So back when God Eater initially aired, I remember people shitting on it and finding their criticisms mostly justified. I recently rewatched it, I'm on episode 11 of 13, and I don't get what the fuss was about anymore. The show's really good, but it seemed to so arrogantly, fervently abhorred. I get the ending goes fucking nuts, but overall, it's not bad--it's good. So why the hate?
So back when God Eater initially aired, I remember people shitting on it and finding their criticisms mostly justified...
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Shit characters, shit story, and airing delays. Being animated by Ufotable set the expectation of the animation high too, which it rarely met. It was a train wreck from the beginning.
At least Alisa is cute. I'm going to buy her (third) game
Whatever episode had Lenka's backstory was where it was actually good. That mood and tone was great. The finale was just too predictable, and really should've seen him die. I mean, they spent over half the show saying he's going to die, at least follow through with it once for god's sake.
For the last time, that's her look for the mobile game, not 3.
>Whatever episode had Lenka's backstory was
That was episode 10, I believe? Definitely the best episode of the whole show.
Sup Forums also hated F/SN UBW. You can't win.
It didn't pander hard enough to idiots. Alisa never goes full dere for MC and I'm sure that pissed off the more shallow watchers.
>Going dere for Lenka
Why would anyone wish this on her?
I don't know if I'd say it's good, but it's not bad, and it's enjoyable. Cute girl, dank vocal music that for once isn't Hiroyuki Sawano.
It's not amazing, but it was good enough to get me to play the God Eater games so the show did its job. Would love to see a season 2 someday when ufotable stops milking the fuck out of Fate.
Too many episode delays.
I want to titfuck Alisa
>Removed the fucking canon MC to self-insert the director´s own little fuckboi
>Instead of a carefree and charasmatic MC we got a hot-blooded AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Astro
>Director NTRing the entire fanbase
>Side stepping all the side characters except the male ones.
>Shit direction
Yeah it it was shit.
It was just ok for me. Nothing to write home about. Except that in my opinion they shouldn't have made an anime original MC really.
But if there was a good episode there and it was episode 10. That one I liked.
Mostly because they made a new MC with a whole different personality. People were happy with the LN and manga one.
The post apocalyptic setting, atmosphere and how it got to that point was quite good. The dilemma about letting the "unchosen" humans to die in order to save humanity was interesting too, even if touched only superficially. I don't remember Alisa's PTSD too well as part of me thought it went for too long back then , but I also liked that it wasn't simply solved by power of friendship one episode later. Now that I think about it, it did many things in a way that liked and, although the animation style wasn't 100% excellent I still liked, even though the best part of it was fucking raindrops.
The problem lies in it being badly executed. The things I praised above weren't presented as well as they could've been, most of the characters told us what we should feel about other characters instead of showing us why (Eita(?) being an unexpected exception) and the progression of the plot felt forced and I wasn't really immersed into it. It felt more like things were happening because someone needed them to happen rather than a "natural" turn of the events in that universe. I could be talking out of my ass regarding that last one, though as I've forgotten most of the story. Also that MOTHERFUCKING slow-motion used and abused every episode. Fuck that.
I don't know why I actually divided the post
I havent played the game, but didnt god eater just have a silent avatar mc?
I liked it. Alisa was a huge disappointment though and turned me off the games forever (not to mention they're dubbed)
>People were happy with the LN and manga one.
Bullshit, nobody likes the faggot MC in the manga. Also there's no canon MC when your character are customizeable from the go.
I thought it was ok. I think most of the complaints were about the delays.
I thought there are some neat things in there. The battle against the strong monster where everybody gets fucked up constantly was great. It was interesting to see this chosen one, (was he a new type of god eater or something) hot-blooded shonen protagonist kept getting his shit pushed in at least for the first half of the show. By the end of the show instead of a screaming retard he became this depressing, broken wreck that was just waiting to die. The animation style didn't bother me much, really. I also liked some of the songs.
Sadly the delays really brought it down. And apparently the story was only 50% of the game's story? I heard there are a lot of things that would piss off sourcefags, I think some anons mentioned them already in this thread. I don't like the ending too much, I thought MC should've died. I also agree with everyone saying MC's past episode was the best episode. Pic related.
I remember when it aired after the long delay and I was thinking throughout the episode things would be great for the last few episodes and then all of a sudden the sister slits her throat open only to continue talking for a good while. I instantly went "Nope, forget it.".
Her death scene was the best thing about that episode though. The part where she hallucinates that she's in the garden of eden fucking her step brother when in reality she was getting raped (complete with empty dead eyes) by the monsters was pure gold. But yeah the throat slitting was stupid.
How often was Lenka shirtless?
Garbage series that will never be as relevant as Monster Hunter
I still don't like her hat.
Yeah that Monster Hunter anime is so relevant.
in case you don't know the thread is about the anime not the game, you dumb ass retarded Sup Forumsermin
>MC doesn't one-shot all enemies like my nerdy avatar in the game so I can't self-insert
Ufotable's fucked up scheduling ruined any entertainment the fans had initially.
>1st episode was a month late
>other episodes were a week or two late
It has dragged on like this until Ufotable ended the TV airing at Episode 10.
The last three episodes were only available on Blu-Ray two seasons later, where the remaining watchers started liking it.
I don't think he really ever was.
I liked it. The adaptation was a great improvement over the game's Dyaus Pita arc. It's a shame Lindow's arc won't be adapted.
To be fair, Alisa goes full dere with the MC in the games. I appreciate that they kept Lena's character consistent in that he never really engaged with Alisa, pretty much devoted to keeping his sister alive--even if that may have been an afterthought meant to more emotionally engage viewers.
He was a couple of times, I just don't recall when.
Expectations were damn high due to it's made by ufotable and then it started pretty weak. I thin it developed into something pretty enjoyable, but until then it already lost to many viewers.
