Pedogate and LP

>Bastard child
>early adolescent drug addict
>sexual abuse victim
>step father is a child sex crimes investigator
>Chester was a failing musician before he was planted at the front of Linkin Park and thrust into immediate superstardom
>he and his ultra rich best friend both decide to off themselves within a month of each other
>oh, and he just so happens to be the spitting image of John Podesta

I’m convinced Chester is Podestas son and (((they))) killed him and his best friend when they figured it out

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there was a blind item on that crazydaysandnights site about a retreat out in Arizona where actors go for rehab but it's just another kid trap for pedos disguised as a religious retreat. All of hollywood and recording industry know about it and the fbi/black cube keep it quiet

whats your favrite linkin park song

The one in Transformers

bl33d it out

Lying from you


Meteora is a modern day classic and still holds up today.

Read the lyrics. Chester knew some shit. He was probably about to blow the lid on everything you could possibly imagine. Rumor was Chris Cornell had a notebook with everything

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You're retarded.

Here is what happened to your faggot Chester.

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with you (reanimation)

How easily a decent thread gets derailed

Nu metal was pushed by Jews to make teenage white boys weak and pussified. And judging by how many of them grew up to be nu males and soyboys, it worked.

Chester Bennington was not podesta's son but a younger clone of John podesta.

He really looks like this Podesta kiddie fiddler.

Such a shitty group of immature teenage angst pseudo poetry, Chester had a great voice and made the band, sure. But who gives a flying fuck. The bassist, drummer and keyboardist are the real winners here, fortune without fame.

A lot of people looks like Skippy, it's not a very unusual face, pretty standard. Rodent-like features.

Maybe in the Canadas …

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Yeah her Twitter got hacked that night. Yep I believe that

Meteroa is quite possibly one of the greatest albums of the early 21st century.
Fight me faggots

Trying really hard to derail the pedo thread with silly gay shit like that....

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>Chester had a great voice

there's a pic of younger podesta, around chester's age when he died, that i'm too lazy to look for. they look almost exactly the same at that age

Just saying he made the band, it's not that talking mutt that brought success to this boys band.

Sure they look similar, you know who looks similar? All asian people.

I see twitter is getting a march together to support the students from the high school shooting and students in general who don’t want to get shot. Could any Twitter fags add pedogate to the hashtag so the march could be used to save the lives of children of trafficked children as well?
