Is 13 episode series ruining anime?? Yes or no, and why??


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Show in pic was shit anyways. Contentious garbage.

The justification for 12/13 episodes is lack of content, like an upcoming and seemingly popular show. Then having some off-time while enough material is made for a "second season". Or simply resorting to less-than-stellar material for filler anime.

I'd say a more damaging thing to anime/manga/light novels in general is over-saturation. At this point everything is copying eachother with a vaguely new concept or idea hamfisted into it.

And shit waifu's. And pandering to the lowest common denominator. And normies thinking shit anime is good so it does well, then creators wrongfully get the idea that such shit is good, spreading the influence of shit.

Definetely, back then they had the decency to make anime an ad for the source material while trying that people enjoy said ad covering interesting material. Nowadays they just adapt the beginning in the most uninspired way and then lol read the manga/LN

>Show in pic was shit anyways. Contentious garbage.
It was shit because they adapted 2 novels and added filler trash all over the place taking any fun the story had

24-26 episode seasons are optimal
I think the real problem is a lack of good OVA

Started reading the grimgar LNs recently, somehow Ranta is an even bigger asshole, Mary is even bitchier,, Haru is even more indecisive, Yume constantly says Yumes name whenever Yume has a thought running through Yumes mind or if Yume sees something, and Moguzo and mage girl are almost non existent as characters

13-episode anime are just blatant LN/manga advertisements. Anyone who genuinely thinks they're good are the genuinely retarded people.

The majority of series benefit from it, since that means they have to keep shit happening all the time instead of the filler-fests we got when 24 episodes was the norm. Though a good number of series suffer under those constraints.

We wouldn't need Ova episodes at all. if manga writers would just make enough source material for Anime viewers to get at least 25-28 episodes per season. Even if the series doesn't get renewed, least we as anime viewers would get to enough the series to judge whether we really like it or not. 13 episode series is destorying anime all across the board.

Do you not remember what it used to be like? These days we get way more new shows, way more adventurous shows that try different things which wouldn't have ever been made in the old days. The anime market is way better now than when longer running shows were the norm.

I'll take 24 episodes over 13 episodes any day.

Sometimes anime smooth out a lot of poor writing and there is A LOT of poor writing in light novels.

DanMachi is basically unreadable. Whether you like or hate the anime we can all agree they did a helluva job translating his utter garbage into something that at least makes sense.

Anime needs to become 10 episode per season.
Everyone knows animating is an unprofitable pain in the ass.

Yeah i get what you saying, but nowadays were getting anime that's half done or the writers quit after the first 2 volumes. What is the point of starting an anime series, if 13 episodes is all you get?

That's dumb

>unable to detect sarcasm
>and calling someone else dumb

I definitely agree with you.

Obviously you can't read cuz I say that's dumb

Really Sup Forums? You're replying to this?

This should have been another Dragon Ball thread right

What's the problem?

1-cour is terrible.
Only ADD kids who always want "shit happening" would think this is better for anime.

2-cour is the minimum a series can have for development not to feel rushed.

That being said, whilst I love adaptations I would prefer more original series, since it's annoying watching a series not to get the full story, because only the first few volumes of some LN got adapted.

I definitely agree with you!

I think it's fine. It's just that anime sucks and no amount of moving goal-posts is going to change that. Back in the zeroes you'd have boring anime and they'd just last twice as long.

Delicious armpits

No, it's an improvement over the typical bloat of 24-26 episode series.

Why is 13 episodes better?

Not necessarily because its "13 episodes long" but because nowadays no fucking show have an ending, it's always "look forward to the next season" and most of times that next season never happens, i'm just tired of shows that never ends, I mean, is anime so desperate for titles? Just do series that are already over and do it from beggining to end, not just damn 4 seasons of 12 episodes each, I didn't even bother to proof read my post so whatever, i'm tired of just throwing more titles into the pile no never see them end.

Why so we can have filler episodes with characters chasing ghost dogs through New York sewers? Very few 24 episode anime actually make use of those episodes. Even EVA only gets good at the halfway point.

>Just do series that are already over
But there's no marketing value in a IP that's already finished, producers aren't usually willing to spend dosh on something that doesn't warrant advertising.
>13 episode shows have no ending
There are plenty of shows around 12-13 episodes long that have a satisfying ending, although my sense of satisfaction might clash with yours. Hell, even last season had at least three.

