Is this the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?

Is this the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?

>"muh hxh is a seinen and not a shounen"
>think they're superior even if hunter x hunter only has one good arc and the rest is shonenshit
>1999 fags are mostly hipsters
>2011 fags are mostly newbies who think Madhouse is still good
>manga fags are retards who think it's not the same thing as either adaptation
>shitpost in BnHA threads when they get bored of hiatus
>all have a sense of superiority

>shitpost in BnHA threads when they get bored of hiatus

A bit mad, are we?

DB rivals it.

HxH is superior to every other shonen. That's more just a reflection of how shit shonens are though.

>>shitpost in BnHA threads when they get bored of hiatus
someone's triggered

>Is this the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?
Who cares? Try discussing anime/manga instead of their fanbases.

>this image again

At least they are better than those ESL kusoaca fags who are in constant damage control.

It's certainly worse than One Piece and Pico Academia mixed.

>One good arc


Right now the worst fanbase on Sup Forums are dragonball niggers.


At the end of the day their series will never be finished
While Berserk fans are fully aware of that and are gloomy and just enjoying what bit of digital art shit comes out, HxH fans want to forget about this fact by shitposting


HxH is pretty low, but it doesn't even come close to the abysmal pile of shit that is the Dragonball fanbase.


>1999 fags are mostly hipsters
That makes no sense considering that most of HxH fanbase still is made of 99 veterans.

The worst fanbase on Sup Forums is superfags bar none

>Is this the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?
clearly you're not familiar with the boku no hero fanbase

Hunter exam obviously.

this fanbase sucks because they think its better than YYH. Thats the real joke.

I can't blame them too much. If the young boy's comic book I have convinced myself was high art was constantly on hiatus and never going to be concluded I would get mad and shitpost too.

They proved how awful they were with O MY RUBBER NEN posting. Now they have spread that shit across the whole board.

Heavens arena, greed island, chimera are great aswell

>he thinks hxh isn't the best shounen

Nah, fatefags are the worst.

Without us Sup Forums would be dead. Exactly what happened when mods were deleting EVA threads 10 years ago.

>Is this the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?
Yes, they're tied with Narutards, Superfags, and Fatefags. Atleast a lot of Fatefags moved into their containment thread in /vg/

Hunter X Hunter fanbase is comparable to the Rick and Morty fanbase. They think that their show is the best piece of fiction in existence and that only smart people understand how good and sophisticated it is.

I personally think chimera arc ruind the development of the entire series by introducing way too strong ennemies.

No that's still DB

Kurapika is a very pretty boy!

>he thinks HxH is better than Ashita no Joe

but FMA . gintama , ashita no joe , jojo all of them are better than HXH

this but at least they don't have the sense of superiority because they know they are dumb

FMA is the Mario/vanilla icrecream of shonen.
It's not better than anything.

good thread

Well they go to the dark continent after anyway and the whole world expands yet again so doesnt seem that bad in perspective

I see a pattern of buttblasted fags trying to shit on a good piece of fiction.


Definitely not FMA.

>shitpost in BnHA threads
they shitpost on every shonen thread, that's how we know it's them
and maybe... the fate fanbase is also pretty bad

>Jojo, ashita no jo, and Gintama

Nu/a/ everyone

>if I like a series, it isn't shonen.
They all ran on shonen magazines.

The only jojo parts even comparable to HxH are Seinen.

I said what db fanbase is worst, they are a lot of manchild fags. But i get ur point, hxh fags contantly go to cry about how underrated is his animu in other threads

i want this meme to die

>shitpost in BnHA threads

Ah, thank you for making it clear who you are.

Opinion discarded.

FMA is still better

HxH is automatically the best because it has this character right here

Doesn't look like dragon ball.

>likes that there is HxH shitposting in BnHA threads or at all

Go suck Togashi's cock instead of posting on here and maybe he'll actually do his fucking job that he rarely does.

Even worse he can't draw for shit yet you faggots still worship his shitty "art".

>when the only notable thing about this series are the Chimera Ants

>togashi sucks at dra-

When people say Jojo is better than Hunter x Hunter, what parts do you think are better. I read both series and I think part 7 is a little bit better than hxh. But parts 1-3 are nowhere near as good as hxh

Tier 1
Tier 2
>Moeshit (SoL & idolshit)
Tier 3
>Raildex (tier 1-2 on occasion)
Tier 4
>Other shonen
Not sure where to put Gundam. What else is missing

And the characterization and character development

I would move mob into tier 1 and dived the Jojo parts into different tiers

One Piece fans are much work. They take a mediocre to flat-out bad series for babies and constantly elevate it as some artistic masterpiece.

