I just finished the manga, and what can I say, I'm truly moved.
It's beautiful! It's perfect!
I want to cry.
Kami nomi zo shiru sekai
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Using this thread to paste up some best girl while I have the chance
I see you are a man of culture as well.
It doesn't matter that she lost, she is still #1
Thank you for agreeing
Of course not.
Who cares about the girls? Keima was pretty good himself.
He honestly carried the show in the beginning.
Keima a best
Him being a two faced bastard was great.
Constantly switching between "prince mode" and being an unbearable cunt.
I'm glad the manga wasn't too much of a slog to read, I expected a lot more filler. It's rather compact. Was it planned out like this all along or what?
Too bad Sup Forums autists didn't appreciate it because muh 2D.
Well yes. It is the only true ending and unfortunately Keima is now forever stained.
At least his new trap idol manga is pretty fun.
It was a perfect ending.
Will forever remain canon.
This became less and less prominent as the plot got more "serious".
Not that I mind, but the story lost the comedy element by the end quite a bit. Not as a whole, bot the tone and the characters were completely different. This might be because the goal of the conquests changes, which is a welcomed addition, because reading the same type of story for 26 volumes would have been pretty bad, don't you agree?
will its greatness ever be topped?
With writing the question is never "will it be topped?" but "when will it be topped?"
Well partly his youthlong 2d endgame is a god fuckery and still he progressed out of it the smoothest, no self hate, no drama, not wasting any time. What a man.
Yeah, the ending was surprisingly smooth. I expected it to be a lot sadder, with Elsee and Keima parting and some of the girls crying
But instead They are family now, one girl was a bit sad, and the others made everlasting friendships
All thanks to superior planning. He also got his consoles back
It was surprisingly good, and unless you are a waifu-jihadist, then there is nothing to be upset about. It managed to achieve that emptiness I usually feel after being engulfed by a great story, and I rarely feel this, so it must have done something right.
Not really, our culture is becoming dumber by the day.
Stop being a pessimist, those who want to achieve greatness, inevitably will.
It's not that less quality content is being produced, but the fact of the matter is that more people than ever have time, funds and channels to produce any kind of content. "We don't have less land, the sea level is just rising"
No but it goes more elitist all by itself, creating mass-elitist content streams in every genre. We really didn't have it like this just 30 years ago because main masses waste too much time in their cell phones now so they along with their mobile shit became super mass culture leaving normal mass culture behind
I prefer that she lost. Makes her feel more mine.
So where are my hand colored anime?
Where are my movies with analogical effects like The Thing or Blade Runner?
in just 5 chapters a great manga goes to shit
Now you are talking.
Dead, but it will rise from the ashes. Every trend has its renaissance.
Not to mention that the production method isn't inherently make something good or bad.
>the production method isn't inherently make something good or bad.
Get a load of this guy.
>Every trend has its renaissance.
Eh. I don't see that ever happening. It's just so much more cheaper to use computers. Also it's a craft that's probably lost by now, no one is able to pull off stuff like that of The Thing or Blade Runner anymore.
There are bad computer animated things, and there are bad hand drawn things.
>Dead craft
It's not practised, but the people who did it are still around, the same way that the people who repair the floppy drives at the Pentagon around. They just retired.
I agree, that it would be a breath of fresh air though. Even if they just imitated it.
About what?
A year ago when I asked about this you made it seem like the shittiest ending possible, but no, it was quite good actually.
There's no future with 2D. It's time to grow up.
In 20/30 years if you wanted to make a movie with analog effects you will not be able to find people that know how to make it.
Even right now I reckon it'd be pretty hard to find all the people needed to make one.
what ending? the manga just stop
It's not that they won't know how to do it, but there won't be any veterans left.
It must be taught on some basic level at universities and schools.
There is a pretty clearly written out line that says "Fin" at the last page.
The ending parts of the manga were too focused on the girls. Keima's schenanigans were what stood out, and to go away from that was a mistake.
So you understand that it's painted with blood of dying overworked japs pretty much but still want it? Speaking of red you know the shade of red from those cochineal bugs is really better than our aniline reds but somehow we got over it.
Agreed, it should have stayed true to the girl of the week formula.
There had to be an arc to wrap things up user, he couldn't keep doing girl of the week forever.
>I want a 300 volume manga with no conclusion
That state wasn't something that could be held up for long.
>arc to wrap things
that arc never came
You could end it while retaining what kept it good in the first place.
>Take away the Goddess shit.
>Make it instead that the there is suddenly a massive influx of gaps in the heart (maybe because of some big bad if you absolutely must have one).
>There are so many that it's too much for anyone to handle. There simply isn't enough time for Keima to see everyone in the city in time.
>All seems lost, when suddenly Keima has his final epiphany.
>"I can see the ending."
>With his vast knowledge of galge, his temporary experience as a girl, and his current knowledge of 3DPD, Keima sets out to make an Otome game. One that will capture the hearts of any girl who plays it.
>Final Ultimate God of Conquest mode as he programs like a madman
>Maybe have all the girls he captured/interacted with help him somehow, since they are the only ones unaffected by the crisis. Maybe to help spread the game or something.
>Using his vast pull as the God of Conquest, the game spreads like wildfire. It has like over a hundred different routes or something insane like that.
>The plan works, virtually every girl plays that shit and gets captured.
>Crisis averted, clean up epilogue stuff, blah blah blah.
>Keima ends up with his fucking waifu. If you must, hint that some of the girls he interacted with directly are still chasing him so that people will still buy merch, make doujins, and whatever else nips do.
It's not even that good, but the point is I came up with it in about 5 minutes and it feels more organic than the shit we got.
>all solving computer program
What a cop-out.
Not every gap is the same.
He wasn't even aware of his popularity online.
I don't remember shit if the time fuckery arc in the end of the manga was fine but it was fine.
>Over a 100 different routes
I did forget that he wasn't aware of his popularity, but shit, he honestly doesnt have to be. Just devilhax that shit onto the shelves and spread it.
The point is that you could have just had Keima take care of the big bad somehow by showcasing his skills he's shown throughout the series, not looking around for Goddesses and seriously trying to make the reader believe that Ayumi just fucked around for chapters on end and didn't say a word despite being the first conquered girl. Not even going into how bad, rushed, and unneeded the timefuckery bullshit was.
Are you even aware how much 100 is?
Good taste OP
>Tsukiyo's arc was skipped.
Fuck the anime.