Tommy Robinsons attackers to be identified
Other urls found in this thread:
Keep up the good work you glorious NEETS!
Reminder not to use cheap facial recognition software
It cant match shit for shit
>trying to identify spies who attacked a spy
what a load of fucking bollocks
Investigating what now?
tommy robinson was attacked by antifa at mcdonalds.
previous threads:
You got a match
It's the guy we just need a name now and the police department of the town where the attack took place.
you think the police will do something?? its a violent assault, not a racist post on twitter.
we might want to confirm with more certainty but i agree it looks promising
thats a labor activist, there were details in older threads (sorry a lot of them 404d so they got spread out) see these:
heres an infographic on him that i have
check for shoe matches
Nashville antifa member Elijah Hartman was arrested for rape.
Guys, be sure to report any fringe left terroristic activity to Far Left Watch.
Person B
Antifa mugshots
Keep posting them in this thread to keep thread alive.
Person C
Person D
Person E
Person F
let's see if we can get a shoe model for each of these faggots
will be very useful when scouring social media and other pics trying to match them to a real name
For future reference, what are some good unmasking techniques?
Grab face mask.and tug it off
Person E definitely was wearing an Asics Gel shoe like pic related
mmm. #9 could smash my head with a bike lock any day
bump for justice
Discord NAMsTC
shills will be banned, mods wont bother us there
when you see an unmasked photo that strikes you as similar to the masked one, look for a photo of that individual with the angle and lighting as close to the masked photo as possible and the best resolution possible
then match them up side by side
make the unmasked face a separate layer, transparent, and try to move it on top of the masked face, matching the eyes and as many features as possible
you can also do things like measure the aspect ratio of the face, or the ratio of any two dimensions you can pick out on both faces and compare them
Are those shoes Adidas on person b?
thanks user
how many currently active?
unfortunately i have to sleep very soon but im dumping what i have here
Yeah, I think you guys are going to run into the wall on this one. Brits are a lost cause.
bruh yu gay
i think someone posted an adidas shoe model in the last thread
trying to keep this organized
Bumping. Fuck off kike mods!
sadly one, I posted this on the last thread shortly after it went down so nobody saw it, join and u can continue when u wake up tomorrow
remember that even before we unmask them (and we will), just doing this is striking terror deep into their hearts, and forcing them to basically go into hiding and not use the internet
we're already applying a ton of pressure just by doing this (hence all the shills and 404s)
>inb4 shills pretend to laugh at this
if you didn't feel threatened you wouldn't be here bothering to try to stop us
stay scared
The shoes that person b have is for women.
Anyone find pic of person C's shoes?
if you guys think you will get anywhere or that it even matters
John McDonnell admits hes a Marxist
John McDonnell said his influences were Lenin and Trotsky and Marx
John McDonnell quotes Mao in Parliament, from his own copy of Maos Red Book
John McDonnell gives speech with communist flags as well as portraits of Stalin
Corbyn calls Marx a "great economist"
Corbyn fawns over how great Marx was
Summery of Corbyn and McDonnells love of Marx
It's Cool Guy!
Fucking millennial half brains
Suck my dick you gay jew
do you know how many models look like that? tons of them
We need more proof than that. The best thing would be a picture of him with that scarf around the neck.
Fuck off shill
the server has a place for pictures too, the last thread was deleted I think, dont dump your stuff where it could be gone overnight, not to mention that I could give you special permissions there too
there are shots in the original video with his shoes
pic related is my first capture but there are definitely more in the video
I started grabbing some but didn't finish sorry
could you pick up where I left off? i have to go now basically
Look at
He is wearing the same shoes in pic in right
wait til we find out who they are and watch how their lives will be after that
Yellow laces?
They could post their identities to a local skinhead group. That would be pretty funny.
okay thanks user
there are a bunch of good images ITT and in previous ones, I tried to list a bunch here:
maybe a good thing to do would be to take the best images and place them in the server
this is actually super bad timing for me because of an upcoming midterm in uni
i probably should have spent all of today studying but i spent it on this instead
im a bit reluctant to keep going tomorrow just because of that
That smug, punchable face.
Corbyn praises Venezuela and Maduro, who has launched a brutal repression of any criticism of his rule
Corbyn praising Venezuela and Chavez back in 2013
Corbyn praises Castro
Corbyn met with communist spy during the cold war
discord JHXM8qF
If anyone wants to join and atually build the case with more details and material without having to worry about a fucking Glow-in-the-dark CIA Nigger MOD thats the pace, shills will be banned instantly
is that how you felt about eric clanton?
We'll raise an international kerfuffle, then.
UK, consider yourself kerfuffled.
they were working with kurds, send their names to your local turkish, moslem radical group and wait for it
I’m more than certain they’ll get a light slap on the wrist if you take the legal rout. I say do this
never said anything about legal shit LOL
Yes. But is worth a try.
Garbage in Garbage out
If you are starting with a very low resolution picture and only the upper 1.3 of the face you really can't expect the software to have much to work with.
We need to get /fa/ involved tbqh
That would be even better. They would become victims to the people they victimize kek.
This is why I love this board
looks very promising
nice eyes user
see if you can find more of him + more connections
Persons A to F likely know each other and have liked each others pages etc
dont say with 100% certainty that its Person A until you can prove it
archive everything
that guy is a labor activist, there is more info on him in previous threads, sorry i cant remember it:
honestly you should go all out on unmasking Person A because if we can crack one the rest will fall like dominoes
it's better to focus on one and unmask him than to spread efforts among all
once we unmask one (hopefully A first) we should be able to branch out from him to the others with relative ease
>protip: shoes are one of the most useful identifiers
>it's definitely worth it to get a shoe model for persons A to F
nope, not when you assault right wingers, they would rather arrest you for exposing them, doxx them, and feed them to the turks or some crazy group
Shit forget to get that sage out of my name. Take this pic as my compensation.
Corbyn just all around being a dumbass
young people like Corbyn
I posted all of this shit to highlight just what complete commies Labour is and what a dire situation Britain is in. We already know how bad they are now, just imagine if these Communist actually take over.
obviously the first thing well do is give the info to Tommy and he will likely chase them down in person and try to interview them lol
they'll have to go into hiding like miserable cockroaches (even more than they already are now due to our investigation)
keep up the good work lads
Tell the juggalos that this is the fool who put them on the fbi gang list
That motherfucker, look at his smug communist ass
Replying to a shill who is going to act like he's not a shill.
you fucking genius...
we know you won't do fuck all about your own internal problems, faggot!
Super bump
Keep up the good work. I
they probably will get some death threats and basically every antifa could be assaulted, raped, stabbed, attacked with acid or just killed basically. just say "they are paying the kurds", "they are sidint with kurds, what happens when they win? they will help the kurds against you"
someone post the photo of kurdish rebels in iraq holding a london antifa flag.
we will tell isis that 'antifa' is in charge of the middle east now.
If any eurofags wanna sleep like me
Ill make a new thread at 12 GMT tomorrow morning
If anyone wants to make one earlier go ahead
-Ceann Comhairle
He's fine:
but he could sure use the blood of the old men who spawned him. Check out the history of the AntiFascist cult from th 30's
>Check out the history of the AntiFascist cult from th 30's
Bump for good justice
How did you find this guy’s pics?
> Discord JHXM8qF
> join for more organized operation
> shills will be banned
> all relevant material already posted
last time I'll post this here, ignore the shills if you want to be productive, I'm also sure we will have to look all over sargon's videos to see if we can find any possible matches, I'll be into it tomorrow
You mean this pic?
Or this pic?