Darling in the Frankxx

2018 January start.

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I want her to step on me

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>Aniplex: let us try Re:Creators route again, but please done it right this time, okay Trigger?

This gonna be good

This at least could not be complete shit like ReCreators, but A1 pictures might ruin it. They have a top tier character designer working on it at least.

That poster has some sexy ass use of color.

Trigger save anime once again.

A-1 saving anime

I really hope it won't be as boring as Kiznaiver was with the whole relationship forced drama, but then seeing this show will be about male pilots and their female copilots dynamic (with idiotic rule going that girls can't be pilots and guys can't be copilots going to enforce the pairings variety) I'm not holding my breath for this.

At least it can't be worse than Kiznaiver since Okada is not writing, but then so far the PVs are bland as hell.

Does this share some staff with Kiznaiver? Because if it doesn't, you're a retard for even bringing Kiznaiver up

Place your bet.

>megane prefect type who die first
>tsndere bitch
>childhood friend who inevitably lose the MCbowl
>ara ara type who turn out to be extremely OP


It's not a harem. They're all paired

The hat and the overcoat ruin what would've been a decently designed character.

Why didn't Trigger do this by themselves A-1 is a cancer

Because by themselves they've got Inferno Cop 2, Promere and Little Witch Academia 1.5, they needed help.

Because they
A) can use the extra man power that a factory-like studio such as A-1 provides.
B) will be able to reach a wider audience if they have "From the makers of Fairy Tail and [seasonally popular LN adaptation]." slapped on their show.
C) want to try new things and distunguish themselves as their own studio and not just an extension of 00s Gainax.

holyshit. medb got his own anime.

If this production has any quality to it it's most likely coming from A-1.

>Because if it doesn't, you're a retard for even bringing Kiznaiver up
Kiznaiver had an even pair of girls and guys and they all paired up and their relationship was the show biggest selling point.

This has even number of male pilots and female copilots joined with them, and obviously it will be about the individual pairings relationship drama same as Kiznaiver, the cool mecha fights will be just addition to that, similiar like in Kiznaiver the whole feeling each other pain was just excuse used for pairings to happen.

It's the same thing, here pain of copilots will be used in similiar way to join them with their male pilots. I doubt that the staff behind this would actually not pair up every male pilot with his female copilot counterpart, after all there's a big reason why to keep pilot and copilot gender role seperated to not have male/male or girl/girl pairings.

Does the Trigger fanbase only consist of retarded tumblrinas?

Really sounds like nier automata music

Nonon.... Is that you??

>This has a chance of not being shit due A-1

triggerfags on suicide watch. little shill academia was crap btw

Don't forget Sup Forums crossboarders and redditors.

>5 male and 4 female
I can see the NTR

The fifth female is in the OP.


When was it decided you can't like Trigger stuff if you aren't part of some boogeyman?

What? It's Florance Nightingale, berserker healer.

When was it decided that you should reply to bait?

i cannot get over the boy uniforms

>after all there's a big reason why to keep pilot and copilot gender role seperated to not have male/male or girl/girl pairings.

This better be a story point

fuck boi uniform

I don't think this came a result of a top-down decision, but rather as a consequence of prolonged interaction with the fanbase.

Well. I like Trigger and I'm not from Tumblr, Sup Forums or Reddit. So your claim is false now. As "the entirety" means 100%. But just with me the percentage lowers to 99.99%. Still a large majority, but not "the entirety". And I don't want to assume I'm the only one who likes Trigger without being part of said boogeymen, because I don't like assuming I'm some special snowflake who is the only one in anything

Whose idea was the fucking shorts

I understand why you would say that you're not from tumblr, Sup Forums. or Reddit: it may either be because you're telling the truth or because you're lying. You had no incentive for honesty. With this, I am not calling you a liar, just saying that I usually take things with a pinch of salt. Are you familiar with the the expression 'Bayesian updating' ?

Uniforms are shit

It's for the female audience
They fucking love shorts

Trigger and A-1 pictures adaptions and originals usually fall flat in the second half I hope that doesn't happen for this.


since kill la kill

>links with timestamp to skip logos and shit

What a bro

>not imaishi directing

So this will be shit right?

