Boku no hero academia

A casual reminder that Romero Fujimi is the best boy, and that he has a really cool design and quirk.

Other urls found in this thread:

>quirk create zombies he cant even control
shity quirk for a shity ova

zombie Momo was pure fucking sex

It wasn't.

she was.

Pretty dead for sure.


>No arc where sentient dolls attack

This. He can't even turn them into his personal zombie horde, and if he gets bitten he gets zombied too. His quirk is shit.

it's one of those quirks that really would be better on a villain then a hero. At least the kid manages to make it work.

So would their kid's quirk be grenades and/or freeze bombs?

Doesn't matter. Momo could already make both of those.

>Momo somehow on a roof
>Aizawa pulling off some bullshit
>Endeavor snuck in a flying quirk on his son

This is great

>make it work
He doesn't tho. If he could make it work he would be immune to his own zombies and could control them. Neither is true.

rate my taste

(the students are on a different sorter by the way, I used

Don't forget the doll that has feelings

Coul;d he use it on Afo?

>zombie-momo will never start to dry hump you with a big dumb smile on her face as she giggles

>No doujin of Deku successfully becoming #1 hero and moving on while Ochako settles for an abusive Bakugo and slowly morphs into your pic related

Fuck off with this shit taste user

I want Momo to make me a poop doll

Neither. It's the power to create things without the fat limit.

how did Hori put so many star wars references in this series without catching shit from disney

I want to see that fat pig abused and at her lowest

Same reason why Jojo can get away with its music references. Making references isn't illegal.
Burgers are terrified of being taken to court by big companies, even if the big companies don't have a case, but Japs don't give a fuck.

Obvious he’s being to subtle

He doesn't mention any names from SW, he just hints at them. He can always play dumb and tell that it was a "coincidence"

because bob iger loves these wingy dingy ching chong cartoons

Do they keep the references in the anime? I don’t think those names are trademarked anyway so it’s fine but they’re usually fine for the manga but changed in the anime or localized release
>That part where Mirio was introduced and Viz changed the “WTF” line uttered by Deku

>Bakago's mom calling him a weak little bitch
My fucking sides. Cried like a bitch when All Might died


FINALLY! Someone understands

Wow, I didn't even know he got fanart. It's good too.

Sure he did!! I drew a few myself but they're on paper....

ITT: Asspulls


don't be scare ochako kachan can take 8% no problem

Post the whole thing you poof

Not canon.

That nuttin face from Endeavor will never not make me laugh.


Fem midoriya is for tsuyu and bakugou to share

Actually, Hori wrote both these OVAs. So they are canon.

fixed version

He sure can take 8% to the chin no doubt.

What the hell was he using before?!?!




I miss madman Deku.

>Deku the “I’ll break the law if it means saving people”

His real quirk is indifference to pain

>picking the manga while the stain arc was running
I really miss reading the tournament for the first time. I binged the shit out of it like there was no tomorrow, what a cool night that one was.


Why are these threads comfy only at night?

There needs to be more scenes of Kendou and Momo being hot girls together.

>not Lawful Evil
>after twisting the rules like a rules lawyer having to save Baku without getting caught in a fight on a technicality

His real quirk was healing powers that would make wolverine go "nigga what the fuck".
It's why he has no qualms about breaking bones and going into situations that would get him killed easily.
He on some subconscious level thinks his healing powers will heal him and save his life.

>why are these threads comfy at night
Because the children are in bed. Posting my rare Froppy's.

thats gay

Ok, I've been sort of subconsciously checking nyaa for the next episode, until it just came to my full attention.

Is that seriously fucking it? That's how this series is going to end? That wasn't even finale cliff-hanger tier, that was like average episode in the middle of a series build up for the next episode tier. What kind of fucking ending was that?

You can be Lawful Good even if you don't respect the laws of your country. Lawful can imply that you have a moral code that you hold more important than society's laws, sort of like how Stain is Lawful even though he's breaking the laws by literally assaulting people in alleys.


