Leaked DBS chapter shows Toppo beating up Goku in SSB.
Dragon Ball Super
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I'm not sure I like the direction Toyotaro is taking Caulifla.
That's disgusting, wtf would get aroused by that?
Now you understand why Pacotaros need to be banned.
He has literally no idea about drawing.
Imagine if Gohan helps Goku vs Caulifla and Kale in episode 114, and jobs to them.
Gohan has looked bad ever since he beat Obuni.
Worst tits I ever seen, they look gross.
We can already imagine how Toei will do it, but how do you think Toyo will handle Gohan Calvo?
>tfw I tried to tell a normie about the spic lore and started laughing so hard I cried when I got to "El Hermano" and he just looked at me confused
I hope Frieza will become a permanent member of Earth's special forces after this arc.
Gokucks jobbing again
That would ruined him as a character and besides Vegeta would never forgive him for what he has done to his race and home.
Is Cabba made for /ss/?
>o my bow and arrow
>o my jobber gods
>o my overpowered toppo
>o my zeno bored of fighting
More or less.
Is this real?
It's a doujin and Toyo had drawn doujin before.
Connect the dots yourself.
Repeat after me:
*deep breath*
"It's okay when Toyotaro does it"
>DBS thread led with an anime pic
hits autosage quickly
>DBS thread led with manga pic
Completely dead
Toyocucks btfo
It's okay when Toyotaro does it
Based Big Stache working the obese weeaboos into a seething shoot.
>grenade vs solar flare
>weapons infused by strong person's power (like Trunks) vs Mai and a rffle
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fucking shit I love when toeishills make fun of themselves
Where will you be when El Grande Padre and Shaggy burn Zeno?
>Vados and Champa ordering the saiyans to breed for new warriors
So Toppo is stronger than Goku SSGSS Max power in the Manga? Can't say i dislike it. I always thought Gohan was enough to beat Toppo in the Anime
Not even the gods can stop el grande padre
>Toppo has been trained by Belmod to become the next god of destruction of U11. His power must be close to that of a god of destruction and he might even be able to use ultra instinct
>Meanwhile, Goku is as powerful as Vegeta and they are both way below GoD level (Vegeta being 1 shot by Beerus in chapter 27)
>Spics still surprised that Toppo beat Goku
>weapons infused by strong person's power (like Trunks)
Trunks had his ki visible, unlike Helles. Retard
Did toei hire people specifically to come damage control everytime a manga chapter is released?
>a GoD needs a big aura to use their Ki
I-its god ki so we can't see it.
That and also to report and shut down streams once per week.
¿Entonces quién es el malo? ¿El Ratón Tramposo o El Payaso Malvado?
>One Piece got good ratings this week (6%) and DBS episode 111 got poor ratings again (4.2%)
>One-hour special's DVR ratings are 3.6%
El guasón
Why? what does she look like?
>this fucking retard again
That's his aura you turboautist
Where's the aura here?
>I've always thought
You're correct.
What is this shit about Toppo stronger that full powered blue?
Can someone link me the chocoratu commercial that aires during the episodes? I can't find it.
Oh excuse me, didn't know mecha-Freeza was GoD-tier
dat sum battle damage
Oh excuse me, didn't know that sword was planet buster level
Chocolate Moai?
he beat mastered SSB goku with a single kick
>That battle damage
Yes please, and thank you
Super Saiyan is. And a Sword is heavily determined from the user's strength.
Not so much with an arrow...where it is dependent power-wise on the bow itself, as well as the Archer's proper stance.
The only way to fix her is to make her full on thicc as fuck battle MILF and make Kale her adult Gohan/proxy daughter.
But Toyo doesn't have the fucking balls to try for that. He'll bow and scrape to toei and say yess massah and ask them if they need their daily blowjob befor running off to the shed behind toriyama's house and turn up the music as loud as it goes so that he can't here his sensei plowing some ALMOST legal prostitute.
>literally no argument
Your headcanon said Helles isn't using a powered up weapon, because your headcanon said you can't use a powered up weapon if you have no aura. Your headcanon is factually wrong according to the fucking original DB manga and more DB media.
