Why do anti white women seek out relationships with white men

Ok so I’ve been talking to this qt3.14 Persian girl (9/10 I’m serious) for several months now and ive really enjoyed spending time with her. After a few dates and one succ I decided to look around her social media. There was a link to her twitter page, it wasn’t hidden but it wasn’t obvious.
>>Tfw it’s like being back at the Oscars
>>Tfw when she hates whites with a passion on almost every post
>>Tfw when she talks about how she wants to kill (certain) white men with a chainsaw.
>>Tfw you put your dick into her mouth and actually trusted her not to bite it off.
So anyway Sup Forums I’m gonna drop her soon but not sure how to do it. Also it’s not the first time I’ve heard of vehemently anti-white non-white who seem to date exclusively white Men. What’s going on in the back of their minds Sup Forums?

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Update- I confronted her over the phone and she sounded panicked and before I could end it she started begging to meet up tomorrow. I agreed just to hear her out but I’m not forgiving this either way.

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nut in all her holes, degrade her as much as you can and then leave

it's clear where she stands and you don't plan to stay with her anyway. degrade her so she can't find a man to continue this fucked way of thinking

go somewhere public. her brothers or cousins might be there to jump you, or she might try to claim that you raped her. also set your phone to record. never trust anyone but close family and friends.

Fuck her brutally and scream the fashiest mosley quote you can think of as you climax

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confronted her too early, should've done this first:

I can think of a few.

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if she hates white people, why does she love the pale impaler cock?

That’s my question. If she really feels that way then why is she even with me in the first place?

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I know it's a meme that white men have small cocks, but in reality we're the race with the 2nd largest cocks, blacks on average are the first and whites are a close second, dark skinned people also tend to be obsessed with fair skin. so she clearly wants the big white penis lol

i'm pretty red pilled but i LARP as a liberal and was thinking about dating a Pakistani girl so i could find out about the way muslims live from the inside, what she family believes in etc. i know, i have to be careful because of the brothers and cousins, but i'd make sure to act as SJW as i can