When will he become one of the top discussions in this board?
Dragon Ball Super:
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fuck off crossboarder
Don't mind me.
Strongest possible combination coming though
Why are you so hostile.
Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind.
How about you Gohanfags include Mojio. His smile is the reason you have el grande Padre in the first place.
Less than 10%≠exactly 10%. So don't ever shitpost about 10% strength SSB Vegeta because that just proves you can't read.
Watching dragon ball kai right now.
Goku sure was badass back in Z. Damn!
One is okay
One isn't
Technically, they both should be okay. Because it's a fucking chinese cartoon.
Is Gohan Blanco a Tira Flecha?
Can we just accept that both anime and manga mediums aren't perfect, and just enjoy them for what it is?
>Can we just accept that both anime and manga mediums aren't perfect, and just enjoy them for what it is?
We both know that's not possible, user.
Perdoname maestro, pero tengo usar esa tecnica
>Goku wasn't serious in the Japanese du-
ayy weed lol
Why is Piccolo fighting Jiren? Makes no sense ffs
One isn't ok because it's from a gag DB villain.
The other is ok because it's a GoD using a weapon, think Trunks vs Frieza and King Cold vs Trunks. Fighters put their strength into their weapons somehow.
> Freeza is the toeishill while Cooler is the toyocuck
Makes sense
Notice the missing arm? He was just taking a big attack for Gohan.
>can't hurt Black with bullets
Where's El Hermano de Giran?
Not taking it, kid.
Grand Priest might be evil I read some spanish forums with good theories, some evil angels will follow him
No te comprendo, amigo. Esto as un hilo Latino.
>Gohan Blanco memes predicted the bow and arrow
Stop posting this deformed spic in every thread.
Eu gosto de onde o enredo está indo. Quando Gohan alcançará sua forma de macaco branco?
He's actually a caring father
Nice try, Grande Padre. I'm onto you.
> swords = bow and arrow
This meme again
Helles is now best DB girl.
So, twelve GoDs fight and the area is fine? And it looks like their stamina is shit.
You're wrong, but ok
>this ki-infused weapon and this other ki-infused weapon are totally different, TRUST ME
No, shut up, we are sick of your bullshit
The pedro memes are getting stale after a while
If you want to get really technical, all Trunks was holding was a handle to the sword. Frieza got beat by a hunk of metal being swung through him. When the same sword is wielded by King Cold it does nothing to Trunks.
All Helles is doing is pulling back a seemingly ridiculously strong bowstring, and like the above example it goes through a ridiculously powerful foe.
The implication is that weapons are affected by how strong their users are in this series. This is consistent with Dabura, Janemba, etc.
Who is it then?
Unlike the anime Katchi Katchin actually lives up to its name as a strong fucking metal.
How do you think Helles decides which planets to destroy? I bet she spares the ones where the males can sexually satisfy her.
Imagine being chosen to save your planet from destruction. Hahahaha, that would be so funny. Helles would make you spend a whole with her and use you as her personal sex slave. LOL
All of them are shit.
She's not using ki you fucking retard, you can't see her ki anywhere, how many fucking times I have to tell you about it? How many threads? fucking idiot
>Katchi Katchin
How do you know it's Katchi Katchin?
Since she's all about love and beauty she probably destroys them on how barbaric they are or how ugly they are. She might actually be a decent GoD.
Tell me where you see a ki-infused weapon.
Leave Blanco to me
Not him but clearly summoning a weapon out of thin air makes it a weapon with unique properties.
It's really funny to watch toyopedros defending their non-canon manga desu.
>shes not using ki
>you cant see ki anywhere
uh? because she has no aura around her? shes a god of destruction ofcourse shes using her power
Stop embarrassing yourselves
If you use a bow and arrow at close range something is already wrong with you. It's dumb of Toyo to have done something like that.
You can't see the fucking ki when Trunks kills Frieza either, yet there's reason to believe anyone using a fucking sword wouldn't be able to cut Frieza in half. "I CAN'T SEE THE AURA LOOK THEY CAN'T BE USING KI" is a dumb fucking argument in the first place, but the fact that I can counter it with prior examples makes it even more stupid.