You are simply wrong. Cease your existence now. Please
Makes sense considering Toppo is supposed to be the next God Of Destruction. Can't have Goku who is baby level win
Why do people hate toyo so much?
Defend this.
>Iwen jobbed to Quitela
He deserved better.
Mean to reply God I love that commercial
Your headcanon says that it's okay that Helles' normal looking Bow and Arrow (without any ki no less) is GoD-busting
he's the smartest god
>I float down here
Seeing Beerus all fucked is great. God bless the Manga
Nah, it's just a really really really good fucking sword
Frieza is just shit when it comes to ki manipulation.
He's depended on his unnaturally powerful body and massive natural ki stores his entire life.
While goku has had to nearly kill himself to master ki manipulation that would let him tank a flick of frieza's tail, frieza's only had to learn how to use his tail.
He doesn't have the kind of ki shielding skills that goku and the others had to learn. Just natural power.
So when someone with a ridiculously tough sword and ssj speed and strength uses it on him...well
It cut him into pieces, that was trunks last resort.
Bow here.
Ask me anything.
Why are mangafags so autistic?
>random sword can cut a planet buster
DBcucks will defend this crap because "muh childhood XDDD"
Its just Sup Forums being contrarian as always user. Go see the comments in Kiss manga, Mangastream and you'll see everyone prefers the Manga over the Anime
>my headcanon says a GoD tier character can hurt a GoD with a weapon
Yes, just lik a SS tier character can hurt another SS tier character with a weapon. That's not headcanon, it's canon introduced by Toriyama with future Trunks. Cry me a river.
I fucking found it
If I used you could I kill a GoD?
If Helles used an assault rifle instead of a bow would it have killed the fox?
ki surrounds the blade, like ki surrounds a fist
No, because you aren't GoD tier. Try asking Helles, I'd like to work with her.
How many homages has Toyotaro done?
are the bullets infused with ki?
if yes then its as strong as her ki blasts
Being Cabba is suffering.
I need some edits of Helles with an AK-47.
>Watching BoG
>Suddenly chopsticks
>Fucking chopsticks
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fucking Toei is full of hacks
It's fucking Tien though.
Depends. If Toei does it, no.
If Toyo does it, of course.
My arrows were apparently powered-up (trust me, I know it doesn't look like it...but it was).
So I don't see why each assault rifle bullet wouldn't be.
Try tomorrow
>Toppo beat the shit out of Goku
This is so fucking exciting for me. People can actually beat Goku's ass.
Also throw in Columbine Gohan.
Guns + Strong fighter = Unstoppable
Who can stop him?!?!
Helles needs memes of her with all kinds of different guns shooting the fox.
>it doesn't look like it...but it was
Sounds like Trunks killing Freeza. Kys, nobody takes you seriously anyway
Random heart disease can kill a solar system buster.
Look the sword was supposed to be sword that piccolo made gohan.
Future trunks was supposed to be future gohan and the robots they fought were supposed to be an army of invisible ki absorbing androids that would make all of their ki dependent attacks and skills pointless and even detrimental
Look at the kind of fighting that trunks did against frieza's men.
He didn't fuck around with random ki attacks.
The two ki attacks he used were one to just shock frieza into jumping and make him lose focus, a second to destroy the sliced up remains.
That's a highly ki efficient fighting style. He didn't even stay in SSJ form. He quickly dropped out of it and put his sword away. it showed that he's battle hardened and used his sword frequently and expertly.
I can't.
I'm a bow.
What did you expect from the anime or those shit movies?
Watching dragon ball kai for the first time.
It's strangely satisfying to watch the earthling losers getting fucked up by Nappa for some reason.
Yes, Helles is best girl
>"Muh ki must be visible" fag being this butthurt
Saiyan arc Vegeta always reminded me of Scar from the early gundam series
I loved watching them fight
So when does best villain return.
>Goku jobbing
Leave Xicor, Geran, Regla De Todos y Angel-Demon-Bio-Broly Black to me!
I agree, it's not even up for debate anymore.
Anyone who whips out a fucking AK-47 and guns down furries is A-OK in my books.
I can't wait for more headcanons to be destroyed by Toyo, toeitards seething is always a good sign