>those ugly ass A-1 faces

Hilarious. Because I came here for that show (Call me a newfag. But at least I follow the rules. My 18th birthday was the same month and year as KlK's debut) and I had not checked those other places in my life
>A1 faces
sugoi kusopost meme, aniki

>A-1 faces
Why is everyone who hates A-1 a newfag straight from MAL/YouTube?

Just because you like mass-produced garbage doesn't mean that people that don't are all trolls.

Cool. But the A1 face thing is still retarded. When you say hiraiface, I know what you mean. But A1 face? I've also seen that used against Fate/Apocrypha. And I fail to see the similarities in facial design in the characters here and the cast from Apocrypha
Point is, that just because you say something is mass produced garbage, it doesn't mean it's automatically true because you say so and get to not present some evidence

The new season of Five Star Stories looks great.

With that kind of image who wouldn't?

Trigger has it's fair share of quality

Can't watch it

The fact that you believe Trump is interested in doing anything remotely beneficial for anyone but himself just shows how gullible you are. You people are so fucking stupid. Also, fuck this board and boards like it that have a 2000 character limit, just shows that you can't take counter-arguments so you've got to limit them. I would reply to so many more of the comments in this thread if I were able to, but because it takes so fucking long, I'm just giving up after this one. Congratulations, your tactics of wearing down opponents through attrition rather than well-reasoned arguments has succeeded. Fucking retards.
I'll throw in a few more of my thoughts from this thread.
Someone accused me of being a "shill" which I guess implies that I am at this shithole of a board in order to brigade it. I'd never subscribe to such a fucking retarded site. You're nothing but degenerates jerking each other off. Every Economics major I know is center-left, or left, and I go to a mostly right-leaning state school in a red state. Where are you getting this idea from? Do you even go to college? You people are so gullible. I'm certainly glad that people that are the type to regularly participate in this subreddit are at least smart enough to keep these idiotic and twisted ideas to places of the internet where they can say stupid shit anonymously. It's funny how I never hear any kind of crazy ass talk like this in my real life, even though I live in a state where you people should populate. Your ideas are just terrible, and you know it, which is why you keep your idiotic discourse online and anonymous. You know that if you started talking like this in the real world people would laugh their asses off at you. Fucking pizzagate pushing, Sandy Hook denying, double thinking mouth breathing incest spawn.

>C) want to try new things and distunguish themselves as their own studio and not just an extension of 00s Gainax.

i'd argue they've already done that

they wish they were as good as prime gainax

I loved Kiznaiver so if this is like it, I’ll eat it up so fucking fast.

The boy uniforms are just too fucking adorable.

>hurr durr you’re either lying or telling the truth.

They have, but they wanna continue doing it.
Prime Gainax was the 90s. By the time Trigger staff started doing big stuff at Gainax in the 00s, it was already past the prime era. I'd say Trigger is better than 00s Gainax, but not 90s Gainax.

Because of that’s Digifucker who doesn’t know what he’s on about doesn’t like A-1, so everyone just parots his opinion.

By quality do you mean QUALITY?

>Trigger not doing anymore shit that panders to yurishits
Okay I'm hyped. LWA was fucking ruined by yurishits and their stupid ship.

>Hiroyuki Sawano

>if you don't eat up literal shit you must just be copying some E-celeb only like 10% of the board have heard of
Keep trying user.

LWA was shit because it was a poor quality show which was too long for its own good and didn't know how to handle both its episodic short stories and its overarching plot. Not because of your autistic fanbase war nonsense.

why does trigger love this type of character so damn much?

Is he doing the OST?

>hurr durr. it's literal shit because I say so. how dare you disagree
Keep trying user.

who else could it be

Are you guessing?

>I'd say Trigger is better than 00s Gainax, but not 90s Gainax.

Nothing is better than 90s Gainax,i agree on that.
As for Trigger being better than 00s gainax, i'm not sure, FLCL, TTGL, and the first 2 RoE films are from that era, also diebuster which was ok and Abenobashi but that one was forgettable.

> let us try Re:Creators route again, but please done it right this time, okay Trigger?
>Re:Creators route
What did user mean by this?

