Post the girl you decided to get /fit/ for

post the girl you decided to get /fit/ for


Unironically. My progress is pretty good. I hope Rize will let me have sex with her now.


Just admit that you're a normalfag shitter who want to fuck 3DPD whores.


this (girl) is the reason i succeeded in my lmao3pl8 bench

the fuck is wrong with upload


Any girl
It was 8 years ago
I managed to get tainted by 3DPD and my life is a void now

Getting better every day.

Every time I rewatch Gunbuster I get motivated like hell





>getting fit for anyone but yourself
Fuck off. Never gonna make it.

I was already fit before I met my waifu. Actually it was everything I had. I would train 6 days a week for 3 hours to fill the void in me. Now I got a job, a degree, I learned Japanese and I'm now learning to draw. It was all thanks to her, she really is everything to me. I love her so much.


Damn user who is she ??

I dont even like her in a lewd way, she just makes me want to keep trying and not give up on life.

mai waifu

>Wasting my time lifting weights up and down

Yeah no thanks.

sports are fun

Please introduce us to this wonderful being


I hate Sup Forums.

Quit projecting lad



What's the matter, couldn't handle the truth?

Today's mods don't even know what KS is.

>No, but I love you just the way you were

Can you please go crossboard somewhere else

>lifting for girls, even 2D
I lift for him

Rippletits is a retard.

Patrician husbando choice right there user.

>tfw KS is already 20 years old

this fluffer right here