Pls care about Go!
dude fucking spat on him
>dark onizuka
What the fuck is this episode
this tread is already dead.
I can't believe you fuckers let the last thread die
How the hell did it die so fast?
And the episode is even fucking on.
Did go just fucking job?
Man Yusaku looks just pissed.
>"Fucking Go man! First he disguises as me and then he jobs too! Can't I have ONE day off from Hanoi? JUST ONE!"
(The Fate Shouldered by the Dark Mask)
Dr. Genome uses his Hellix deck to turn the Gouki monsters’ powerful attacks against themselves, putting GO Onizuka into a pinch. At the same time, the other members of the Knights of Hanoi also show up in LINK VRAINS and indiscriminately attack the citizens…
Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Shima Naoki: Sawashiro Chiharu
Zaizen Aoi/Blue Angel: Nakashima Yuki
Zaizen Akira: Yamamoto Shoma
Onizuka Go/Go Onizuka: Hamano Daiki
Doctor Genome: Kirimoto Takuya
Vyra: Koshimizu Ami
Kitamura: Kato Masayuki
LOTS and LOTS of Extras
Script: 米村正二, 前川 淳 || Yonemura Shouji, Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 西田章二 || Nishida Shoji
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生, || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei
Most likely, but who knows.
Looks like next episode's gonna be one of those 'MC encourages "Rival" to not give up and the Rival turns it around' scenes
Good one
1 more week of go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Aoi having at least one cameo next episode should make up for it
This so boring. I WANT PLOT ALREADY
He can't job, can he? I mean this is supposed to be his big moment.
aoi a shit
a shit
Go is getting treated worse than the previous heroines
Go Jobbingzuka
Shit the fuck up and enjoy your non-threads.
Jesus christ everyone. Post SOMETHING. When are having a new patch of spoilers?
it's a Go episode, what do you expect?
is it possible Go to be dropped from the main cast if he's not popular enough?
I don't even know who is gonna buy his ugly as fuck merchandise
Like Jesus Christ put Emma or Akira there instead
That doesn't even look bad. I swear waifufags and shipfags need to get off their high horse.
>roach girl
>any better
>Kitamura and the Zaizens
Uh oh, Akira's about to be canned, isn't he? Or simply yelled at and locked up in the database room with his crazy-eyes assistant.
best boy revolver when?
When he appears at Yusaku's school and hijinks ensue.
SoL between them when?
When will Yusaku have his edge moment?
Oh c'mon guys! Last week was a Go episode too and we did hit the bump limit atleast once.
series, you mean?
Oh it'll happen soon and it's going to be glorious. Just suffer these shitty episodes first.
I'd like to know how these broken edgy motherfuckers met for the first time.
Any predictions?
last week was plot sort of
>The crowd wants power and I fight violently to entertain them
Is this just Zarc again?
>tfw you have to clean up someone else's mess
>Zarc but no DRAGONS bullshit
He looks even more pissed there than he looked against Akira.
What a shit episode, the two monsters fighting and not getting killed was alright though.
Yusaku felt a bit out of character.
Also the art seemed weird.
Shit staff for shitGo.
This is the face of complete disgust.
>"You mean you didn't get kidnapped and forced to play cardgames until you got good? Please. Friendship sucks."
"He couldn't defeat me, the people think his style is trite, he can't draw a single dime and now he's gone full retard and left me a giant pile of shit to clean up. He's got no clue and even less idea. The last time I saw anybody this useless, we were doing that Zexal crossover promo thing."
Can we walk about how amazing Dr. Genome's link summon animation is.
gook link 2 for rokket/borrel when?
dead thread
I'm not gonna watch this show again until Yusaku eats shit
Yeah i love how the new director gave every character their own signature link summon
Porn when?
Soon maybe.
I thought the episode wasn't that bad. It was watchable atleast.
Cards have been getting lewder and lewder lately, haven't they?
She's pretty flat
So what this card called?
"Summon Sorceress"
This episode was good though. Him putting on the mask had me in stitches, the animation is getting even better and there were even two new tracks.
