Anime is becoming a reality

Anime is becoming a reality.

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How giant we talking about?

oh shit this is on right now, completely forgot

Is this yuri?

Wait is this the thing where America challenged Japan to a robot fight? I thought that already happened.

it did. in fact, its a prerecording

It's on now on twitch.

What anime is this?

This is the worst thing I've ever watched.

It's like they made tanks, then fought with foam swords. That shit was tame. I mean, knocking over the stuff in front of the announcers was kind of amusing, but this is so incredibly tame.

This anime sucked

scripted as fuck. it was terrible.

How did it end?

>america wins
WOOOOOW. This whole shit was scripted, worst anime I've ever watched.

USA #1

AMERICA bot cut Japan's paintball gun. Shit fell on the announcers' table after they fled. Girl with dumb hair color makes it sound like some incredible victory.

japan beat the old bot, then the new bot eagle prime won.

Wow this was fucking garbage.

Still better than Gundam IBO.


Honestly they kind of fucked Kuradas by building an entirely different robot than they challenged them with, so it's great that Kuradas got to knock Iron Glory the fuck out

>forgot about this
>see thread
>go to twitch
>stupid interview going on
>ten minutes late and there is still no fight going on
Also I'm keking at how Sup Forums is the best board for this, doesn't really fit anywhere else.

This was actually way cooler than I thought it would be. I expected two rickety things running into each other and falling down.

They obviously did a bunch of shit just to be cool but they're giant robots that's kind of the fucking point.

For a first ever go at this, that was pretty fucking rad.



Those guys shitting their pants when they climbed out was hilarious. That's what the get for trying to bait and switch Kuradas.


3D was a mistake.

I've seen shitty CGI better than this.

I can't believe!

Americabot was built too top-heavy.

I liked the chainsaw part at the end of the second duel though.

Fucking hell

Literally fuck everyone who didn't think that was the coolest shit ever just because it's not like chinese cartoons. I just watched a six-ton humanoid robot punch another one the fuck out and then KEIKAKU them with a drone. This shit was rad.

>USA said they want to fight China next
It's happening.

i cringed

>*blocks your bullets*

How exactly is Japan supposed to win? They have a paintball gun against a chainsaw.



Is chainsawing the other mech's pilot against the rules?

Why doesn't he just shoot the other robot's window so the driver can't see?

>not even a samurai sword step

>Anime is becoming a reality.
let me check on my bedroom
>still no gf
then what's the point

They've only got themselves to blame, fists and melee weapons always beat projectiles.

That's like /m/ 101.

It was supposed to be hand to hand combat though user, which is why they redesigned the us robot

Hand to hand combat while they have pilots in the cockpit? This was doomed from the start.

I'm fucking excited.

that was so fucking fake

Because if it breaks though the windshield it will literally kill them, it's a 3lbs canonball.

Kuradas trided to do that with it's paint machinegun but didn't have the aim, and in the end the other bot 2x it's weight would have trounced them anyways.

I tuned in for a minute. Total garbage - holy fuck it was truly bad. Scripted, and the writing was cringeworthy. The commentators had to run away because "the fight is out of control". Fake and gay is actually a valid summary of it.

Nips were making the point that if they're allowed to put a gatling gun there the USA mech didn't even stand a chance. Jap's mech is built to showcase more than it was built to win.

>this is how mechashit fights look like in real world

Reminder that there are retards out there who think that mechas will replace tanks.

I can appreciate Berserk2016 now.

The problem with putting real weapons on these thigns like that would be that offense would >>>>>> defense and every fight would be over in moments.

In the future they should

1. Take the pilots out so these things can get shredded until they stop moving and

2. Keep it to melee.

Although, I dunno, the drone thing was cool.

A dude with hunting rifle could "beat" both. What a fucking joke.

Reminder that this is the pic related of giant robot fights

I thought it was a cool fight. I'm almost certain it was scripted though, the part where the announcer does the
>what? what's wrong? you're the robotics expert
felt fake as fuck.

It was neat though, it was like a BattleBots episode but with giant multi-million dollar robots.



They aren't looking for military contracts, dumbass

>people that call it fake and scripted are called "weeaboos" by the faggots that liked it cause USA won when there clearly was a one sided match with Japan doing fuck all for 3 years, their mech got a brand new arm, while usa made 3 mechas and did extensive testing and had outsourcing in their 3 year preparation.

