Yotsuba& thread
Yotsuba& thread
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Sorry user but you posted a loli, this thread have to be deleted.
>mods literally just deleted a Yotsuba thread
The absolute state of this board
Mod made a thread on Sup Forums that redirected every thread to it to announce how much he hates Kemono Friends
It had this background and was full of furry art.
It also had a KF inflation porn video autoplay and force full volume
link to the thread
Just check the archives, you've got the post number.
How in the actual fuck an individual like that gets mods privileges?
Is this pic allowed on Sup Forums?
Realistically, who should care? She is not even on the frontpage anymore, her time of privilege has ended.
If only moot was still here to deal with this newfag mod.
Don't you know? Your time is over, this is Sachiko's home now.
I like Sachiko, but this makes me deeply upset.
What happened now?
No lolis aren't allowed on Sup Forums anymore
This is all a big conspiracy. moot is setting up Hiro to be the fall guy for him. Once the board has fallen into chaos, he will return and present himself as the savior.
FUCK OFF NEWFAG, Yotsuba will ALWAYS be here
If only Avery was still admin.
What the fuck. Why is this allowed
Mods have nobody to keep them accountable.
Hiro is too busy being a business boy.
With Hiro not really caring about the website, mods are basically free to act depending on their mood or likes, this type of things wouldn't happen under moot.
I made a pretty good loli thread a couple days ago. I thought it was fine as long as you don't post hentai.
Not any more, threads about Prism Ilya and Ryo Ku Bu get the OP banned now.
You know, it might actually be time for me to finally read this series. Is the manga already finished?
As if the userbase on Sup Forums hasn't gone to enough shit we have to deal with this too. Its getting to the point that it would be better to just shut her down.
There's a Prisma Illya thread right now.
>shut her down
But we're here forever, user.
Shhh, it seems like they didn't notice it for now.
Oh, and if anyone cares, ghost posting has been re-enabled on desuarchive.
He's too busy deleting Kemono Friends threads to notice.
>implying that isn't funny as fuck
Lighten up you babies, jesus.
But their search tool gets broken too often. It's useless as an archive.
I'm really wondering just one thing, is that kinda loli ban just the work of one mod or is the whole team going for that.
Yeah but it proves his bias.
He's shitting up active KF threads because he hates it autistically.
this. just why
>a MOD shitposting is ok because it's funny
I will have you know I already lurked for 2 months on this site, and had 2 years of reddit experience beforehand. Newfag couldn't be further from the truth.
literally W H O ???
Fun things are fun. Trying to stir up hatred of a perfectly legitimate fanbase on Sup Forums is being a douchebag. Its just a giant shitpost.
A forced meme.
>I already lurked for 2 months
Jesus, and I thought I'd been here too long.
>/ロリ/ doesn't even know the kong
Unbelievably uncultured, there is even an IM@S show airing.
we don't want dirty stoners on Sup Forums
part 2