Do you like big girls, Sup Forums?

Do you like big girls, Sup Forums?

No because im a fucking manlet

yes because im a fucking manlet


>tfw average height
>only tallgirls are basketball americans and nordshits

if only I lived in an area with loads of viking women but i'm stuck with mestizos and stumpy germans

Very much so.

Big girls best girls

Yes, and I dream about one violating me in a variety of those positions. 4 and 7 are best.

Would rather they switched genders to be honest

I prefer girl from 155-165cm but im 192cm so yeah
A girl taller than me would be a bit weird

yes because I'm not a fucking manlet

Big ship, big gun

Big girls are pure olev.

am I the only one that wants to see more power couples, where both are really tall foreigners that dwarf the japanese?

Can agree with ya user, it is just so weird having a GF that is taller then me.

-sees nier:automata-
I even see that game in /a?

Only if they're between 50 and 200 meters in height.

Don't tempt me, user!

Not gonna lie that looks comfy asf.


Fuck yes

Sauce pls?

Elf-san wa Yasarenai/Elf-san can't into diet.

>it doesent matter who we are
>what matters is
what matters?
do they have some kind of plan?

Yes because I'm a big guy

I might

My absolute dream is of being forcibly coerced into sex by an Amazonian warrior taller than me

I am however 1.96m tall

how about Tall Imouto-chan?

Why under-arm is the best?

I, too, know the pain

Well congratulations, you got yourself impregnated! Now what's the next step of your master plan?

I remember a relationship like that, except we were both the same height. It's the first time after middle school I seriously contemplated death.