Why do mangakas die so young? Seriously it's like they drop dead once they hit 30

Why do mangakas die so young? Seriously it's like they drop dead once they hit 30.

stress and extremely poor diet

This is how

They're worked to death by their magazines.

Japan has this bizarre dichotomy to it. Either people work like dogs or they never do anything. Either they live to be 115, or they drop dead at 25 from poor health. They have the highest standard of living in East Asia, but they can't stop killing themselves.

>but they can't stop killing themselves.
I would blame that more on a lack of stigma with the act

would Sup Forums prefer Japanese mangaka to publish their manga and take brake as long as American comic artist?
Weekly will be completely removed. No mandatory or social pressure.

>What is delivery date?


Well, even in other cultures without the stigma, it isn't that common. It's possible that it's actually romanticized in Japan.

Nah, let them die for my entertainment and convenience.

Sup Forums would probably screech as there is no update. Look at Miura and Togashi, they have finally learn to embrace their life, Sup Forums just beg for them to suffer.

As long as the break weren't like the breaks those fucking Webcomickers take, sure.

Most series could be biweekly, and you could just alternate series between issues.

I doubt they would make enough money to survive. Aren't most monthly mangaka well known anyway? If you got rid of weekly manga, all that would happen is the mangaka would start writing/drawing for more series in a given month.


>and take brake as long as American comic artist?

As someone that follows the american comic scene's practices due to my love of a few series, it varies on how long "breaks" are. A lot of publications are monthly, which is why every issue gets to be in full color (Japan primarily doesn't do this with monthly manga because their magazines are made from cheap recycled paper). Even Watchmen we got one chapter (of 12 total) a month.

how is it possible to eat once a day and work?

you ignore the hunger
it's not a healthy life style

Sup Forums would be fine with really slow releases. Just as long as there is a pattern. Its painful to follow Togashi or Miura because there is no timetable.

these artists just fucking suck. learn to draw faster you retarded dickwads, i see artists on twitch can draw entire paintings/large pictures with 1000x more detail in no time at all. how hard is it to draw some black and white boxes fuck sake they dont even need to colour it

>Japan primarily doesn't do this with monthly manga because their magazines are made from cheap recycled paper
Yeah, the manga industry seems a bit closer to to webcomics than the western comic industry, and thats not really a bad thing


It's a scheme by the publishers to flood the market with so many talentless hacks and garbage and then they force prices (wages) to go down. You can't really negotiate a larger salary because the publisher would say "We have 30 other mooks just waiting to take your place". Of course, people who make it big basically get to do whatever they want, but that's something entirely different.

The problem with HxH is that every time it comes back it feels like Togashi makes the story longer on purpose and spends entire chapters with 02190'412 bubbles of meaningless dialogue that's annoying to read.

Fuck no. American comic artists act like they are flawless in every sense; they refuse to take any criticism for anything. I'd rather have the current system.

It's not a bad thing, but man there are some full-page manga spreads I can think of that would look really nice in color.

Also the reason schedules can be followed so well in the west is primarily because in many cases, the artist and the writer are not the same person, which is not nearly as common in Japan. It's why FotNS looked good almost every chapter, because Buronson wrote and Tetsuo Hara drew.

any decent painting is going to at least take 2 or 3 hours. Every panel in a comic can be considered 1 painting/drawing, and depending on the level of detail can take about the same amount of time to finish, but lets be generous and say 1 panel = 1 hours work. there are usually about 5 panels per page. now lets say 1 chapter is 15 pages. 15 *5 = 75 hours work time. and thats just the actual drawing part. just as much time if not MORE goes into planning, and often time a single chapter goes through multiple versions before completion so lets say it takes half the time to sketch out a whole 15 page chapter, and lets say an artist has to do this twice before the editor is satisfied. 2(75/2) +75 = 150 hrs
there are only 168 hours in a week.


>Either people work like dogs or they never do anything
heh depend on the job, the work to death part is a westerner's "Wild wonder of the East", but the unhealthy work ethic is true. Most death are because of conditional issue such as family life and personal problems. The work to death part is just a factor that add in weight to those conditions.
Other than that, if dont have good grip on life when you have to work in a strict company then you are bound to be depressed. If you do then working very hard for a job and get paid at the end doesnt seem so bad when those effort still support you your standard good life. Moreover, it's the contract when you work for a big corporation or job that require strict rule to follow then it's all on you. There are plenty of alternative job to sustain oneself without being too over top. Japan dont have that "BE SUCCESSFUL DREAM BIG" culture like the US do so people who know that they want to live a mediocre life then they'll will try to get a job that isn't too hard bite. While those who work too hard are ones who have family to support and other social burden they feel obligated to carry.

these pictures take an hour to draw?
youre delusional

>Shiibashi Hiroshi
Nurarihyon no Mago had both top tier qt boys and girls, shame that in got axed.

Hara was an amazing artist for his time, especially considering he was only 22 when he started drawing hokuto no ken and 27 when he finished.

bad example, the guy specializes in drawing fast. and this page looks like shit anyway

Why aren't there more artist/writer duos in manga? Is it because having one guy do it all is cheaper?

/ic/ here, post your work.

And hacks like Obata become worse with every chapter.
Look at Bakuman or Death Note. Art becomes progressively worse.

Honestly I couldn't tell you why. Especially since Bakuman went into a lot of detail as to the advantages that 2-man teams have over singular authors.

