>episode ends with MC scremaing he wants a little sister
>last shot is of his cute feminine little brother sitting in the bathtub smiling
He's about to become a trap imouto for him, isn't he?
Imouto sae Ireba Ii
user, I
Why is she so perfect and best?
Because she knows no shame.
So is this actually going to turn into a shitty love triangle after all?
The impression I got from the threads was that the only one really after MC's dick was Nayu.
>Myaa-chan in this scene: Lovingly animated, well shaped tits
>Nayu: Fuck it just slap some circles on her chest I guess
What did they mean by this?
I'm going to protect this smile.
They mean you're gonna be seeing Nayu naked all the time anyway so might as well focus on the non-nudists when they get the chance.
They mock my intelligence with those tits.
can't think of a worse and more lazy anime genre than a self-referential one. these LN novelists/mangakas lead such boring lives yet they think that others find this crap interesting.
if it didn't have so much lewdness, it would at the bottom of the list.
you're better off watching hentai anyway.
the day i see a hentai with this style i will stop watching these shows
>censoring even boys nipples
What´s wrong with Sup Forums??
Becus she I an sunao boobed loli!
is it true that her tits are fake?
She was ALWAYS a girl, user.
I like this girl the best.
I like her too.
>immediately hops on MC's friend's dick once MC is taken
But that's a girl user.
Brown hair later falls for glasses bro
Are you guys really enjoying this show?
A lot more than I expected, this honestly is probably my aots.
I am easily entertained.