Guys, I'm sad

Guys, I'm sad...

Fucking jews ruining everything.

We have to wait until summer of 2018 for them to maybe catch up.

The pain is real.

you could probably learn rudimentary moon by then if you really wanted to

I'd typeset this if I had a translator

I actually want to continue my Japanese studies but I moved to the middle of nowhere and I don't own a car.

There's so much stuff I want to do but I have to last until May when I graduate then I can move to some kind of city once I find a job.

Isn't it amazing how everyone is disappointed when things get officially localized since it ends up that we get the exact same shit but add several months delay?

I'm glad it's localized and will be buying it to support the manga (Wonder how much I actually support the mangaka when I buy localized versions) but I'm sad that I have to wait for a while.

In an ideal world they'd keep scanlating until the official release has caught up but that would be illegal.

In an ideal world a "professional" publishing house would be able to match the pace of a bunch of random assholes doing it for free


In an ideal world a "professional" publishing house wouldn't print shit with grammatical mistakes and poor ass localization either and their translators would actually be a cut above people who do it for free.

Unfortunately all the people who are like that obviously don't take jobs way below their pay grade.

I'm guessing they have to take longer cause they do it legally so there's probably a bunch of loops to jump through there.

Then they have to make sure the quality is good by double checking with QA.

And finally they have to coordinate with the store that will sell that shit.

It's much easier for a group of assholes to just edit stuff in photoshop and then post it on an anonymous chinese cartoon image board.

self study and reach out to communities online. Theres plenty of language sharing apps on the app store to study and help people learning the same language

Shit is hard but it's impossible if you don't try

ur retarded user, learning japanese is as simple as doing the 2k/6k anki deck every day and reading a grammar book a few times.
After than you can learn phrases and connotation from books.

Wow dude no need to be rude to that user.
All he wanted to do was encourage me to learn Japanese.

And it's harder than just reading definitions each day.

I'm willing to translate. Love this manga

Scanlations aren't legal even if they're unlicensed. It's just that Japanese publishers don't usually go after gaijins. Sometimes they do though. Scanlators stopping their translation after it's licensed is usually a moralfag decision and not a legal decision.

Well their reasoning is:

Since it's not licenced then I'm doing it for the fans, it's illegal but for a good cause.

Whereas if it is licenced then suddenly that previous reasoning doesn't hold, plus the licencing company is probably more likely to send them cease and desist letters.

the start of a beautiful friendship

I mean they didn't exchange contact info or anything.

Right now it kinda seems like empty words.

>27 minutes ago
Got caught up reading it, I wonder if you're still here.
[email protected]

2+2=4 dude.

I forgot the password to that one.


That reasoning still holds until the licensing company catches up. There's no reason to make people wait a year or more for that to happen. That's how good series lose interest.

The long release schedules are probably related to marketing more than anything.

any effort they put into translating, barring the licensor dropping the series, will be rendered pointless eventually, whereas putting those efforts into something that wouldn't otherwise be translated means a total gain

This is true. The "professional" translation is normally done by a person who doesn't get paid very much

I disagree. I'm way more likely to drop a series if I have to wait two years for it to continue. Still haven't picked Rokka no Yuusha back up after that happened, since I've forgotten most of the plot.

I mean, there's the english WSJ that comes out on the official release date.

But consider that the scripts the random assholes produce read like they're all unedited first drafts. For an official release you have actually produce a professional quality script, go through QA things, organise printing (most localisation companies don't have an in-house printer, so they're at the mercy of an external one's schedule), marketing and finding sellers. Plus these scripts tend to include volume extras and sound effects, which a lot of scanlators seem to ignore.

As a buyfag, I want same day releases as much as anyone, but I can understand what a logistical nightmare it would be to keep up that kind of pace for an ongoing series.

that's on you though, in the end barring unforeseen circumstances there will still be two translated manga you have the opportunity to read instead of one

I wish translators would work on this post.

I feel like you've said something very interesting, but I can't understand you desu

thisand this

Sorry my english I terrible

I'm American and I feel ashamed

I wish translators have much more to tell Yen Press, Seven Seas and other manga retailers to say "Fuck You" in their faces. The more people who are laying down for these licensing companies who C&D to translators sites they have become the biggest whiners and cowards in the translation community. It sickens me that good manga and LN lose interest and wasted in the US and other countries to flourish. These companies do not know the consequences of these actions their ego's are killing good businesses.

Fuck them and fuck those who support these practices.

Does anyone know if any other group is going to pick this up?

I guess we are already living in an ideal world

I'm still not really clear, are you calling the translators cowards? because that's really fucking entitled of you if so

Still have no clue what you're saying. Like just read that first sentence and tell me if it makes sense to you.

anon1 and anon2
as a scanlator: big scanlators are cowards desu

Not really. I'd rather have another series start later than have a currently running one interrupted. Then I'm more likely to read both instead of just one because I dropped the other in the two year hiatus. Worst case is that both end up licensed with the same problem and I drop both. I'm guessing you can either read raws or have never really dealt with this bullshit before, but it's very likely most people in this thread will have dropped and forgotten about Grand Blue by the time it catches up.


I've always find it hilarious that the community calls the scanlators "whiners" when all they've done was dropping a series and nothing more

coward sympathizer, get out of my thread

>I'm guessing you can either read raws or have never really dealt with this bullshit before
neither, I mean I totally agree that yeah it is frustrating but I also have no problem being patient and waiting in cases like this

I suppose we are patient in different ways. I would rather wait for a new series to be translated if it means not interrupting one I'm already reading. Not because I can't wait for updates but because I'll actually forget the nuances of the story after a long time.

yeah just different outlooks, like while I would prefer no interruption I would see that as an opportunity to reread something I enjoyed

losing the Murenase scanlation around the same time's been a bit of a double-whammy

Makes absolutely no sense dropping a series just because is licensed.

Hope some user pick up instead of another scandrama group

They dropped it because their translator was a fag who would've been offended if someone else in his group would translate it.

Not even joking.

>series licensed
>amerifats get official release
>everyone else "not available in your country"


Download them from mado?

tell your country to stop being too poor to purchase rights

Or use a fake american address on your credit card + vpn. This works on comixology.

I know how to pirate I would just like for fucking once to support the series I like and read eveery week

I don't want to read manga in my native language
I want to read them in english
What kind of fucked up system is this where it is illegal to read manga in english outside the US

Fuck off.

>What kind of fucked up system is this where it is illegal to read manga in english outside the US
Now you are making yourself look stupid.
Nothing forbids you of getting the english version.

another buyfag here: I'm sick of yenpress releases digital books almost on time on everything but iBooks.