I hate that picture. his abs looks liked someone punched them in. or he's sucking his gut.

you think that two people with different ideals can agree? if they do now, they are bounded to have drama. Aijin writer left and it was the best decision for the manga.

It adds to the allure.

It's not that hard once you get used to it. Just don't get un-used to it or it gets harder again. Once you actually realize that you feel sick all the time, things become more difficult, so it's best to let feeling sick become normal, because then it isn't bothersome.

>his abs looks liked someone punched them in
I mean, Raoh basically did.

>american comic artists of year 2017
>good model on how to do comics

>you think that two people with different ideals can agree? if they do now, they are bounded to have drama.
People give up on their ideas all the time user.

No one said the artists of now

>could be biweekly

Huh, now that you mention it, I have heard a lot of outcry on how Marvel has gone to absolute shit. I feel sorry for their (ex-)fans.

>t.non-artist from /ic/

Being a mangaka is suffering. Suffering leads to too much booze and smoking. Too much booze and smoking kills the mangaka. If they manage to get popular enough for not to suffer then they're still addicted to boozing and smoking.

Do they really die often? I can only think of one guy who died while he was working. I think you guys are just making stuff up

Because they're shut-ins that rarely leave their room, eat nothing but junk and don't get good, regular sleep.

curious, any names comes to mind of those 80+, senpai? or maybe died unrelated to poor life styles/stress management?

They have not undergone regular medical examination.

love kishi's assistants

they are so fucking terrible even after working on the same shit for their entire lives

its like being bad at flipping burgers at mcdonalds

They really do, especially those who never make it big. 30 years is just exaggeration though. Usually they die by their 50-60s which is actually very young age to die in Japan where life expectancy is over 80.

one person might take longer than that; like 2-3 hours at best, but these fags have assistants so they have no excuse.

Very carefully

This takes me back
I liked the first tomoyos room more though

.>d-don't leave me Obata-kun

I can't fucking believe how bad the art is after all these years.
You always see how mangaka go through big changes in artstyle but this fag just stays the same. And he draws weekly. It blows my mind.

No pressure to improve. He can draw garbage and still do fine, why bother trying to get better?

Wait, who else died :_:?

They don't die, they just isekai'd

Sounds much worse.

Shigeru Mizuki once sarcastically remarked about that. Their contemporary mangaka tended to brag how much sleep hours they could cut and how much pages they could churn out in a month. All dead in their 50s, and he, who slept nine hours a day, outlived them all.

Both Marvel and DC have gone to shit. They tried to appeal to the more progressive market while rebooting a lot of their IPs to try and draw in a newer audience coming in off the movies. Unfortunately for them none of those audiences actually give a fuck about the comics and all they did was piss off their existing fanbase.

this also applies to people that drink a lot of caffeine. I bet most don't even realize it, that feeling of pressure on your head? it's probably 20x worse than what you feel 'cuz you're use to it.

Really any physical agony you get used to. Dehydration is the same way. Even sleeplessness. It may feel bad, but when you've been doing it for a long time, you likely have no idea how bad it feels.

>entire chapters with 02190'412 bubbles of meaningless dialogue that's annoying to read.
That has nothing to do with Togashi.

Are mangakas the hardest working people in the entire entertainment industry?

Animators have it just as rough.

Yeah I met one the og comicbook artists in his late seventies.

>Manga artists
>A job that pretty much specifically has you sitting in a single, hunched over position
>Surprised when they die

Most of my favorite manga are monthly, but it just occured to me that this must mean the authors get paid 1/4 the salary of a weekly mangaka, so maybe they have a part-time job as well to make end meets... meaning they're still working a lot

It's not, considering how many mangaka just straight up fucking die.

How many? Who are all these dead mangaka?

>averaging 6 hours of sleep a night
>3 hours to himself a week

Naw, that shit gave me insonmia like a bitch and almost killed me, too. I'm doing 40hrs at work plus 20+ for school, and it's still hard.

>Their contemporary mangaka tended to brag how much sleep hours they could cut and how much pages they could churn out in a month.
This is the same mentality of a good percentage of grad students. Its ridiculous how many people think that cutting out sleep is a reasonable course of action when it comes to getting stuff done and not collapsing under pressure/dropping dead.

>none of those audiences actually give a fuck about the comics and all they did was piss off their existing fanbase.
When will they learn? SJWs dont buy stuff, so pander to them is losing money.

Sounds like bullshit. There's no room for transportation breaks (japanese traffic), shower or other important meetings a famous mangaka with assistants would have.

That's probably not a famous mangaka with assisants.

being artists suck dick

>2 hours of sleep on Monday
I would want to die too

>shame that in got axed

I think it concluded in the way it felt best to end.

Well, i would want to kill myself with such an inefficient schedule too.

thats why there are tawawas

How is he now?

It really seems like a shitty career option. No matter what you do, chances are your work will be considered garbage. And even if you are successful, you have to put up with so much bullshit- deadlines, self-entitled fans, contrarians, shitty businessmen who just want to capitalise on your work, and the media who will eat you alive if you don't meet a certain criteria. Let's not forget that artists are usually pretty insecure and neurotic already. Why anyone would want to 'make it' is beyond me. I mean having self-worth is important, but is it *that* important?

Unhealthy lifestyle
I doubt anyone of them even had time for sport

I literally only read monthly manga, it would make no difference to me.

The shower is during the three hours of free time, of course.

They don't, fuck off now.

Shamo's author left and it fucked the manga up.