/leftypol/ here, do you have any idea how much of an Uncle Tom for rich people you are if you ever take your boss's side against the workers in an issue on whether you or he gets a raise?
Why do you think unions were intertwined with the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, which you guys consider the golden years of the nation of America? Could it be that the relationship is one of cause and effect?
Do you fuckers just sit around all day going "haha yeah who needs safety goggles and a wage you can rent an apartment with from a 40-hour-a-week job?!? What babies, mirite" and shit?
Oh, I forgot which image I used, so I didn't say Nnnaa. at the end of my post. I'm sorry for missteps on the righteous path of anime.
Michael Russell
>Every multinational corporation parrots your world view for social brownie points >Still thinks it's a rebellion against corporatism You must be 18 to post
Isaiah Green
The great thing about capitalism is I'm not forced to work for a company that won't pay me what I'm worth. I can also work for myself.
Thankfully, I've never been such a stupid loser faggot that I ever thought I needed socialism to give me jobs and gf's so I don't have to feel like a loser so typically my work experience is one of trashing salary positions without consideration.
this is the most retarded attempt ive seen from /leftfags/ so far to even TRY to convince anyone ofthe ills of le ebiin ebil capatilism just fuck off already. youve had your (you), now go back
Logan Morales
Do you have any idea how subverted your mind is when you claim your boss and his employees are fighting against each other
Nathaniel Myers
Any workplace will give infinite safety googles, retard.
>derp rich people denying workers safety goggles
Fuck off
Jeremiah Thomas
I wanna fuck that furry freak of nature
Thomas Miller
Maybe elaborate more on "boss". I consider "my boss" to be my team leader. He wouldn't fuck with his employees because he knows if he starts getting them sacked he will be next and they will outsource the work to pajeets that will do it for half the price, albeit at half the quality. The CEO on the other hand, is a fuckwit who has no idea how the business runs and is more interested in how many "minorities" and homosexuals he has in the company.