddie if you ended up in prison with him?

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Buy some new pants lad. Nothing beats the comfort.

I didnt mind him. He was on our side during gg, and he really knew how to troll irl - remember the berkely riots and whole free speech thing kicked off because of an appearance by him.

What's got you down?

is there a way out?

yfw when May declares war on Russia

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I don't care about his political beliefs or him being a fag, he's just so incredibly annoying to listen too

best meme of 2018 so far tbqh

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queer lover

How else can you build trust?

You ever wonder about what it would have been like to live 200 years ago?

Sure, before you say it, we would probably have been losers and dregs back then too. But at least we would have had God and a purpose. Now we just have Netflix and heroin.

You think maybe the losers of the Golden Age also looked back and thought "what if I had been born back then" too? Maybe we're just born to lose? We're just detritus that will never really find a home or feel at ease, because we're that's just what we're born to do?

But I'd rather be a shoeshine in Gin Lane than a welfare parasite in Grenfell, that's for sure.

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'He felt that he was alone.'- A Painful Case by J Joyce.


Milo is an irl celebrity, Adi

Go fuck some more black guys Milo.


Christ can you imagine if Sup Forums got outlawed as hate speech and we all ended up in clink together. 23 hours a day watching eddie and WN alternately wanking, shitting in a bucket, and preaching anglicanism.

Is Cameron the current leader of common poopoos?


>the people
I think you mean... INDIVIDUALS
Do you, do you, do you understand what I'm saying?



Also, just watch Godwinson's eventual gatecrash of the event.


Don't worry lad, we'll all be in the clink in the next ten years or so. It's going to be like these threads only in real life.
It's going to be glorious.

>Screams of "GOOOAAAALL" echo throughout the prison halls
>Sausage rolls for tea and lunch
>Eddie following you into the urinals
>WN shouting angrily about Catholics
>Anime posters all over the place
>pointless arguments over nothing
>depraved homosexuals
>tripfags forming cliques and walking around proudly displaying their name tags "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM???"

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>200 years ago

you mean 1920s germany ?

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very shady
hard to find the true leadership. these people are defo involved but CP goes much deeper

>best meme of 2018

I guess you haven't seen THIS xD

and me shouting:



thats as old as Sup Forums almost newfag

>his voice
i want to kill him

Are common purpose the ones who were involved in teacher training courses? I seem to remember some kind of controversy surrounding it.

yeah the joke is his voice and intonation, not the ancient 4chang mime

>utopia is just one murder away

it shouldn't but that sounds pretty true

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>posting two cucked forms of fascism

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I'm surprised some e-celebs haven't done a video on them. I saw a lot of stuff regarding common purpose like 8ish years ago, before I knew much about politics even. It's a very sinister group, and seems even more so now that I know more about things in general.

>tfw ineligible for the SS
>tfw ineligible for the Luftwaffe
>tfw would probably have been a Wehrmacht grunt who gets bullied by the Chad aryans
>tfw get sent to the Eastern front because my commander doesn't like my face
>tfw die in a ditch in rural Belarus
>tfw no sweetheart, no correspondence, no legacy, no family to mourn me

Plus ca change.

At some point, you just have to come to terms with the fact that some people are born to fill up space. We're basically NPCs. We're nothing, we're dust. We won't have any impact on history, no one will remember us when we die.
It doesn't matter if you were born today, or 200 years ago, or during the Nazi regime. You were just born to lose.

>tfw unetmensch genuinely believe this
fate has nothing in store for you

speak for yourself faggot

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interesting that they were deeply involved in government in Rotherham

yeah lad, barely seen any wide-reaching reportage, only independent journalists

they've been at it years and it's only getting bigger. a very insidious programme (including nlp, diversity training etc.)

Fuck it lads, I've decided.
I'm going to start a news/politics site
Nobody will fucking read any of it but I don't give a shit. Maybe one day it'll get a small audience

>falling for the news jew

websites are dead desu
its all social media now, you have to go to the audience

Wrong, you're not special. You've got nothing unique to offer.

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Take the loserpill

again, speak for yourself faggot

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Thanks very much for the links.


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What do you have to offer then?

hopefully you'll see in the future

>see this

wat do?

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Any details?

Also I find it extremely odd that fathers4justice haven't been hunted down by some ecelebs. The guys involved in that would be a brilliant source of antifeminist material, I imagine with a lot of stories regarding (((suspicious circumstances))) preventing their group from growing or operating. They were climbing on buildings and getting on the TV news years ago, without a big online buzz. The anti family agenda is one of the core pillars of leftism, and they were trying to highlight it before YouTube or social media was at its peak.

Dolls were degenerates, but fucking great music

>Non Angli, sed angeli – "They are not Angles, but angels". Aphorism, summarizing words reported to have been spoken by Gregory when he first encountered pale-skinned English boys at a slave market, sparking his dispatch of St. Augustine of Canterbury to England to convert the English, according to Bede.[75] He said: "Well named, for they have angelic faces and ought to be co-heirs with the angels in heaven."[76] Discovering that their province was Deira, he went on to add that they would be rescued de ira, "from the wrath", and that their king was named Aella, Alleluia, he said.[77]

Ecce locusta – "Look at the locust." Gregory himself wanted to go to England as a missionary and started out for there. On the fourth day as they stopped for lunch a locust landed on the edge of the Bible Gregory was reading. He exclaimed ecce locusta, "look at the locust", but reflecting on it he saw it as a sign from Heaven since the similar-sounding loco sta means "stay in place." Within the hour an emissary of the pope[78] arrived to recall him.[76]

>"I beg that you will not take the present amiss. For anything, however trifling, which is offered from the prosperity of St. Peter should be regarded as a great blessing, seeing that he will have power both to bestow on you greater things, and to hold out to you eternal benefits with Almighty God."

dumb frogposter

Pro cuius amore in eius eloquio nec mihi parco – "For the love of whom (God) I do not spare myself from His Word."[79][80] The sense is that since the creator of the human race and redeemer of him unworthy gave him the power of the tongue so that he could witness, what kind of a witness would he be if he did not use it but preferred to speak infirmly?

>For the place of heretics is very pride itself...for the place of the wicked is pride just as conversely humility is the place of the good."[43]

Non enim pro locis res, sed pro bonis rebus loca amanda sunt – "Things are not to be loved for the sake of a place, but places are to be loved for the sake of their good things." When Augustine asked whether to use Roman or Gallican customs in the mass in England, Gregory said, in paraphrase, that it was not the place that imparted goodness but good things that graced the place, and it was more important to be pleasing to the Almighty. They should pick out what was "pia", "religiosa" and "recta" from any church whatever and set that down before the English minds as practice.[81]

>leftist anti-family agenda

Don't understand why they're so insistant on this. I know they see the nuclear family as a bastion of homogenous identity, but even the Commies I've known who adored Stalin seem to hate it.

And Stalinist communism really emphasised the soviet family.

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philosophy and politics. one focus is on people like yourself. maybe I'm naive but only time will tell, let's hope not.

Start buying guns.

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>Chief Executive, Common Purpose UK
>Marie (((Mohan)))
Well I for one am shocked, absolutely shocked.


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Darryl was the most brit/pol/ character in Peep Show and he was Mark's only real friend. "Fuck off you Nazi" at the end was hilarious though.