I really like this FPV shot of Alisa looking down at her boobs
The MC talked in one scene.
I find it pretty good...
Monhanfags come over from Sup Forums to shit on it. Nothing more.
It's better when marathoned. At the time, the multiple episode delays turned everyone off.
Yes. But the supplemental material has a "canon" MC, and people are just asspained he wasn't the anime MC.
Series was shit because MC could have solved everything by crafting a retardedly broken bullet that explodes everything in one shot.
Every God Eater thread no matter what board. Why are MHfags so defensive?
The last three episodes still aired on TV.
Say what you want about the show but this song was fucking god tier.
>God Eater 2 gets an anime adaptation
>with Kigurumi as the protagonist
Would you watch it?
Asspained game purists and ufotable contrarians. Anime did a good job of adding more world building to GE that the games somewhat lack (since you're always stuck in the base). And the tweaks to the story worked for condensing it into 13 episodes. If you watch it in one sitting it's a perfectly fine adaptation, the delays probably made the pacing feel off when it wasn't, not to mention kill any hype.
And I liked Lenka.
When will God Eater 2 come out?
I watched it in one go well after it had aired, and thought it was pretty middle of the road overall. I wasn't aware that the show had garnered much hate.
>Asspained game purists
Wat. I'm a gamefag and I found the anime to be pretty good. If anything people who played the game should understand the open endedness of the protagonist wouldn't really translate into anime perfectly. A generic character like Lenka is pretty much the best we could hope for to make up for the open ended nature of the game protagonist. If anything most of the complaints probably come from manga/LN secondaries.
Yeah, the soundtrack was great
Of course not every gamefag hated it, I'm one too and I liked it. But it's true, a lot of posts would complain about how it was deviating from the game, and to those people the manga and LN are still "game canon."
I feel like GE2 wouldn't work with 13 episodes (which it would inevitably get). There's too much emphasis on awakening everyone's blood powers so they'd have to focus on every Blood member, which there just wouldn't be any time to do.
I remember when I rewatched the first episode and I thought the music inserts were perfect. The OST really highlights some scenes.
I wish the Blu rays weren't so goddamn expensive
Because the game really is that much of blatant MH rip off and it's pretty bad to boot.
Can we get a sequel about Shio and Souma? I mean that's the best arc in the games and it needs to be animated.
I feel like there is a potential for another season of God Eater if only because God Eater 3 was announced recently so another anime would help hype the upcoming game.
In a perfect world.
I wish Ufotable would use this art style again because goddamn it provides better fap material than most ecchi anime
Just who or what is he? A humanoid aragami in a costume?
She's gonna keep that boob window no matter what she wears, isn't she?
Alisa is one of those girls who comes once in a while that I can classify as autsimally gorgeous
It's her pride
God bless Ufotable
Thumbnail makes it look like someone wearing a Alisa T-shirt.
>God Eater 3
They didn't even finish the story for the first God Eater game.
GE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Boring Huntershit
Alisa without underboob is like Gundam with no gundams
She only goes full Derek in extra material, in game she's just a good friend you have a small moment with, and fucks off for a good chunk of the original arc with Sakuya
She's beautiful. But I have to admit that what I find the most appealing about her are her underboobs. They are so alluring. The thought of them getting wet with her sweat, water on the bathtub, raindrops is so erotic and mesmerizing to me.
No shame in that user. Her underboob view is what many people have fapped to including myself. Other anime characters have underboob but Alisa pulls it off the best from what I've seen.
Too bad her later outfits are completely inferior
>Alisa pulls it off the best
I don't disagree, but I have always wondered what makes Alisa's underboobs more appealing and memorable?
You are locked in a battle to the death with Alisa, for whatever reason you have a power that can kill her. She jumps towards you to land a killing blow, but at the same time leaves herself open to your attack.
Do you choose to kill her and survive, or spare her life no caring if you die?
This. Her underboobs was the only reason I started playing the game.
Well it could simply be her perfect breast size. They're fairly big but not too much so her underboob doesn't look ridiculous. Or it could be her outfit, it actually doesn't show much from a front angle so it might seem fairly modest but when seen from a lower angel you get lots of great underboob which makes it more valuable than underboob that's on display all the time.
C. Rape her
Rip her clothes off and fuck her into submission until she can't live without dick
It mishandled Eric. He was supposed to get killed by an Ogretail in a pathetic way which makes Emil and Erina's worship of him ironically funny.
If it ever did get an adaptation, I hope they do justice to the Gil and Haruomi vs Rufus Caligula fight. I love Caligulas.
True, they never touched the Shio arc nor got to the Lindow arc.
>ironically a fucking monster was the best thing about this show
>He was supposed to get killed by an Ogretail in a pathetic way
That's what happened though
I'll have to finish the game one of these days. A shame the PC release is censored.
Spear and Shotgun is the funnest weapon combination.
I think there is room for another GE anime, but I guess it depends on how the relationships between bamco and ufo ended after the delays wtih this anime.
Brace yourself
>A shame the PC release is censored.
All they did was reduce the blood splatters during Devour to get it down to a T rating, because otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to bundle it together with the T-rated GE2. Boobgrab scene was left intact.
That doesn't look right at all. Underboob Alisa is best Alisa
Becase it was extremely fucking generic and boring, the dialogue was shit and for a supposed action show there were very little battles because they'd rather spend time on some predictable battle shounen-tier drama that dragged for way too long. The finale where MC went super saiyan because "muh power of feelings" was also terrible. The only good thing about it was that one flashback episode.
But I love my gore.
i really enjoyed the God Eater CG hentai
sadly i cant find it anymore
Will she ever encounter the elusive Masked Ogre?
I'd masked ogre her if you know what I mean