Hey one of your leaders is retreating.
Richard B. Spencer Halting Publicized Tours
>NK peace and Richard Spencer calling it quits in one day.
Today was a good day.
He was never one of our leaders. Anyone on Sup Forums for long enough knows he came out of nowhere and was heavily promoted by the mainstream media as our "leader". Suspicious as fuck.
Don't be retarded. He was the leader because he's the only one leading anything that does anything worth a fuck. Autistic losers on Sup Forums aren't a threat to anything but themselves. Spencer has lead the only thing that was even remotely a threat. Antifa organization has indeed forced the alt-right back into the shadows of the internet.
>doesn't know alt-right was created by jew Paul Gottfried
There's this thing called research. It's what you do before blindly falling in line behind any idiot who tells you what you want to hear.
Its a good thing. Going to some liberal hellhole just to have 17 people show up to your speech while the media shows antifa and fat idiots in all black fighting each other is not good for us.
If he wants to do a rally or speech, do it on private property so a bunch of well dressed people can show up with no fighting. The whole point is to use it as propaganda online anyway so you might as well look good and have more numbers.
Spencer fucked himself and now everyone wants to distance themselves from him.
You're excuse is fucking stupid, bud. Alt-right activism has been the only thing right wing that has made even the slightest effort since the 60s. So you're just going to blame their complete utter failure of them actually being ran by Jews? What excuse do you have? Is the reason you're such a failure is because your life was created and ran by Jews? GTFO.
Fuck off with your bullshit argument faggot. Right wing vs left wing is a false dichotomy and a jewish lie and the Alt-Rights job is to perpetuate that bullshit while also perpetuating racial divisiveness and being an easy target for the media to attack. Everyone is fucking sick of these antics and all these e-celebs being paid by israel. enough is enough.
You god damn right they did. There are a lot more people getting behind antifa because they stand for things that are affecting many Americans. Antifa stands against racism, and antifa's communist message resonates with the working class because they haven't had a minimum wage hike in forever. Plus all their jobs are being shipped over seas by capitalists. The republicans government only cares about corporations and the super wealthy, and antifa stands in defiance of that and people are noticing and joining in greater numbers. Antifa may be the spark of the proletariat uprising.
shut the fuck up. Whatever we 'are', we're so far from being presentable to the mainstream that anyone trying to put a face to it is counterproductive. we are in a purely subversive mode right now
"Everything right wing that fails was actually the Jews creating things to fail on purpose." You're a fucking loser, get used to it.
Lol, do you want me to shut up because the truth hurts your feelings? Does it force you to think? Scary I know.
Is that all you can do is blame jews for your own personal failures? What a weak faggot cuck. The right wing is a bunch of paper tiger wannabe patriots. No wonder why the right wing is consistently dumber than the left.
NEWSFLASH FAGGOT. A majority of Trump supporters don't consider or call themselves Right Wing. You kikes will never understand this new paradigm because you can't control it. This is the era of intellectual independence and you have no say in who we are or what labels we wear.
You are nothing more than a loud mouthed loser.
>against White Supremacy and all forms of domination
>all forms of domination
>a Communist society can only happen through domination
Are these people that clueless?
Lol, yes they do. So you think the majority of Trump voters were Democrats or something? I bet your political independence will do real well for whoever decides to take you out one at a time.
when he turned on that cam, drunk as fuck at 3am, wearing literally nothing but half pulled down boxers, and slurring depeche mode lyrics, at that exact moment, i knew the alt-right was dead
wouldn't be surprised if he just goes radio silent for the next couple months.
everyone from Enoch, to Cantwell, Spencer, Eli Mosley, everyone is basically tarnished as half-wits at best, and charleton drug addict degenerates in speaking realistically
Oh, no. Did dah Jews take over my life too?
Get off this board. You are a disgrace to your party. Your ideology is a losers ideology and you false patriots deserve to be pressed into a corner.
>trusting Dicky
>at all
antifa stands for chaos since they are a pack of unemployed losers. they call everyone fascist and try to find a reason to chimp out like niggers. antifa was actually a great thing for the alt-kikes. Spencer Spaghetti is just a ruse salesman who probably couldn't cash his checks anymore. Communists have never had anyone but useful idiots and jews on their side. "Workers" have never gone for Communism. Don't kid yourself.
