Will this be the straw that breaks the camels back?

Will this be the straw that breaks the camels back?

>A second whistleblower employed by Axis Counselling – a charity helping sex abuse victims – was forced to leave her post after speaking out.

>Lucy, her sister and mum were killed when their house was set on fire by Lucy's abuser Azhar Mahmood

>Police even told one victim they had destroyed evidence of her rape claim after they tried to contact her.

>Whislteblowing police chaplain Keith Osmund-Smith was suspended after passing papers to the Mirror.

>Vicky Round, a friend of Becky, was abused by the same gang who got her hooked on crack at 12 and heroin by 14. She died at 20 of a drugs incident.

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>Police probe Operation Chalice, identified at least 100 potential victims between 2007 and 2009 – but just nine were jailed and the case was closed.

>Police said there could have been as many as 200 abusers. But Professor Liz Kelly, of London Metropolitan University’s Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, estimated the number of victims, based on our investigation, as up to 1,000.

2 FUCKING HUNDRED, the lying cunts.

One victim gave so much evidence to police in 2010 that officers launched a probe, called Operation Thesis, around her evidence. But this led to no prosecutions.

These cunts must be in on it. It's the only way.

>When the victim last year asked for her police files to understand why nobody had faced justice, the officer handling her request admitted she had “expressed concerns” to a senior detective. He also played a leading role in Operation Chalice. He sent an officer to the victim’s home who allegedly tried to discourage her. When files were provided months later, the first disk was unreadable

we need a new strategy, all Muslims must leave the UK

First targeted in 2014 at nightclubs in Telford at 15, the girl claims to have been repeatedly raped and abused for four years.

She was devastated when police told her late last year a man alleged to have raped her in January 2017 would not go on trial.

Police files confirm she gave extensive forensic evidence to officers hours after she said she was attacked. She told officers she had been given drugs and remembers little. The man was also spotted leaving her house on CCTV. She suffered broken ribs.

Better yet all Muslims should be rounded up, have their dicks cut off and force feed them pork for the rest of their lives. That's a fate worse then death for muzzies

Every fucking single one of them. 1000 in Telford, thousands in Rotherham. This is probably going on in most cities in the country and all being hidden and hushed. I am fucking fuming right now. 100s of thousands going by the numbers in these two areas alone. Our children being raped, murdered and groomed my Muslim pakis why our police, MP's and social workers turn a fucking blind eye.

I think think of a lot worse.

We need to get them to leave, but they reproduce at an alarming rate, none of their woman work, they just pop out more kids for benefit payments, they are not invested in the UK, they hate the UK and need to FUCK OFF OUT OF THIS FUCKING COUNTRY!

Makes me so mad, but my real hate is for our govt, especially Tony Blair and Labour

Heads need to fucking roll for this.

and Muslims dont work properly, unless you count a kebab shop so they can pray 5 times a day.

They are all just the worst, Islam is a cancer and will take over the UK before long, White flight in London is real, in one year 500k left!


Thats right, who wants to be stabbed and have acid throw at them or have their phone stolen by moppend gangs

Police do fuck all, but they are controlled by the master Muslim Sadiq Khan who is a white hating racist

by breaks the camels back do you mean mass resentment against Muslims? no.

Most people in the West (us muts included) become outraged by these types of news stories for a few days, maybe a month if it's a very scarring attack but eventually as everyone gets their keys and shiny objects jingled in front of them again they will go back to worshiping pop culture, sports, films etc. and worrying about their jobs/schools and forget about the whole thing in a month or 2.

We can't let this happen again, but as we speak its happening, every day 1000's arrive from Pakistan and other shitholes and never fucking leave, London is mostly Muslim now, they have taken over our fucking capitol!

But this is going on in other places than London. How have our police turned into pussyhole soyboys who are scared to arrest someone for raping and drugging a child?

We need a figurehead in this country to bring everyone together. Rile the masses. If half the nation knew even what we knew from coming on here there would be a civil war.

How can any family man not read that piece in the Mirror and see what is happening nationwide and not resent Muslims? At no other time in human history would that ever have happened. If this happened 50 years ago they would all be murdered.

>These cunts must be in on it. It's the only way.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
The police aren't "in on it". British people in general have just been so propagandized that criticism of Muslims is racism which will cost them their job, their instinctual response to such evidence is to destroy it and hope no-one notices they saw it.
It's 1984-style memory hole-ing. But for the sake of protecting foreign rapists rather than protecting the nazbol state.
I don't even know what Orwell would do in his grave at this development.

Every Mudslime on the planet needs to fuck off back to their Mid East shitholes. Guaranteed this shit is going on in every city they have been shipped to. Wgar we should be doing is getting started on citizen journalism in each of our communities the world 'round. Then prove to everyone how global the New Islamic Invasion really is.

Probably happens in most British cities with a Muslim community. Yet nobody does anything.

Reporting child rape is hate speech.

we're trying that in the US but the spooks have most of the population brainwashed. I don't know what the answer is. divine intervention?

