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yes lets run our businesses into the ground, fuck it

why doesn't she just say fire all white men

i'm sure twitter and cnn would be all for it. and uber would get a lot more business from the anti-white soyboys and sjws who can't even drive a car


Fucking monkeys.

Or she could just start her own business?

>she wants white men to ignore their surroundings, perhaps reality as a whole, and say something they don't believe in
>Uber's chief brand officer who isn't white
Maybe she sees jews.

Allow white men to form their own businesses, they can compete with the minority run businesses in a free market. Should work out.

She wants white parents to look into their children's eyes and tell them not to succeed, to let someone else live their one and only life trying to earn a good living in a good career. Sick!

Maybe black and hispanic babies should be given Harvard MBAs at birth.

Uber has 3 people in their office look this up
I’m drunk but they’re bullshitting

Negress/Negros: we need more black people doing important things!!
Asians: we need more white people in my office, they do the work best
Fuckboi whiteys: I guess diversity is al-right..

I look around my office and say “oh look there’s a lot of White Men here. I feel safe”

Universal suffrage was a mistake

>Drives away white men and said group does not want to hire minorities because of the screaming of a few.
>Same group bitches that Whites should hire more minorities for them
They act exactly like those idiots wanting whitey to create representation for them in the media, same with the Mentor her crap.


Jews are truly the master race

i try to hire spruce niggers because we get a huge tax cut for having any, but the fuckers never show up for the interviews or if you hire them, they either show up late all the time, are stoned when they get there or just stop coming because its too much hassle. and thats before addressing complete lack of qualifications, but i can deal with a random labourer or gofer or even just put them on fucking security. they dont want to work and are useless in all capacities. i imagine american niggers are the same.

"I want black men to look around in their ghetto and say, 'Oh look, there's a lot of crime here. Let's change this.'"

This. My grandpa had a similar situation. He was draftes in ww2 and was stationed in Okinawa even when he had kids. Worked hard and never said a bad word about any race. Government passed laws that required businesses to hire nig nogs. The factory became a complete mess and nothing could get done. My dad remembers to this day when his father came home devastated and told him that instead of working he succumbed to the hopelessness of the situation at work and worked on filing his taxes in the break room instead. Was one of my first red pills as a kid.

white men should give up their jobs to black men, it doesnt matter if the entire economy goes down.

i want to see half of the fortune 500 white men to leave their offices and give it to the poor black men.

In my experience Uber is mostly non-white drivers anyway

C'mon americans, when will you shut down CNN for a fucking time? His shit is coming even in my country.

wait the Jap government passed a bill that requires u to hire niggers?

I'd legit hire a monkey before hiring a fucking nog. At least monkeys are kind of cute.

Harvard here. The majority of the students are non-white now. I have to teach the quadratic formula to college students. Wtf.


Niggers gonna nig.

Why doesn't she want white men yo have good jobs to support their families in countries their race created with hard work in first place? We should replace those white men in their own culture? Why? What's wrong with white men having good jobs and working hard in their own countries with their own culture. This lady sounds like a stupid racist that wants to disenfranchise white men and see white families and white people suffer.

>I want dumb under-qualified black males in the work place

i want white men to look around their office and say "oh look there's one black man here let's change this" then get the rope.

Fucking kill yourself. This is the exact shit we're getting sick of. Having to be told what to do and bwing forced to give up what we worked for.

Seriously, when is this train of thought going to stop?

But when I look around my office, I see people with names that have families and bills to pay.

Violent race war in America when?

change how for fucks sakes, every time one of these "increase diversity" campaigns pop up they utterly fall on their face when it comes time to explain how they can fairly increase the concentration of a particular identity group. Like your competence and merit is second to that, as if that's not the most hypocritical thing everybody has ever heard in their life.

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The more I see these marxists get legitimized in the news, my belief that we're at the peak of humanity or nearing a mass extinction is further solidified.

underrated post

Lucky, when I look around my job it's nothing but black people... I wonder if I can sue my employer, because Its effecting my job performance

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Lyft just got a new customer.

This is a real man.

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Great you find some nigger who wants to be walking miles on end day after day in the humid summers locating underground utilities. Doing 50-60 hour weeks until the end of fall. And I'll give him a job. Just as fair as anyone else.

Although from my personal experience managing, ive noticed 90-95% of blacks I have hired had not lasted more than 4 months in any work enviroment.
From October of last year to February of this, I had more than 35 black candidates quit a job doing fairly easy warehouse work. No more than 45 hours each week.

Look at him, his pure artistic expression is inspiring young men and women out there, very powerful.

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Considering the state of your country.... RARE

Checked for truth

I want white men to look around and see that orcs, traitors and women are destroying their society right now, and then I want them to rise up and kill as many people as it takes to put a stop to the degeneracy.

Also I met a black "electrical engineer" who is a friend of my brother, he makes lots of money working down in Austin, he didn't even know who Steinmetz was when I spoke to him at a party this past weekend.

cause the platform is not very trivial. While I do not deny for a second that thee are great non-white developers out there, There aren't enough available on the market at anyone time to fuel Uber's ambitions.

I have had the displeasure of working with a niggress. A niggress is the antithesis of productivity. Looking around and seeing only white men probably means work is good.

>Have blacks work to support themselves
>Have blacks leech off society
Quite the conundrum

>this company is really productive
>Lets Change That >:D

Replace the word white in that statement with black, now imagine the media chimpout and the protests on the streets screaming racism....

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Yeah let's just fire white people for being white.

>Why do white men vote against their interests?

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nothing more needs to be said.

>nigger can't run her own business
>wants to hire more niggers who can't run businesses
>fire all the qualified people
>replace them with unqualified people from off the street
>business dies


>The twitter mentions
Who the fuck honestly believes in this shit anymore if the fucking twitter mentions are all shitting on this idea? Like what the fuck?

>a mistake

More like the greatest mistake the West has ever made, and probably its most irreversible one

If white men had exclusive voting rights again we would A) not be in this mess and/or B) be able to get out of it much more quickly.

Severely underrated

Why not go a step further, ban white men from using Uber since their bloodmoney only comes from exploiting the noble PoC underclass

But also nog.

I'm a ginger.

There's NEVER another ginger.

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WTF I'm quitting my job now!

if hiring one black woman means they're gonna start guilt tripping me into hiring more black women, they can fuck off. no black women in my workplace

That's a strange observation I've never noticed before. Perhapse there are just too few.

Indeed. I deserve minority status n' gibs.

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Niggers are so fucking lazy they still expect the white man to do all the work, including get rid of white people.

If your workplace can be diversified just for the sake of diversification then you are working a meme job.

If niggers weren't so retarded then maybe one of them could become an electrical engineer and my office wouldn't be 100% male and only Asian/White.

>I want white men to look around their office and say, "Oh look, there's a lot of white inventions here. Let's change this."

Guys for real now, how much longer will we tolerate this? I'm getting pretty close to my breaking point here.

fuck niggers

be the change you want to see you faggot
Sup Forums is so good at " what will we do now omg omg" then doing absolutely nothing...

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I live in a predominately white neighbourhood, recently a white family moved away and before we knew who was moving back in the Indian family down the street was asking me, fear in their voice, if more brown people were moving in. The only people who hate whites are other whites, and token minorities that them media trots out.

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>replying to b8

Baka desu

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Are we branding niggers again?

Why won't the white man do something?