I can't tell if you're a shill or just an underwhelming troll. If you unironically think we value people like Spencer please leave
>Your ideology is a losers ideology
That's rich coming from the commie flag. Why are commies such basement-dwelling soyboy freaks?
Nah he's (((yours)))
Why do these idiotic shills think everyone who is on the Sup Forums looks up to richard Spencer. I need to ask are you a god damn retard son?
Whether you value Spencer is irrelevant. If the alt-right is actually ran by Jews to cause trouble for the right-wing, than you're pretty much done for. What have you done? Sat on your computer posting memes? Looks like the Jews are better at accomplishing your goals than you are.
All, without exceptions, right wing/alt-right personalities who make their living off donations, influence and (((advertising))) are useless to the cause, self serving faggots who also should get the rope when the day comes.
This isn't about any individual, this is about a war for the survival of our people.
>says he's not right wing, "no labels" like your hero Bloomberg
>muh party
you should seize the means of producing a dead body where your waste of life used to be
Spencer is making the right decision. Any gatherings need to be on private property and 100% controlled by us.
They are using public gatherings to have the MSM propaganda machine spin every action and quote to make us appear as the aggressor. They are using the police to entrap and funnel us into violent confrontation with Antifa. They are using it dox people and ruin their lives. They are using these public events to demonetize and deplatform everyone on the Right.
Twitter, Facebook, youtube, google, paypal, patreon are all using the aftermath of Spencer events to purge everyone on the far right.
We own the webs. We are low key converting Whites in huge numbers. The ability to reach these people on the internet is vital. Our audiences are much large than any IRL gathering.
You dumb fucking idiot. The communist party is literally a movement for workers. The proletariat quoted by Marx literally are working class people. Are you so stupid that you have spent all this time on this board and not figured that out? You are a case and point of why right-wing individuals have lower average intelligence scores. Fucking nitwit man. Even responding to you I feel like my IQ shrinks a little. You are literally human sewage.
Well hurry up, save your people. Don't leave your computer chair too fast though, the Jews might be running your body, keeping you from losing weight.
when you copy-paste the exact same reaction with the exact same picture, people notice
at least try to dress it up a bit, shill
Here is a list of people that are more a leader to Sup Forums than Spencer:
Donald Trump
Jordan Peterson
Ben Shapiro
Milo Ynnopolis or w/e
Tucker Carleson
Greg Gutfeld
Gavin McInnes
Paul Nehlen
Spencer is just an edgy mediocre nazi larp that msm props up as a strawman because he is easy to knock down
Autistic losers on Sup Forums achievements:
-elected Trump
-destroyed the online campaigns of every other candidate
-doxxed and destroyed the lives of several ANTIFAs
-combed thru millions of pages of wikileaks dumps for dirt on Hillary
-created viral memes that emboldened normies in the sea of leftist media demoralization
-created the pizzagate, draftourdaughters and other campaigns that reached millions of viewers
Richard "deep state humpty dumpty" Spencer's achievements:
-successfully let the media frame Trump's movement as "LE EVIL NAZIS" on national TV
-got punched by ANTIFA and didn't even retaliated
-disastrous rally after disastrous rally that end with his followers going to jail
-managed to make Trump SUPPORT ANTIFA after the Charlottesville disaster
-wrecked the entire nascent new right
-gives the leftist kike media a viable boogeyman, when they didn't had one before
Lol once your leader falls you cut all ties with him. I thought the right was supposed to be about loyalty and patriotism. Turns out you are a bunch of pussies that run away from college kids dressed in black masks with sticks even with all your talk about gun. Lol the alt-right is now a total joke.
There are only as many people behind antifa as Soros can pay for
dude Sup Forums has hated Richard Spencer since day 1. MAYBE one-fifth of people actually looked up to him but definitely no more than that.
typical brainlet commiefag response. cant write coherent post so he spergs out.
The alt-kike was bound to fail because everyone of their leaders is a pussy, a phony, a coward, a dumbass with 0 tactical awareness or all of these.