What it boils down to is how poorly these adaptations stand on their own. typically they just cover the basic introduction and then just as shit is getting going tell the viewer to piss off and go buy a book or manga. And Id certainly be inclined to if I like the anime but not if the anime just ends up being a gigantic empty blue ball. It's not as bad in say a comedy series or something generally lighter on plot but all to often it seems like they just introduce the main characters and then we never get a chance to really do anything with them or get to know them.

Id rather have a series that changes things to exist on it's own merit than a half hearted adaptation that does nothing but waste time leaving nothing resolved.

Hentai is better if it has plot, like this one.

>last season had three
You better not pretend Princess Principal is one of them

No it's not.
But those who had 1-10 fanservice with 11-12 episode of things actually happening needs to die.

It depends on the show, but most of the very best anime take 2 cours. There are rather good 1 cour ones and there are likewise excellent longer than 2 cour anime, but I do agree that the industry's current emphasis on 1 cour is bad. I'm fine with getting more 1 cour shows, but I do want at least twice as many if not more 2+ cour shows.

>its only shit because it just adapted two novels
dude even the pacing in the novels is fucking slow and the characters arent likeable nor does a whole lot happen

and you gotta remember that the series wasnt even that old/long when it got adapted

I miss Tiger

I just think it's mighty depressing that in terms of endings the best we can really hope for is a decentish stopping point or a lack of obvious cliffhangers

Can you not read? I explained in the comment you are responding to.

No you didn't. You just said the word bloat. And to be frank that bloat is important because not only dose it pace out the heavier plot episodes better it lets the writers create scenarios to show the characters at their unguarded and normal rest states so the heavy plot elements actually carry weight. If all a series shows is plot twists and HYPE moments then they quickly lose their impact.

Sweaty armpits.

>12 episode series?
>12 episode ADAPTATION?

The only thing ruining anime are people like this clown . The vast majority to two cour shows from the 80s and 90s was padded with nonstop filler, 50ep+ shows usually had at least 30% of it. The fact that people think that OVAs had high production values on average is fucking delusional as well. Thats something that can only come from someone who hasnt seen shit, since most OVAs were absolutely generic, rehashed dog shit that was even less conclusive than your average 12ep adaptation.

There is nothing that ruins anime. There is just a bunch of mentally challenged people who are unable to ignore the trash. Nowadays we have the same amount of shows per season we had over the couse of an entire year in the early 90s. Of course there will be a lot of garbage. Where is the good source material supposed to come from?

Bahamut with 13 episodes was better than Virgin Soul with 24.

wrong. anime was undeniably superior in the 80s and 90s. cry about filler some more, pussy

It was the same, its just that you had less things to compare to.

the length of a series needs to match the scope of the story. that's about all there is to it. 12/13 ep series are only rushed clusterfucks when the scope is too big for the episode count.

for your average anime 12/13 ep is perfect for me because your average anime isn't good enough to keep me watching it any longer than that.

Yet Ill deny it because you are unable to look at the development of the medium in an objective manner. The vast majority of OVAs is absolute bin tier, the same way the vast majority of seasonal shows is. The only thing that the 80s were good for were its scifi aesthetics, thats about it. You sound exactly like the average circlejerking nigger who posts in pre2000s threads, most of whom have seen like a dozen OVAs in total. Shit like Baoh, Shinesman, Ellcia, Biohunter or Mermaids Scar isnt good by any stretch, and inconclusive garbage with very often slightly above average visuals. Same as the average modern show.

>below average 90s shows aren't very good just like average modern shows
yeah you really screwed that one up huh
>heh nice try but this selection of anime I don't like is just as bad as modern anime
try having an opinion beyond "some good some bad" you anime coward

20 minutes/12 episodes ruins anime. Episodes should be 40 minutes. And seasons should not be containment by stupid 12 episodes. They should do like west tv series.

Stupid kid.

>And to be frank that bloat is important
Really stupid kid.

'00s was the best decade of anime by far.
>cry about filler some more
That's unironically part of why.

older anime is better because there's been more time for people to figure out what shows are generally worth watching and what shows are worth skipping over.

Not due to episode count though. Genesis with 24 episodes could have been much better paced.

>Presents no counter argument
>Knows nothing of proper pacing and story telling

No. 13 episodes is fine for some anime where the story isn't as big as others. Dragging the show out is something you don't want to do. It is annoying when the story gets left half told though.

Why the fuck is everybody taking a namefag seriously?

>below average 90s shows
Nah, those OVAs are literally what the average 80s/90s OVA/tv show is like. The worst part is that we dont even have access to the REALLY bad stuff, since it sits in some otakus basement and wont ever be put online. Those VHR's and DVD's of shows that were so bad that only a handful of people bought them, like Aoyama-kun last season. Nowadays nothing is ever being lost anymore.