Can you even begin to imagine the numbers of the children in London with a Muslim fucking mayor at the helm, momentum and Antifa everywhere and hundreds of mosks.

White British children make up only 15% of London's youth population.

nothing will be done as usual

It makes me mad how weak people's minds are. Most of the population runs on a script like a heard of sheep, and if anyone does improv they are shut down with isms so no free thinking ever happens. The media is the main culprit.

That's still 1.3 million

Is it true that 12 year olds experience the most powerful orgasms?

Calling a black person stupid is racist now.

And look at what they did to Pettibone and Sellner

Don't want to blackpill but how does one come back from this? Even your "right-wing" parties are globalist cucks who don't give a fuck

You know what you need to do Brits. Form into units and drive the invaders out. At some point whites in the UK are either going to put their feet down, or be driven extinct. It will require tremendous sacrifices, but it must be done. Your government hates you. They want whites dead. They side with shitskins every time. Its time you did something. Muslims are trash and subhuman. All of them. Don't be fooled with that crap that certain muslim sects are good. They are not. They are one and the same. At what point will Brits stand up and drive these shitskins out?? We are asking ourselves the same questions in the USA. We aren't much better off, but you are serving as an example to us. We actually allow a place like dearborn michigan to exist. I guess the one good thing is that it basically is a containment city for muslim filth. And eventually the muslims there will be exposed for grooming and doing things with white kids, and the natives will come from far and wide to take care of the situation. We hate sand niggers here. If your white and Christian come over here.


They are not integrating. On the contrary they form closed communities that just grow larger and larger and take over more area. It's a fucking infestation.

Whoever is pushing for this, obviously knows this. Muslims are a biological weapon to them.

Go on a lone wolf attack to show that you wont take this anymore. You wont organize anything anyway so just go out and kill.

Those damn Asian men going round raping our young girls

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All that does it makes everyone double down on evil Nazis and fucks everything up.

they probably do resent Muslims deep down inside but keep their ideas either to themselves, probably just looking out for their kids, making sure their kids stay away from them which is good. Or you get a man who convinces him self NOT ALL MUSLIMS, NOT ALL MUSLIMS, NOT ALL MUSLIMS over and over again where he will go out and virtue signal how he doesn't hold all Muslims accountable.

People are too comfortable, they can watch their entire communities fall apart around them but as long as they're comfortable in their homes with their entertainment and if they have a job they are so scared of losing that job that they would never speak their mind.

Okay then just wait until youre bred out. That will show them.

We don't currently have a right wing party apart from the BNP.

Not if you make it look like the Jews did it.
Better yet, attack the Jews and make it look like the Muslims did it.

March in the streets and overthrow the Crown.
It's long past due.

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I wouldn't know where to start mate. I can just about arrange a piss up in a brewery. I think I'm just gonna fuck off abroad. The minds of our nation are too far gone. 90% of lefties are un-turntable, even with 100% evidence sleeping them in the face. I sound like I am giving up and I probably am. I served for my country but wouldn't have if I knew what I knew now.

Since that worked out great last time.

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I would bet my mortgage we won't see Harry's wife to be say fuck all on this.

Maybe time for an "it's okay to be white" style campaign for you britbongs. Highlight this shit, random posters with just TELFORD on them put up everywhere.

That's true. As long as we have the Internet, Sky TV, iPhone, PS4, no one gives a fuck what's happening outside of their bubble. Most live online now.

>The British police actively help Muslim men rape and murder British children.

The absolute state of Britain.

Thanks tony blair and labour!

90% of these cases take place in labour strongholds
No way are the left leaning women running Child Protection services and such going to speak out against Muslims

>revolts sometimes don't work.
>fuck it. might as well be a slave.

Something more meaningful to the subject.

"It's not racist to report being groomed"

They aren't turning a blind eye. They know exactly what is going on and are victim shaming the girls who come forward.

How you Brits haven't risen up and slaughtered every Muslim in these areas, I have no idea. But then its not like Boomers or Gen Xers give 2 shits about their descendants.

>Will this be the straw that breaks the camels back?

It better be. I'll be disappointed if there are no protests or race riots.

Please bin your hate speech. You've been reported and will have your television license revoked. Please wait patiently and answer your door promptly for the authorities that are on their way. We can't tolerate hate speech in our communities.

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Killing the King led to hundreds of thousands dying and the Jews being let back in after 400 year. Only to have the House of Stewart come right back to the throne since it was a better under them.
I can count the number of Revolts that actually improved anything on one hand.

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It's not racist to report you're being groomed by Muslims


40 years! This means that groming gangs didn't arrive, they been here all along in the UK.

The Globalist win again.

I can't tell which one of you is correct
Like many other things, so much information is protected and censored a solid conclusion cannot be drawn.