>Trigger not pandering to tumblr
Their fanbase is going to throw a bitchfit

They are doing marketing for an anime original


Speaking of the man, is anyone else getting really tired of his stuff?

It was great the first 3, maybe 4 times i listened to him on a show but nowadays his stuff seems so unidimensional and similar to all the rest that i can barely distinguish between songs, let alone between shows

user thinks the only other show sawano has composed for was re:creators i guess.

Nothing between that show and this one is simillar

What? How is that at all related to Re:Creators specifically and not KlK or Kabaneri? Both anime original shows with Sawano as composer and Aniplex involved

I recognize those colors!

Yes, it's all the same sounding shit over and over. It's the same problem Hans Zimmer has except Zimmer now just has literal whos ghostwrite for him to mitigate the problem somewhat

I don't dislike it yet, but I'll agree he's getting very repetitive. Wether it's his fault or the producers keep asking him to keep doing his stuff, I don't know. But regardless, the end result is repetitive OSTs
Before it was
>Sawano is composing. Good
Now it's more like
Sawano again?
I'd like some variety from the man

His stuff is very samey. Play every game where he's the composed to get sick.

The most iconic track of every anime and game is always the same music with the same singers and diferent lyrics.

his score on dunkirk was pretty good at least.

sawano was picked for xenoblade x literally just so he could rehash all of his scifi stuff.

Totally, and i still like his work too but it's like getting served your favorite food again and again, you can eat it so many times before you go like ok can we have something else?

Is Sawano credited at all?

I can see why, but I love his openings too much to care about having to listen to the same types of OSTS over and over again. Just give me a good, Sawano-tier opening and I'll take as many re-hashes of his instrumentals as needed.

No, but it's more-so of an educated guess from the BGM in the PVs.

No composer is announced yet for DarliFra

His OPs are good, i'll give him that.
Mainly because his music is all about hype and ops are supposed to hype you up for the show you're about to see.

This looks like shit what the hell

Oh hey me too. It was a fun ride. I liked the cast for the most part.

Oh no... this looks like it's gonna be shit. Even the PV looks like ass.

I'm glad I'm not alone in liking Kiznaiver. I understand why people dislike it but I had a great time with it, honestly

What I am saying is that I won't change mind just because of what you say. What will matter is conduct.

I like it, but not as much as everyone else seems to. It's way too inconsistent and esoteric. I get that everything in it has a lot of meaning to Tsurumaki, but it just doesn't to me. Maybe part of the problem is that I didn't get to watch it properly until I was an adult.
Fair point, it's on par with KLK.
>first 2 RoE films
They're more Khara than they are Gainax, and they're not good. Sure, they're not terrible like RoE3, but on a base level they're just worse versions of an already existing great show. They have no reason to exist.
Worse than Gunbuster, and I don't like Gunbsuter. I appreciate it as Anno's first work and a precursor to the greatness of the 90s, but I hate the characters, think it's terribly paced and structured, and find it overall lacking in every regard really. Diebuster takes all these flaws and turns them up to 11.
Tried watching it years ago and found it so boring that I didn't even finish it. I guess you're right in calling it forgettable, because I remember nothing from it.

And your post only lists the generally considered good and memorable shows they did. It doesn't mention any of the actually terrible shows that time has forgot, like Mahoromatic, Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai, Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama, Corpse Pricess, the list goes on.

Meanwhile, Trigger's only real missteps have been Inou Battle and Ninja Slayer. Everything else they've put out has been good quality stuff, with some greats in there like KLK, the LWA films, and Luluco.

>A1 pictures might ruin it
The only studio who could ruin it is Trigger like they ruined LWA.
Trigger is shit.

A1 is saving this shitheap.
Trigger is dogshit and is a shadow of what Gainax once was.

Same here, I thought I was the only one who liked it too, a while ago. Don't worry, I think that there's quite an ample amount of people who enjoyed it, it's just a very quiet consensus in comparison to the vocal group who happen to dislike it.

>trigger left gainax to work with A-1
That's like moving from Beverly Hills to Baltimore

I still feel like it's too early to compare a whole decade of Gainax shows against Trigger mainly because Trigger is still a really young studio, we could check back on this 5 years from now to see how it holds up.