>No one cares about this anime anymore
Also reminder that Umaru is Mexican
>No one cares about this anime anymore
Also reminder that Umaru is Mexican
So that explains why she is so shit.
>not a single Umaru thread on the catalog for hours, I said HOURS
Even 3-minute CGI shorts have constant thread and yet Umaru struggles to hit 100 posts and when she does, is thanks to image dumping.
Also, knowing that the manga will end in 3 chapters is like a beautiful song to my ears.
Now eat a bag of shit, ratposters, Umaru season 3 never ever.
Calm down amigo
abusefag autist strikes again
Pura Pura~~~
Imagine how sad must be his life
>no qt latina nugget gf
translation? kthnx
>dumbass spic
yea no wonder she sucks.
He can save his excuses for hell
The latest episode was just
>desu fucking waaaaaa
Please no more.
Brilliant analysis! Do you have a Patreon?
why neo-Sup Forums hates our rat?
Fuck off
Because all anime is trash! You didn't know?
You first
I'm the biggest Umaru fan and as of now I'm not spamming anything on Sup Forums to get back at the Umaru haters. You fags would be absolutely delighted to see Umaru posts so I've decided to deny you of what you seek. Keep on being hatefags, I get to enjoy the best anime all by myself.
That seems pretty reasonable.
I fucking hate Slyph. Only character I csn't stand
Anyone fluent in moon?
Is Raph the Ebina of GD?
They only have big tits
Ebina is timid and awkward as fuck
Raphi is devilish as fuck
The second season isn't as good as the original. It feels like the same old shit. Plus with how many amazing shows there are this season the competition is a lot harder this time around.
Dreaming of the next episode, which is in 3d 16h 41m
Satania and Sylph are both strike me as chunni
>I need you to have a seat right over there
MUH Sup Forums
She's a chad (female).
>can play weak willed fools for what she wants
>skilled in many areas
>perfect body
Makes low test non-nuggets nervous and jealous. Just ignore the haters, they'll never understand peak performance.
Not a nihongo master but I'll try.
Upper right: UMR News, Umaru-chan has 3 chapters left!? No info on continuation !?
Top left: Be careful with camera flashes.
Bottom: After 3 more chapters Himouto Umaru-chan will put a period mark on its 5 year series.
>doesn't even know the female term for a chad
hamsterfags, everyone
Stacy is a sexy good looking female but also degenerate and slutty, which Umaru is not.
Something is coming soon. I was worried about it ending, but now I know there's something in the works since they're hyping the report after the 'last' chapter
Umaru is a bad person!
>Kirie children's book arc is going to start soon
Wake me up when that's over
>the female term for a chad
Doesn't exist. Chads don't play with some carboncopy numaymays.
>Kirie NTRs Ebina soon
I am fully ready
This show isn't as fun as it used to be desu
It would be a nice touch if they release Kirie's picture book for real
It's even better now
>literally the same actors, director, etc
Kill yourself spoiled shitstain
this the pinnacle of human existence right here my fellow autists
You shouldn't be proud of your degree in shit meme studies.
oh snap
It's beautiful
Happy Birthday Ebina
goddamn I wanna wife this country bumpkin
I still enjoy it just as much and I'm glad we got more episodes tbqh. I want to buy umaru's gamu to support the series
I know right
>mfw abuse pictures got deleted
Umaru has such doinky little feets
The proper way to refer to a nug's legs' lower end is widdle feets or footsies wootsies!
We all agree that Sylphy is best girl right?
Cute widdle feet
I can't choose. Every girl is best.
The eagle is flying Umaru to Mordor
>manga cancelled
the absolute sate of umaru
and eat her
I want to fucking punch umaru on the throat.
You too oniichan
go away
I want to jump in that pile
After you
So does she physically change shape or is it just a visual representation of her in a more childish state?
>There are no further plans to continue Himouto! Umaru-Chan.
>Thank you for reading!
What else is good in young jumpu besides Tokyo Ghoul?
so it's ending? feels bad man. did slyphy ever realize UMR is Umaru in the manga?
Maybe it will be revealed in the next chapters
are you mexican
Please tell me this is real because I would love one
I think Hikari told Kirie that Umaru is Komaru though
How come no one cares about Umaru anymore?
Is it because no one's translating her series?
the UMR haters ruined her image.
>Umaru S1 on crunchyroll
>Umaru S2 isn't on crunchyroll
It's a real shame too
Sentai hates CR, also why does it matter? It's not like amazon and CR are that different when it comes to subs.
People still care, the shitposters are just gone.
Can you impregnate her by paizuri?
Taihei will always be Onii-chan
pura pura
Why is the manga ending now that it's getting more seasons?
It's ending in Weekly Jump. probably getting a spinoff.