Hopefully her effect is worth her being DMG levels of waifubait.
Her description makes it sound like her materials will be monsters with matching types.
>'s apparently generic like Security Dragon
>It’s a new ace Link Monster! It’s said to work with upcoming new packs, and it’s extremely useful in all sorts of Decks
All I want is for her to be halfway good on her own. No dependence on co-link bullshit and worth using. I'm probably asking for too much, though.
Come on, He isn't that bad.
Has a new opening been announced yet
So Go has effectively become the Joey of the series.
Why does Go get so much hate?
Dude is alright.
Virgins hate Chadnizuka
Go Teacher Onizuka
He's fucking ugly and his deck sucks ass. Nobody's playing gouki. They should have just kept him dead. Whoever desinged his character needs to lose his job.
t. Aoicuck.
someone post the Virgin Playmaker vs Chad Onizuka pic
Waifu fags ruin everything
Care for more burn damage?
The absolute state of VRains threads.
Aoi is best girl. I always fantasize about sucking her toes, having her tied up and tickling her feet for hours.
It uses diagonal arrows, it won't have anything to do with co-links.
Diagonals are actually not the best arrows to have, since connecting Firewalls and Tri-Gate are the best use of Links right now.
>moe burn damage
It's nothing but people wallowing in denial that Vrains is good, which it isn't. It's just not worse than Arc V.
>inb4 Vrains will have EGAO shoved in Yusaku's throat
We got cliches fighting cliches episode, Go turning mildly "bad" vs a cartoon styled genetic determinist (theres a difference between saying genetics determine a lot and genetics determine everything).
I would welcome this. He needs to stop being so angsty and lighten up.
You're right, but as the Link pool expands, we'll start seeing diagonal co-link stuff eventually.
Why is Vrains so much worse than the preivous Yugis?
>no Kaiba
>no Jacked Atlas
>no cool/cute asf sidecharacters
>monster theme is kind of terrible
>speed duels are terrible
>links are terrible
>le edgy girl spy/thief
>le japano wrestler
>just muh three rules and muh revenge
Where did it go so wrong bros?
It's not so bad. I'm still hoping the the real plot to kick in. So far it's been like the first 17 episodes of 5D's except this has gone for 24.
This episode had one of the best duels yet in Vrains and the signature Link summons were a nice touch
The director sure loves to add in scenes that makes the monsters look entertaining.
>Aoi was not in this episode and thats all that matters
The only thing that holds Goukis back from being top tier is their low card pool.
That's right you end up using all Gouki cards in a span of 3 turns so they're far from a deck that sucks, they're like early burning abyss when they only had Dante and 3 monsters.
>Ladies and Gentleman
Nobody wants EGAO or that back
Yuya was a fun protagonist though.
Just wish they actually developed his character.
How do we go from this?
To this
After the Tournament Arc he turned into a insufferable EGAO machine that brainwashed anyone he dueled
As usual Arc-V had a lot of potential and it was wasted, even on Yuya
By being in a pre-shitstorm filler arc.
>Yusaku in the cover page
>its fucking yaoi
Fucking nips
Both look like crap.
>nitpicking scenes
This episode was filled with good moments with them not having to ride on data storm
Gouki Thunder Ogre was also quite based this episode with smashing buildings
>That fucking head
The hell? It looks like it was just poorly shooped on.
Hope they´ll continue to use Data Gale for the show, since it makes the characters look a lot less stiff and their maneuvers with the D-Boards was eye candy since these last episodes.
Can´t wait till they have Master Duels on Boards, but that´ll probably never happen because Duel Links with their forced speed duels.
Haha, don't underestimate the fujomarket. A-also sauce pls
>VRAINS allows you to spit
They got the unfair Brawler part atleast right, and no one complains about a bad guy getting spit on his face.
Ygo had more questionable things in their shows and this wasn´t one of them.
Ironically or un-ironically jobbing was coined as a wrestling term.
hayami isn't on that list. from the looks of that description kitamura is about to be panicked about hanoi's attacks, and akira will be in proximity, and aoi will hear about the attacks and intervene.