I really don't like Tsuyu's hunched over posture and hands. It doesn't even look 'frog like'. It just looks dumb.

Just stand up straight.

I notice in the first 20 chapters. You will see Tsuyu do that thing with her finger once. It wasn't until the later chapters she started doing it. More to come.

Bro if you read the manga this was the end of an arc anyway. The next 2 big events are gonna take an entire season anyway. Plus this season was way longer than season 1

It was the only place to end it, like the next page they could have adapted would lead right into the forest lodge

Reminder that official VIZ translation used "League of Villains" instead of "Villain Alliance", therefore not suiting the parallel symbolism of UA and VA
VIZ is not always a good translation, e.g. Full Cowling is right, Full Cowl is wrong because muh official translation, even though in the fucking page it's written as furukauru
Better translations when

quads of truth

Young shitposters are early in bed to go to school.
Adult shitposter are under pills.

Are we all senior citizens?

>VIZ is not always a good translation
you tripping dog

Give it a few decades.

>Mirio & peenoy in top 3

Automatic shit taste. Didn't even bother to look at the rest.

Best taste

No, young guys who don't care about not sleeping much should be here too. Mimi really helps on that i think, i mean you can shitpost in the comfyness of your bed. But still i preffer the keyboard desu.

I don’t really get how the alignment chart works? Where would you put Izuku and say, Tsuyu (a by the book lawfag) who can be at odds at each other. Where would Stain be? Is he chaotic because his actions was taking matters into his own hands by killing people he doesn’t approve or does that make him evil? Is he good because he had a creed or does that make him lawful?

How long did it take to do just these early chapters?

You called?

Reminder that he is the smartest student in UA.

Intellect stat translated to IQ. For the girls:
0/5 - 90 (N/A)
1/5 - 95 (Mina)
2/5 - 100 (Mt. Lady)
3/5 - 105 (Ochako, Jiro, Ibara)
4/5 - 110 (Tsuyu, Tooru)
5/5 - 115 (Kendo, Mei)
6/5 - 120 (Momo)

For boys it would be
0/5 - 75 (Mirio)
1/5 - 85 (Denki)
2/5 - 95 (Power Loader)
3/5 - 105 (Ojiro, Aoyama, Tokoyami, Sato, Kouda, Kirishima, Sero, Shouji)
4/5 - 115 (Tenya, Bakugo, Bacon, Deku)
5/5 - 125 (Mineta, Monoma)
6/5 - 135 (Nezu)

Man the Intellect statistic in data book stats is truly 99.9% accurate. Indeed, when you put 3/5 as the average, 105 in Japan, IT ALL FITS PERFECTLY!

>doesn't know the viz K/Nighteye
I know it's the best we have, but they still make mistakes mate.

It took a few hours at a time. But I took a long break in between doing these.

>smartest student in UA
>didn't get the highest grade on the final
makes sense


literally perfect bottom 4, anyone who disagrees is a redditor

Don’t forget Stain’s “I’ll take back my hero status” or kuchida

>implying school grades accurately represent intelligence



>these threads comfy at night
>everyone just discusses would frog fuck todoroki

>it’s another grapefag kamikazes a thread again

Really good!

At least it’s not a chapter night

Kuchida was funny, I don't remember if Kouda's name had even been said by anyone at that point in the manga

kek the fuvk is this

>grapeshit is here
Well, not comfy anymore.
Abandon ship, see you guys next thread or something.

this sound like shit but i cant say if it is wrong since i dont read moon

One last reminder

Wheres my obligatory cuckposting


>talking about mineta in a joke context
>talking about mineta in a nonironic context

he was talking about when he was stendhal
he is not calm your tits

No idea, got it off google when I was looking for rare lewds
Still, funny as it is, I don’t think they should have that kind of fuckup since the Volumes got released way later after the tanks. It’s more understandable for K/Nighteye since it’s ambiguous in katakana and they’re keeping up with the weekly nips release but then again, what’s stopping them from actually correcting his (Sir’s) name and changing it?