Mild Red Pill Essay Topic

Any good topics to red pill a conservative professor?

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Think for yourself, "professor".

crime statistics

>Jewish Nepotism: Culture or Genetics?

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Anything milder?

Suicide as a way of punishing your parents for abusing you.

Do socioeconomic factors contribute to differences in IQ among races?

What role does nepotism play in the media and hollywood?

What are the consequences of OP being a faggot and not checking his own thread?

Does the ((d(eep stat)e)) exist?

The failure of post apartheid government in South Africa.

Attempted sinking of the USS Liberty by unmarked Israeli jets in an attempt to blame Egypt.

Spookiest one that woke me tf up was

"If you were tasked with destroying America without using force, how would you do it?"

The first thing was I realized was gay marriage and rest of the slippery slope.

Potentially add "if you had control of the media, not just news outlets but all of the music and celebrity shows, what would you allow to be seen if you wanted America to collapse socially?"

>Donald Trump; Business Mogul Turned Unlikely President, or the Modern Day Reincarnation of Karl Marx?

I've even began writing it if you're interested.1000 words in.

Ethnic tensions only escelate under a civic system or sometjing

Pretty stupid

Karl Marx; no doubt a divisive figure, however his ideology has irrevocably changed the very nature of political discourse since its inception. Many have tried to either emulate or assimilate properties of his platform into their own doctrines, however few (if any) persons of stature have ever managed to rise to success at all in western countries simply by virtue of parroting the finer points of “Das Kapital” to the voting masses; it should then seem that democracy, in its current form, does not favour those arguing from similar points of view as Marx (for better or worse, depending upon your political leanings). Despite this, or perhaps because of it, I would implore the reader of this article to think of something that Marx said; unlike compatriots such as Chomsky, who are endlessly quoted in various states of accuracy (and the finer points of these are then further twisted, utilitarian style, to fit in alongside any other rhetoric that an individual may spew forth), the chances are almost unreasonably high that a single quote came to mind first—a quote so simple, and yet with such a targeted, clear message, that it alone has elevated both itself and Karl Marx to an almost memetic status. The quote that I am referring to, of course, is “Seize the means of production”; for from this quote alone one can glean a knowledge of the entire platform of Marxism (either in its current or original form). It is clear that Marx is arguing on behalf of those with less power than others, and it is self-evident that he wishes to restructure society insofar as that those at the top should be on the same level as those whom they currently employ.


On the other hand, take Donald Trump; many thought it impossible for a man running on the platform which he did to have even won the Republican primaries, however he is currently the President of the United States of America; some detractors, perhaps disillusioned with the state of modern-day American democracy, may blame the two party system for him winning, while others may take it a step further and personally blame Hillary Clinton for being such a weak candidate on behalf of the Democrats—I, however, after analysing the facts, have come to an altogether different conclusion about the current denizen of the white house. He is the reincarnation of Karl Marx, back to seek victory amongst a voting audience that is further divided and polarized than ever before. While this may seem like an unlikely parallel to have drawn, given their almost entirely at-odds policies, please allow me to explain my understanding further; it all began with a 2016 scandal about Trump saying something that he later described as “locker room talk”, but upon further dissection, I have come to realise was a moment of savant-like political genius. Before coming to this, though, I must explain also the wider context in which the quote must be viewed (or, rather, narrower).

One only has to trawl through online forums for a brief period of time to get a sense that many young men, and many young women, are becoming increasingly unhappy with each other; in the age of technology, and particularly in an age when people are arguably living more individualist lives than ever before (for example, people are moving out at much younger ages than they used to, and extended familial ties are generally weaker as people are not all living under the same roof any more), the internet seems to have become the place to vent those innermost thoughts (possibly due to the nature of anonymity compared to real-life conversation). Movements like “MGTOW” and the “Social Justice” movements are increasingly popping up, seemingly forming a dichotomy of opinion based solely around the self-built strawmen that form the fundamentals of their respective platforms; for “MGTOW”, their core tenets are based around the (subjective) belief that modern women are vapid and are to blame for all of society’s problems, and the “Social Justice” movement bases their entire platform on the idea that men have caused all of society’s problems. Both of these movements, among many others, have formed communities online, and are subject to the same issues of “compliance” and “hive mentality” as were argued over following Gold’s controversial statements on conformity amongst Nazi soldiers following the Milgram experiments; this leads to an increasingly polarized political sphere and, given that many on these sites will not discuss their political views with people in the real world, these views are allowed to go unchallenged. The “Social Justice” movement, however, is further divided amongst racial and micro-political lines, whereas subscribers of the “MGTOW” movement generally will not be inherently left or right wing (and politics does not form the basis for in-groups within this movement).

When viewed through this lens, it suddenly starts to become apparent that although both groups are at loggerheads with each other, and although both groups are gaining followers at a rapid rate, “MGTOW” has the potential to become a more dominant movement than “Social Justice” due partly to having a wider pool of potential candidates (as “Social Justice” is inherently left wing, whereas the only prerequisite factor to joining the “MGTOW” movement is being male), and partly to the sense of unity within the two groups (as “Social Justice” is more divided). So, you may be wondering, what does any of this have to do with Donald Trump or Karl Marx? Well, now that we have evaluated the current online political climate, it will be far easier to understand the context of Donald Trump’s “scandal” (which may have actually been a stroke of unparalleled genius if intentional).

So what exactly was it that Trump said that secured him the vote? In my eyes, it was the simple statement of “grab her by the pussy”, said off the record but recorded. When one starts to deconstruct this sentence, it becomes easy to see how a parallel can be drawn between Marx and Trump—firstly, “Grab” is synonymous with “seize”, and secondly, the “pussy”, or the uterus contained within, can be arguably considered the “means of reproduction”.
And this was as far as I could be fucked to take this shit joke.

(You) are a faggot. Go swallow a giant nigger dick you 56% pure, bastardised excuse for an "American".

Social Justice movement as secularized Catholicism.

>talking about MGTOW to a professor
Fucking CRINGE

A Survey into the Ethnic Makeup of Early Marxists

Judaism and Marxism: a Comparison of Ethics and Actions

A Survey of the Ethnic Composition the Heads of the Major Social Media Platforms

>thinking that I align myself with that bunch of literal homos simply by virtue of mentioning them in an article I shat out in 20 minutes as a joke
>thinking that having a working knowledge of fringe internet cultures isn't important to overall political discourse, no matter what age you are

t. Brainlet

Noam Chomsky and Senility: a Behavioral Analysis

I'm gonna bunch of acid right now and you make sense man.