The bored real estate millionaires would never want to see their giant robots get shredded in real combat.

>we want to fight china next
oh shit. I think other countries have mechs too, this might become a thing.

It was a mess, but if it opens the door for future events, they could refine it and actually make it into something eventually worth watching.

We should have a tournament.

Well if they took the pilots out, they wouldn't even have to keep it to melee, they could use projectiles that aren't just giant paint balls. And even those had potential to kill on a direct hit to a person

It's gonna be a TV show. Really it's all just scripted. Literally WWE but with robots.

I feel like that would be one of the bits most likely to have at least one death from either the chinese pilot ignoring the script or chinese engineering standards.

Some of it has to be scripted to prevent an accidental fatality. It's neat but is probably right

I hope stuff like this makes it more common, maybe it'll get funded or something and we'll get regular matches.

That part where Eagle Prime started ripping into the Kuratas with a chainsword felt like something straight out of 40K.

Season 2 when? with Russia and China mechs

And the losing countries get deleted.

This is a board about TV shows.

Do I get to watch bigass robots fight? Then I don't care.

Well as long as its fun to watch, I can live with that.

But if they remove the pilots from the robots, I could see it being like a larger scale battlebots

>yfw Russia's mech is literally discount Cherno Alpha

>theres are people who didn't see america fuck shit with a chainsaw sword
>there arn't Webm's of it in thread
>or the drone
fucking christ, those were the best parts though.

>larger scale battlebots
I think that's what we all really want
country vs country giant battlebot Olympics, except not rigged

>the drone
What were they actually planning to do with that anyways?

nah people would be happy with actual mech fights if there was actual armor and weapons and shit on them.

i imagine like other drones in battle had it not been scripted retarded crap it would belike a reaper drone and carried missiles and blown it the fuck out.
its like the flying bits on a gundam. mind you i think the kurata was something pitched to the japo military at one point but then this competition it got nerfed to almighty shit.

Blind the other guys with the smoke then rush in and WAAAAN PAAAAWWNCH at full speed

It worked but for like three seconds and the cars stopped him from rushing in

Is there a full video of the fight.

>I feel like that would be one of the bits most likely to have at least one death
Now THIS I wanna see.

/m/ here, we've been saying it's gonna be complete shit all year and it still managed to disappoint us


fuck off gundam fag, i enjoyed it, just because you shits got assblasted there wasn't literal psychoframe newtype retardation doesn't mean it was bad.

Y'all legit fags. This was never going to be an anime fight and anyone who expected it to be was retarded.

This was a stupid amount of money being poured into watching two bigass unstable robots tear shit up. That's all it needed to be and they delivered on that.

Not to mention

what else did you expected, /m/?

Because in the fantasy land of animu, Mecha have superior mobility. Not so in real life.

>Kuradas's pilot talking right before this about how the hand is symbolic and he wants to pay them back for damaging the fingers

>They rip the remains of the hand into unrecognizable scrap

I'm no /k/ expert but realistically speaking wouldn't the size of the Kuratas be completely unsuitable for an armed drone? Predator drones alone are fucking huge. If you wanted to be practical, it'd probably be better for scouting or something.

The drone move was pretty clever. I think they could have thrown a big smoke screen on the face of the American robot to completely blind him instead of some little "distraction" smoke. Also, they could have used some kind of torch to burn/disable wires.


Battlebots is way better than this trash.

>we expected it to be complete shit
>it was even more shit than we expected


The absolute reading comprehension of Sup Forums

If they were going to script it they could've done better, jap team dropped the ball and barely upgraded Kuratas, cramped arena didn't allow them to move beyond driving straight at each other, kuratas should've had a length club to hit from beyond Burger-bot's reach.

Predators are big because that's what's necessary for it to carry the fuel to lift the computer and get to it into position. Kuratas is bad as a military platform not only because it's underpowered but also because its shape has no useful advantage in a current generation fight

>barely upgraded Kuratas

Because Team America switched out their robot when Kuradas was already deep into R&D. That's on the Americans.

did the jp robot just parry that projectile

yeah, the match sucked because Japan looked so unprepared and it really showed when they became a sitting duck and took a massive beating. Apparently the kuratas has a pilebunker weapon but never swapped into it, it could have been a cool counter to the chainsaw.

I don't see how anyone that enjoyed it could be not /m/ while the people complaining about what happened be /m/

I miss this show. Why did it stop airing anyways? I thought it was popular.