Putin calls out the jews

Putin has lay blame on the Jews and other minorities for meddling in the American election, is he just trolling or showing his power level.

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He knows

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The greatest happening of our times is appraoching. Everything will happen at once. Revelations arrests peace in korea palestinian sovereignity.

It's all happenign at once

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Pandering to his base, Sup Forums.

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oy fucking vey.

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Jewtin has deceived us.

jews jewing jews?

sounds about right, it's sad that it has come to this


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It looks like trolling to me, in order to attract attention to the context of the statement.

caek is a lie

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I'm so fucking confused. Are we antifa now? Are we rooting for the Palestinians? I remember the far left always fighting in the streets, wearing those scarves and chanting "FREE PALESTINA" and shit, all throughout the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. What happened? Is this the Mandela effect? Did I cross over to a distant universe?

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He was born in the Jew non-state Soviet Union. He HAS to know

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Is just another trick? Of funding and ramping up war rhetoric on both sides.

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Putin and Trump are controlled by Chabad Lubavitch