>1 post by that ID
>7 by yours
Lol this stupid commie won't even admit he's the biggest Dick Spencor fan of all time here posting on this ebil nazi Israeli basket weaving forum
This. I hate jews and niggers as much as the next thoughtful person but using nazi imagery is the most retarded cringy larp I can imagine
You are not a patriot, your people are losing, and your ignorance way of life is disappearing. The left is rising in America. Come 2020 there will not be a right wing left in America. The left is the future. The right wing is outdated and holding onto threads.
Lol,you're a fucking dipshit
This guy gets a cookie
There are a bunch of (((assets))) involved in the so-called (((alt-right)))
>a completely fabricated normie-tier psyop to be the cozy partner of antifaggots...a movement personified by the demonization of polo shirts,khakis and tiki torches
>everybody knows this, I wont bother pulling the archives
He was never my leader damn you live in a fantasy world. I watch both Antifa and guys on the right throw punches at each other and it's weak as fuck dude.
E celebs are cancer
You didn't elect anyone. You could have very well voted for him sure, but Donald Trump got Donald Trump elected. You didn't destroy the campaign of anyone unless you took over the television stations and I didn't notice. lol, you can't destroy the lives of Anitfa, it's the right wingers who get fired and their families to hate them. Wikileaks leaked that stuff, you just read it. A cartoon frog didn't inspire anyone but you.
I always found it amusing that communists were the biggest fans of spencer and his alt right
That list is being checked off one by one. Milo and Richard are now defeated.
>Come 2020 there will not be a right wing left in America.
Nigga what, there's no right-wing in America now. Even the le EVIL DRUMPFTF is a left-leaning neolib.
First off, I am Jewish by blood a Levite and patrilineal descendant of Aaron. Jesus is Lord, Messiah and King.
Second, I work a trade for a living, it keeps me in shape just fine.
Third, and most importantly, you should go read Judges 19-21, Judah and Benjamin are going to suffer for what they are doing, that includes you.
The real shoah is coming, two thirds of the sons of Jacob will be struck down as foretold long ago.
In the whole land,” declares the Lord,
“two-thirds will be struck down and perish;
yet one-third will be left in it.
This third I will put into the fire;
I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold.
They will call on my name
and I will answer them;
I will say, ‘They are my people,’
and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”
>>antifa's communist message resonates with the working class
My god the fucking delusion in this one.
>>Plus all their jobs are being shipped over seas by capitalists
And you care about working people, because you oppose everyone, that is against mass import of cheap labor.
>>The republicans government only cares about corporations and the super wealthy, and antifa stands in defiance of that and people are noticing and joining in greater numbers.
Yet your faggot kind pretty much agrees with anything the (((establishment))) tells you to believe.
>>Antifa may be the spark of the proletariat uprising.
The Nazi party won, because it organized people to beat up commie rioters, which everyone hated.
You are not a resistance dude grow up.
what a victory
>doesn't know the definition of "meek"
>can't follow through
Really makes me think.
Oh, totally, fag.
>working class people
what a fucking meme.
are 9 to 5'ers not "working class?" an average clown on wall street puts in 60 hours a week, are they not working class? you are retarded. people want upward mobility and a stable paycheck, not a fucking communist revolution where the only jobs are putting out fires and cleaning up trashcans you fags dump over.
>implying thousands of anons working 24/7 for an entire year had no impact on the election
Even the leftist kike media acknowledges the threat we posses.
Aaaaand, the left have become the fascists they rally against. Good work, you have become the fash!
>The proletariat quoted by Marx literally are working class people.
>college kids dressed in black masks
commies get the nerf ball too
>crowdfund college tour
>cancel tour at first opportunity
>keep the money
All in a day's work for our glorious leader. Hail victory!
So you're admitting dah Jews do a better job at mobilizing white people in opposition to themselves than you? About time for you to hang up your hat.
>dems r da REAL fascists!!!
Faggot boomer detected.
You just saved them entire white race from slavery, I bow to your awesomeness.
All the commie kids are the bourgeois.
Communists dumped any pretention helping the working class aloooong time ago. Only trotskyists attempt to maintain that sort of rhetoric.
