It's going to rise again, you Yankee scum.
It's going to rise again, you Yankee scum
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how do I know you're really from the south?
The nigs will destroy you
Ok lardass. I'm waiting.
vocaroo yourself now to prove you're a fellow southerner
hang from a tree traitor
Boy, I say now Boy. I'm fixin' to whoop your ass boy.
There is absolutely no reason to have southern pride. This place is trashy as fuck. Anything you have to be proud of, the Midwest does better and they have less darkies. I could post dozens of pictures from here that look like they’re from India in terms of development. The trailer courts, the Walmarts, the people, the garbage, it’s awful. Only good thing we have is beaches and I fucking hate the beach.
Pic related us your average southern supremacist.
To do what exactly?
The Jew Slave Ships will sail again. Go fight for your Jew masters.
So u fight for Yankee banking interests in Jew Yawk?
At least we kept the blacks behaved.
Jew York stood against Lincoln and his Debt free Green backs.
It was the Banking interests in Europe that supported the South.
The Russian Czar had to put half his fleet off the US coast to keep the Jews from helping the South win.
Fuck all. When the USA inevitably balkanizes, the South will reform out being a pure default that everyone is familiar with, and not because anybody particularly gives a damn or has a plan.
>Kept blacks behaved
>Literally destroyed by blacks and union army
As a proud son of the south let me say that the south is a lost cause. If i was to go to the grocery store right now I GUARANTEE you i'd see at least 10 coal burners. I would bet me life on it, that's how bad it is.
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cucked faggot....kys
We Americans are too fucking lazy to have a civil war again. We just want to watch tv, eat burgers, and watch our women fuck blacks. It was a good run but we're fucked
One day I pray, you will see the wisdom of bringing back black slavery or at the very least, segregation.
Real Americans are Southern.
haha im a nigger XDDDD
>Bringing black people to America was a good idea
No, I won't
It was a Jew Idea, and Slavery is a Jew tradition
You can work for me for free, nigganon.
no lol
Haha no it won’t
We're not going to rise again. Our demographics will doom us.