All of the recent developments are only possible due to Trump inheriting a stable foreign policy climate from Obama. This man deserves a second Nobel Prize, honestly.
Thanks, Obama.
All of the recent developments are only possible due to Trump inheriting a stable foreign policy climate from Obama. This man deserves a second Nobel Prize, honestly.
Thanks, Obama.
He's a stupid nigger
Reports are that a combination of sanctions and the North Korean people rising up demsnding to see the black panther movie played a significant role
Yeah thanks Obama, you dumb fucking nigger.
He dindu nuthin', sillly.
Fuck off you racist pieces of shit.. Obama was one of the best presidents we ever had. You rural white trash go back to your meth pipes please.
Obama has a white Jewish mother and grew up in a white jewish neighborhood and was educated as a Lawyer at a majorily Jewish school.
Now, fill out this sentence:
Obama was the first _______ president.
God I can't wait to burn you fucking rat bastards alive.
It's nothing compared to his contribution to make Wakanda real.
8 years of this nigger resulted in a nuclear armed North Korean with the ballistic missiles to deliver the nukes.
1 year of Trump and they want a peace treaty.
STFU, you are lucking you traitors don't get rounded up and shot.
I unironically hope they give him one for this, so people realize it has never, and never will, mean shit.
>Obama was the first homosexual nigger kike commie president
If you mean
>doing nothing
Nice pic. It completely captures Obomb'em.
You black muslims should really run with this. Will save you a shit ton of blame and embarrassment later.
You stupid ass shills are why no-one likes 4cunt anymore. Everything you libtards touch smells like shit afterwards. Go fuck yourselves and have a soy latte.
A legacy of failure is still a legacy by the very definition of the word.
On a scale of coal to mayo how white will Obama suddenly be after he's arrested for treason?
Whiter than Zimmerman at height of the MSM race baiting.
I still don't buy Obama will be indicted. I think all this talk of going after him is to get him to throw Hillary under the bus.
He was a President, she was not. It'll be far easier to bring her to justice than him under any circumstance.
lmao I can’t wait to hear democrats unironically try to make this work
It's too much of a tangled mess at this point, as soon as one goes down they're all probably going down.
Remember that Obama was campaigning for Hillary at one point while still being the sitting president. That was unheard of in the history of this country and everyone sort of just brushed it off.
Obama ofc will not be indicted but our current 'king of the white trash' Trump will hopefully be impeached and locked up for quite awhile.
For what? Blowing a second asshole into your back?
They can offer immunity to anyone willing to play ball. That's just how it is.
It'll be the biggest scandal in US history, you can't offer immunity with that many people screaming for blood.
Obama could literally rat out everyone.
Thank you Obama and thanks for giving Trump an unemployment of 4.8 percent : )
obama didnt solve anything. russia was caught colluding with america pretending n korea was launching missiles . the united states was forced to stop talking about n korea
this was leading up to america loosing ground and the eventual loss of credibility that allowed for the un to be almost disbanded since the only point was to stop super powers from fighting. any country with nukes counts as one now days
niki haley wasnt even at the UN she was just at those fake un sessions sweden does with belgium. they werent even allowed to vote after 5 EU nations (those 2 in the 5) gunned down every one elses un representatives and faked sessions. the MSM is so retarded they forgot about that and actually seemed to believe sweden was on any specific duty for the UN just last year. the rotation sent all EU nations to the back of the line between that and already having done something in the past 10 years. so they wouldnt be anything for like 30 years or so i think thats the next time they would have any position of authority in the UN
How can you honestly believe this bullshit? Obama foreign policies were a disaster. Unless you like him funding terrorists and drone striking little kids.
You're a fucking sheep or a paid shill.
I don't know. I hated Obama for sure, but I personally would prefer to hear the sound of Hillary's neck snapping along with a dozen others over his.
If he needs to walk for that to happen, even though guilty. That's a price I'd be willing to pay.
Obama had the media on his side, I used to have a website with about 1,000+ sourced examples of Obama's law breaking.
It's 404 now, shockingly.
>tfw literal niggerjew irl president
>two terms
Literally dindu nuffin.
Hillary and Kerry were in charge of all obama geopolitics.
Pretty much, but it was his domestic policy that fucked over Americans. By design, I suspect.
Ha!!! Even my mother is bitching about this.
>Obama gets fucking NOTHING GOOD done in his entire presidency
Hurrrrrr, George Bush left him a huge mess to clean up
>Under Trump’s first two years the market booms, unemployment hits record lows, our relations with Japan improve, and we might live to see a unified Korea
It’s going to be great to watch Obama’s legacy finally unfold under Trump’s presidency. Of course Trump is so incompetent it will take him eight years to do it. Sad!
Worst. Sorry but an anti american is by definition one of the worst presidents, and this is inarguable.
Even if you don't want to go the treason/criminal route he still did more damage to race relations than anyone ever with his "this criminal nigger could have been my son" bullshit.
They wouldn't even be on the meth pipes if your city-centric president didn't try to gut the economy of every red country where bitter clingers still live.
I mean, honestly, a fucking rock with "president" scribbled on it in crayola could have led this country to a better place by the sheer virtue of doing nothing.
This is exacty right. He purposely created a ruptured divide in this country even though he was in prime position to bring it together.
Don't forget that Trump's election was itself a referendum on the nation's first Garbage President, Garbage President Obama.
Got a bigger version of that picture?
Democrats can't get voters by fixing problems, only by creating them, and the GOP have been the poster boys of pointing out problems and doing shit-fucking-all for years about them.
Is there any wonder in any sane mans head how Trump fucking won?
at least he only gave them food instead of building them nuke plants like Clinton
I truly believe that every day Trump is president is a day that the every-man and woman “wake up” from decades of
That fucking literal nigger kike was a communist authoritarian zogbot who should fucking hang for treason to the republic you subhuman commie.
The most hillarious part of this ridiculous timeline is I think Hillary would have actually won if they'd have just fucked off and let us play video games.
You seem to be forgetting he was a commie. Contempt of others is their very source of power.
They only know how to destroy norms. That is their reason for existence.