At least HxH fags will call togashi out on his shit. Oda has been writing chicken scratch crap for years and taking every other week off and OPtards are still "please sir, can I have another?"

Why is dargon ball that high did you mean the whole series or just pre-z

York shin obviously.

That's a case of you kids being attracted to memes.

Which I will always say 2011 was a mistake.

nice chicken

At least HxHfags and nonHxhfags can agree it's better than One Piss.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hunter x Hunter. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of human morality most of the philosophy will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Gon’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy is a deconstruction of shonen for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these fights, to realise that they’re not just strategic, - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Hunter x Hunter truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Hisoka's existential catchphrase “Bungee Gum has the properties of rubber and gum,” which itself is a cryptic reference to his favorite brand of chewing gum. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated One Piece fans scratching their heads in confusion as Togashi’s genius wit unfolds itself on their Weekly Shonen Jump. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Hunter x Hunter tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

The only people making hxh threads and talking about hxh right now are the people who hate hxh.


Best girl

Have you seen Dragonball Super threads?


How can you hate this lovable clown?


it's impossible for the fanbase to not be shit when this is the best fictional creation probably in all of history

>reddit spacing

What the fuck is wrong with vanilla ice cream, you faggot?

Just ignore them, it's what triggers them the hardest. Sup Forums in general constantly finds new enjoyable battle shounens to talk about instead, you have all these passion project video games for battle shounens popping up nowadays, as well as older shounen getting new anime out of nowhere
and absolutely none of that applies to HxH, it makes the spergier more vocal parts of it's fanbase go fucking irate

FMA, also known as "jack of all trades, master of none": the anime.

Most O posters are other shonen fans who shitpost about HxH's asspulls. Go look at the archives

>Butthurt because the shit they like it's not the best shounen ever.
It's must be sad growing up without FMA

>not tier 1 or 2
Those fags run around everywhere saying it's the best shonen ever, and talking about everything in it being perfect. Sometimes multiple threads like HxHfags.
They are at least tier 2 or 3. I'd also raise Jojo up to tier 1 or 2. That shit even effects other boards.

Yeah, that's where the Dragonball shitposters are. Have you seen every other thread on the board? That's where the HxH shitposters are.

I don't see them being so unbearable.

>Those fags run around everywhere saying it's the best shonen ever
What the fuck? I see more threads about free hate over MHA than praising. Every fucking day you see some "WHY THIS SHIT IS SO POPULAR?", "WHAT A FUCKING GARBAGE!", etc.

>just don't take obvious bait!
That isn't how this board works.

>>shitpost in BnHA threads when they get bored of hiatus

>screencaps his own greentext from yesterday

you really showed them

Who the fuck do you talk to

People complaining about these fanbases troll the lowest dregs of the internet for shit to complain about and have never actually talked to or met anyone as they describe.

Go looking for shit and you'll probably find some shit. Good job.

HxHfags aren't the ones making threads like


I don't care about a shows fanbase I care about the show
Don't hate the player nigga hate the game

HxHfags don't make threads, they don't have the time with all the shitposting in other threads they do.

You forgot

>full of shotacons and fujos

I also don't know how they will ever top it. The arc feels incredibly climactic and feels like it was a good place to end the series. I like what has come since but do you think they will ever reach these hight's again?

It's really pathetic that every fan base can handle a bit of asspull shitposting but bnhafags take it personal and make threads like these

Maybe if the story focused on Gin and his adventures in the Dark Continent, but we know that Togashi will not live until there.

New fag.

When the manga is releasing hxh always has at least one thread

This, really. Underage Hunterfags come to every single one of other shonen threads going “muh pinnekel uf shunen” god dammit I hate the audience 2011 brought

Jesus christ this poster was clearly born with an extra chromosome.
>meh design
>filthy jobber
Just to Gon? She killed off one of the top Hunter's in seconds. She is on equivalent strength with the other two guards who can go toe to toe with top hunters like Morel
>foil to another character
And being a foil is a bad thing?
>gender ambiguous
Yeah i've got nothing on this one, Togashi likes traps what are you gonna do
>catgirl quirk
Here is where you reveal your either full of shit, or just a dumbass. Before any damage to Komugi happened she was acting her usual quirky self when she was eager to fight Morel. Her change only reflects the situation. She exists solely to protect the king and knew if something happened to Komugi it would devistate the kings psyche, and she was completely defensless while healing her. Of fucking course in a dire situation like that she wouldn't be all quirky and cheery.
>not liking dfc
You have outed yourself as worthless trash at this point
Yeah so you have no real argument so you use your weakest point, twice, nice.

>We only shitpost and try to ruin every thread on the board when the manga isn't running
Wow how nice of you to only be cancerous omnipresent faggots 9 months of the year.

>what are jokes