I'm more likely to assume some are in on it and those that aren't have the thin blue line and racism accusations as well as fear keeping them quiet

We have the FBI and DOJ scandal with the Trump russia theme when we all well know it was dems and russia and dems and ukraine and dems taking many dollars from outside nations in collusion... but the msm and the wheel of backwards non justice continue in our faces daily

Did someone say grooming gangs and the British public covering it up for decades on end?

Thank god my ancestors left that shit hole 150 years ago otherwise I probably would have spent my childhood being raped by Ahmed.

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Of londons youth population, not total population m8.

only 2500 points for nuking mecca?
that is easily worth over 9000

Oh who will stop these dastardly Asian gangs?

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Brits are fucking pussies they could beat these terrorist wankers down if they would just stop being drunken pub crawling retards, get sober, get in shape, and go take out your aggression on your enemies

Had this of happened in the states, these people would of already been swinging by tree branches and lampposts. Bongs, if you don’t take care of these fucks we’ll help.

They're too busy virtue signaling and pretending that everything is ok and that these stories are just blown out of proportion by hateful Nazis. They won't take action until it's upper and middle class children that are groomed and raped by paki's.

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Whoever in law enforcement is encouraging this mafia like behavior deserves long jail sentences. I seriously hope these people get justice for a failed law enforcement system.

Any of you gents heard of the lemming theory?
The theory says that people en masse don't truly care about the greater society but only in what the society can provide them (i.e safety, stability, security). The government fills this role for the most part, and so they will never rise up against a government that can continue to provide these things. What I'm trying to say by this is we britons will not rise up unless something large comes along and shatters the glass dome of comfort over our island. In my opinion, the economic climate will collapse within the next decade (or at a stretch 20 years), and then all hell will break loose with people turning savage after years and years of this tension building up without release.


Yeah there has to be more going on than just simple "we can't let the racists win" shit although that plays a large part. How many Pakis and sand niggers are in prominent positions in the police forces? How many people in the department are part of the sex rings themselves?

Arabs and niggers could wander the streets raping and murdering white women and children in broad daylight every day starting now until eternity and the British people wouldn't do anything about it

We need a firing squad for all involved and all complicit, all over the country. A real purge.

The real tradgedy is that this will only ever be fantasy.

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The British child rape scandals are what convinced me it is just over. If something like that is happening in a Western country then our civilization is dead.

Utter fucking insanity and cowardice

if a competent leader was to arise like some movie or something I feel we would. but at this time I feel we are more comfortable just ignoring it.

Western Europe is finished. It won't get better, it will only get worse. At least the East is holding out.

if it's happening there and nobody is saying anything, who's to say it can't happen in our countries?


Vigilante (1982). When his wife and son are brutalized by thugs and a corrupt criminal justice system puts the perpetrators back on the street, a New York City factory worker turns vigilante to find some measure of bloody justice.

Brits deserve everything they get at this point. Their own collective complacency and apathy is the cause, not any immigrant or foreign force.

>Will this be the straw that breaks the camels back?

Who are we kidding this is the land of the eternal anglo, expect a crackdown on all native brits for complaining about this online LOL


Why the fuck would you ever give up your right to bear arms.

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How did so many Muslims immigrate to the UK in the first place?

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You don't even have a pro-white resistance party
Nobody can benefit from this coming out because you already have your most conservative in government for years and nothing happened.
Britain is dying and nobody is putting up a fight for it.
Create a party that can make demands for your white population or perish.


You British fuckers have spit in the face of anyone that has ever fought for freedom.

that's fucking crazy in its own right. London is no longer a white city after 20plus centuries

>after 20plus centuries
More like 17 since it was a Roman city to start with.

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If I burn down two mosques and at least one muslim dies in one of them then I tie with nuking Mecca. Definitely needs a point boost

>Whoever is pushing for this, obviously knows this
The useful idiots up top actually thought it would work out like Mexicans for the U.S. Except, they forgot to account for the fact: they don't work like Mexicans do.

there is no breaking point, it's illegal for you to even be talking about this in your country
you're proper fucked under the current system

All you have to do is look at the terminology slide of refugee to "economic migrant".

I'm serious about helping too. We're a rowdy bunch, but we get shit done. Had this of happened to my daughter I would gotten a gang together and taken out as many as I could before getting caught.

Kek, yep
lol. Tory loyalist detected

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1 in 5 arsons goes unsolved

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They must become what they have fought for so long

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Being a teenager is idolizing Cromwell, being an adult is understanding Stability is important. It's only when the tyrants threaten stability that the Sword is needed.

Well, they need killin.
Death above dishonor, If some goat fuckers started raping the little girls in our community like that we would kill them. But then I'm a South Texan... Pretty sure the British are much more civilized then us.

Pretty much.

Though the ones most responsible are those British who allowed these "Asians" into Britain.

>Muslims are a biological weapon to them
Exactly. But after two Zionist World Wars killed the bravest and most masuline men Europe is left to "lie back and think of Jerusalem."

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Consider suicide you cowardly twat. People like you are the reason you are where you are.