>try having an opinion beyond "some good some bad" you anime coward
I do. Almost all 80s/90s OVA are absolute dogshit and horribly written messes. 80s were literally the low point of writing in anime. Nothing stands out as exceptional, everything is bland and horribly executed. Its boatloads of wasted potential and settings, with directors, writers and fans deluding themselves into believing that shit like Bubblegum Crisis or Lodoss are well written works, or that shit like Iczer has merit beyond its visuals. The visuals were better but significantly less diverse than modern shows, but holy fucking hell was the writing trash. 80s anime feels like the darkages, even works like Nausicaa are horribly flat in regards to their written aspect.

I get it, you watched some acclaimed works and reached the conclusion that they are better that modern shows. Sucks for you that at some point along the line youll start to run out of critically acclaimed shit to watch. Maybe then you will realize just how absolutely horrible these shows were and that the only thing that saved them were its stylistic decisions and fairly unique settings and universes. Megazone is like a perfect metaphor for 80s OVAs overall. A single exceptional work, followed up by boatloads of fucking trash that wastes all the potential and storylines established by the first movie. In this case the sequels even manage to look a million times worse.

>"You didn't explain why!!1!"
>proceeds to oxymoronically respond to my explanation
Stupid kid.

A fair amount of 12 or 24 episode shows could probably benefit from being 18 or so episodes.

Now that you mention it, just noticed that OP was using a name. A bit deplorable but the thread topic is worth discussing.

They should sstart crowdfunding anime

Make fans pay upfront for their garbage-tier moeshit light novel instead of having it be either that or financial ruin

Looking at all the anime I've watched, most of my favourites are in the 24-26 episode range due to usually having fleshed out characters who I come to care about, self contained stories and an overarching plotline that lasts long enough that it's resolution feels satisfying and an acceptable amount of filler. 12-13 eps tends to suffer from not having fleshed out characters or closure in their stories and a lot of adaptations end up going this route, howver 12-13 also means less filler and can still be done properly if the source material is good.

I don't know if they need to conform to having a certain number of episodes in a season, I know Log Horizon S2 REALLY could have done with 1 or 2 less then the 25 it had. They stretched some of the scenes to ridiculous lengths.

yes, because of terrible anime original ending and/or the anime not getting a 2nd season

>They stretched some of the scenes to ridiculous lengths.

They also truncated a lot of stuff hard. Like the Kaname team episode could have been a mini arc on it's own instead of Willie M's US Gamers speech

>Whine's about anime original
>Whine's if there's no season 2

Why not just read the fucking manga and ignore all anime ever then, jesus christ

That fucking speech was the biggest offender, I almost skipped the whole episode because of that shit. It just wouldn't fucking stop.
Another thing that wouldn't stop was the focus on Isuzu in the later half of S2. Her subplot was dragged out maliciously to the point where I was starting to hate her by proxy and her scenes really needed to be trimmed down because they were boring as shit in addition to their frequency.

A lot of this comes down to directors not understanding how to work with the number of episodes they've decided they want to work with. A 1-cour anime is not just a 2-cour anime that's half as long, but often that's how they're treated (of course, the occasions where they've literally split a 2-cour season into two 1-cour seasons with a break in the middle for budget reasons are exempt from that criticism). Single cour anime are most appropriate for short, uncomplicated stories, with a small number of important characters and a definitive stopping point where things feel like they're complete (even if they aren't). They aren't appropriate for long-running and never-ending series with a large number of characters and multiple story arcs UNLESS the intention is to do new seasons of it fairly regularly, in which case you might be able to get away with it.

Anime only having 12/13 episodes sucks a lot of the time because most shows only get 1 season, so you basically only have 4.5 hours total to spend with the characters, which really isn't much since it's spread out over 3 months.

I'm currently watching episode 5 of Strawberry Panic and it has 26 episodes, which I'm pleased with since I really like the world and characters thus far and don't want it to end so soon.

Did you even read what you fucking wrote? How can you be this fucking stupid?

I dumb it down for you:
If the anime gets a terrible original ending after season 1 = NO SEASON 2.
If the anime just ends after the first season without telling the rest of the story = BAD.

Better than SAO.

It really depends on the show, Some shows depending on the plot can make it work in 12-13 episodes some can't.

It's just that Japan puts all the good ones in 12-13 and it comes off unfinished and rushed.

reminder not to reply to tripfags

Doom is coming for those armpits. There's a debt to pay and Ranta's coming to collect.

I want 50 episodes back