Animes were a mistake

animes were a mistake

That's happened like a million times in movies.

here is your problem

was it my mistake assuming Sup Forums was the board to talk about that

Yes. Gaia would be more suitable.

I have not used that site in so many years

that depends, was it all part of your master plan?

What are you waiting for then? Fuck off already.

wow a being just as mean as I remember

I rarely have any big plans


I preferred the first two series to this movie
the movie had a lot of annoying parts even if it had a lot of pretty colours and also made me cry

Fuck off back to /gaia/ was a thing before fuck off back to Sup Forums in 2012.

>destroying the only thing that could have unlocked the door
>implying the door is in a constant state of trying to open but the touchpad was the only thing holding it back
>implying the touchpad was the lock mechanism itself and not just a user interface for people to interact with and the real lock/unlock authorizations aren't controlled by a central computer located somewhere else
normalfags have really interesting thought processes sometimes

I would still say the "deep learning" main plot offended me more
but the webm summarizes things well

Why didn't he just punch the door?

>Sword Art Online is stupid
Nothing new.
It's pretty to look at and has a bit of worldbuilding, but I don't think anyone would say it was ever intelligent in any way.


oh no somebody mentioned one of the many animes other than evangelion

>Not recognising his mistake.

>Believing that Sup Forums actually appreciates Evangelion.
My fucking sides. Just stop, user.

for you? or for the rest of us?

Don't you know? He aimed at the exact spots to rewire the lock and hack the door. If you weren't a script kiddie you'd understand.

hello, is this the animes forum?

>that cgi run

Goofy as fuck

animes indistry is a fuckin joek

He only shot the door's power limiter. Now it can harness its full power and the wall that the door is on is 10,000 years too early to try to hold it down.

Maybe it's set to open automatically if the panel is damaged, for fire safety or something.

That actually makes sense, firefighter user.

What the fuck are u all talking about? This is how I open all doors that are in my way

that's like the most common trope in movies.

Ah yes the American approach to problem solving, never failed me.