There's a weird thing with how lefties today claim the workers, but they're more accurately just anti-work. They think the workers real interest is to no longer have to work. So these anarchists implement that themselves not working, but in doing so they're more like a leisure class. Which really comes together in figure like Russell Brand, David Graeber. People who don't work at all and hang out with the elites lecturing working people on topic of work.
Well you ought to check out the job numbers that just came out. With that, tax cuts to workers, tariffs.... Good luck.
Richard wasn't on the list. Milo isn't gone completely but he was fringe anyway. Meamwhile extreme rightwing philosophy becomes more common by the day
The proletariat are like the homeless, addicts, and lowest skilled labor. If you are “educated” enough to read Marx you are probably in the petty bourgeois class. Which means you will be in for a very bad time or killed. You are not going to get an intellectual government job like I know you think you will. You in all likelihood will be killed since you are too “pure” of a Marxist and a threat to state control.
oh nevermind, comrade, you're ok. I saw the meme flag and thought you were that same teenage communist faggot who has been making a fool of himself all through this thread, phoneposting or what have you
Keep talking shit. I am preparing my black mask for the next protest against the right. My side is winning, and I will not stop until right wing ideology is a thing of the past.
Larpers are the worst
You just got fucking destroyed in Italy
>we are powerful
Ok bourgeois commie kid whatever.
I am not a larper. I belong to left wing political activist including antifa.The antifa base is motivated and relentless.
yes that's a good summation of the modern commie. It's exactly like how Marx was the benefactor of an industry tycoon, while sitting around all day and lecturing people about meaningless shit. It's the full schizophrenia of wanting to control people while having no control over themselves.
You are bragging about what was given by Jacob.
>The scepter will not depart from Judah,
> nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
>until he to whom it belongs shall come
> and the obedience of the nations shall be his.
Genesis 49:10
It is not about superiority over your brothers, it was a matter of which brother was fit for leadership. Reuben defiled Jacob's bed and lost all firstborn birthright including the rod as a result, Simeon and Levi are unfit because of the violence at Shechem, but Levi was still given the priesthood on account of his faith and loyalty to God. Judah was the eldest of the rest of the brothers and this inherited the rod, but he also was the one who sold Joseph to Bedouins; it is not a matter of superiority.
The God of our people is perfectly willing and able to remove those from among Judah who are unfit for the task.
In arrogance Judah and Benjamin will mistake the Abomination that causes Desolation as their Messiah.
Your tribes have forgotten your brothers, the other sons of Jacob are mighty nations upon this earth and you see them as beasts of burden to be used for your benefit , there will be an accounting for it.
Anglos are so obviously the sons of Joseph it really causes me to question if Jews even read the Torah and the Prophets.
I am not a kid. I am a worker that is tired of capitalism.
>>I am preparing my black mask for the next protest against the right.
Careful, one punch can kill your kind.
>>My side is winning, and I will not stop until right wing ideology is a thing of the past.
Look at the picture, and describe what happened next?
Well you're in for a long time trying. Most right wing people go to work, do their job, support their family, and community. Nobody cares about your revolution outside of the cities.
Protip: if you piss off the flyover states you won't have any food, the cities can't produce enough. Same with clean water. The "rural and suburban retards" have your balls in a vice, and own 90% of the guns. How far is your little hissy fit revolution really going to get?
>I’m not a larper
antifa are the attack dogs of the Democrats and Jewish lawyers
Very brave of them to fight so bravely when they have the full weight of the system beyond them. but things will get progressive worse in the coming years and we will see just how brave antifa is when they don't have the media, the courts, and local city governments on their side
Absolute cancer. Go larp on a different board
So what job do you do? How many hours a week?
>>I am a worker
Getting into unrepayable student debt for a bullshit degree from marxist indoctrination facility is not considered work.
What is living in the real world too hard for you? Being envious of others be it wealth or power is unbecoming of a man.
Spencer is right but why the fuck would he actually admit this.
He should have just made up another excuse, now Antifa are emboldened
>Look at the picture, and describe what happened next?
This isn't the Dickie Spencer Fan Club, communigger.
Because he is controlled opposition
An almost beautiful irony, isn't it? Spoiled brats just like Marx and Engels, the original professional students.
>Hey one of your "leaders" is retreating.
uhhhh, no.