/yys/ Yuyushiki

Second Season Discussion and Anticipation

Is it time?

>used to start Tuesday morning
>now uncertain if there will even be a thread
I don't like this timeline.

>Kinema Citrus

There's enough material and now that Risa came back from the dead, why not?

Was it like this?

what happens today

We've been over how I stalk you from the bushes already. Let's not get weird about it.

my wife Yui is the best

I can get weird for you, Yuzu-chan~


bean tip warmer?

Born to (be) wild

bean to wide


bounce top wui

Bounce top w' 'ui

'ui is a trash-tier waifu.

We've been duped.

Ui're wrong!

rip /yys/ yui're too good for the mods