Hey b/, how are ya...

hey b/, how are ya? im from argentina (white supremacy) i am doing a social experiment with grls giving here below my cellphone so you can tell me about how many ex bf you had
my cellphone
+54 9 113023-1980

Attached: 20046643_1416468271770743_7647558747932076313_n.jpg (953x960, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


are you the girl?

Attached: duke.png (254x373, 211K)

No thanks FBI. Looking for the next school shooter for MK Ultra huh?

im serious...fags

not a girl. srry

you can be

Attached: pic.jpg (240x360, 29K)

You look like someone I know.
But you are a bigger faggot it seems, so I'm not sure.

maybe i am, but you should go back to taringa

You're on Sup Forums my dude

You're gorgeous dude. Do you have any apps like kik or snap

>meme flag
>random gibberish
>random number

i smell something that glows in the dark

Attached: glow in the dark.png (802x854, 1.42M)

Nah m8, I'm not into lurking that kind of autism.

You should go to sleep tho

Fuck off faggot

yeah, i know its too late for you, go to sleep without worries taringaboy

all the homo xD

no u

I'm not gay I just like to have sex with guys sometimes


you're not serious you're a desperate faggot that needs to neck himself. sage

Attached: smash.jpg (224x225, 8K)

what ur kik??

Attached: 1519818181153.jpg (720x710, 109K)

nice larp. we all know you are trynna frame someone.


Attached: 1517613861789.jpg (288x234, 14K)

Consider suicide poofta

Attached: FB_IMG_1518697116473.jpg (600x598, 43K)

Porfavor no seas hijo de puta y vengas a Sup Forums a postear mierda
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