>Not posting Fist of the b0rf Star Garfielf
>fighters put their strength into their weapons somehow
dude this has to be bait. That's just how primitive weapons work. How damaging a sword is depends on how fast and hard you swing it and how powerful a bow is depends on the draw weight. What do you even mean "somehow"?
>Sword attack comparable to bow and arrow at melee range.
Wew lad.
Goku Blue vs Base UIJ Goku: who wins?
stop watching movies and do some actual research.
Neck yourself Ahofag
>how powerful a bow is depends on the draw weight
You can't draw more than what a bow's design allows.
But fighters in DBZ have durability as well. If it was just "OH THIS SWORD IS BEING SWUNG VERY HARD" then it'd still shatter against someone who could survive a fucking planet blowing up. By "somehow" I mean something about Trunks' strength transfers to the sword that allows it to cut Frieza without breaking to fucking pieces.
So "ki arrow" is your headcanon?
You're that retard from Gamefaqs.
Neck yourself. That's shit was never funny.
In fight bow and arrows are long ranged weapons. I didn't say that it's impossible. I am saying that it's retarded for a GoD to rely on that at such a close range. Archers have always been known as long range specialists IRL.
How do they do it
So this is where Toyojuans came from?
I like dragon ball because it's about a stupid autistic retard that just wants to fight strong people, but unfortunately that attracts all the stupid autistic retards.
When will these autists learn that my man goku is the only one that matters?
webm goes well with this song, even stays on the beat when you sync it.
> ki-infused
This meme again
Pic-related. An actual ki-infused weapon.
But it's a sword anyway, which depends on the user's strength. Not an arrow which depends on the bow and user's posture.
>weapon used by a ki powerhouse (or what was a powerhouse at that point of the story) comparable to a weapon used by a ki powerhouse
Sorry If you never thought about how retarded is until now, but that's how DB has been for 20 years.
I love you user, this shit is always funny
>Katchi Katchin
Sauce: Your ass.
Somebody get this hothead outta here
thats what movies tell you about.
Truth is bow and arrow was used even at close range by the most skilled archer, how the fuck do you dodge an arrow at close ranged? its almost impossible. Watch the video and see how fast he can draw and shoot and how accurate he is.
If that Toyojuan falsely implied that I was from Gamefags, where is he from?
Swords and arrows don't work the same. You know that?
It's ok guys, she just pulled the bowstring with the force of a million exploding suns. You just don't see it :)
What did he mean by this?
look at this ki infused blaster used by power level 10 soldiers.
What would you feed Beerus
The bullet definitely struck Black or else he wouldn't have been knocked down. It did nothing to him other than annoy him.
Right......can't believe some people get hung up on stupid shit.
>90% of the thread is composed of shitposts and retarded images like this
>lol our threads have huge activity
>ridiculously strong bowstring
Which would make the travel faster.
What is that arrow made of anyway? Katchin? Cause it looked like a normal generic one.
> Trunks, Dabura, Janemba, etc.
ALL with swords. Swords =/= Bow and arrow
He seems to be a person with an above average height.
Nothing? He was literally crying and shaking in his boots. It was fucking pathetic.
>Suddenly we're not allowed to discuss new forms
It's a legitimate question. Even if UIJ lets you dodge incoming attacks to the best of your body's ability, SSJB (theoretically) adds so much speed and power that it shouldn't matter. Despite that, it seems like base Goku in UIJ does better against Jiren.
a sword is going to scale with the user's speed because it's an extension of your arm: faster you move your arm, faster the sword moves, and there's actually a physics effect that makes the tip of the sword move a lot faster than your hand, so it actually enhances your speed. An arrow is always going to travel as fast as an arrow, when these characters are moving at lightspeed and shit that shouldn't be a threat
I wonder how long it will take before dragonball threads will be completely spoken in spanish.
>That zeno
>How do you think Helles decides which planets to destroy?
Not sure how, but I know what she'll use to destroy them
And arms and legs don't work the same at martial arts but this is a manga you turboautist
It's not that it's a new form, even though it isn't a form, it's that you insist on being an SSJfag, even to a form that isn't a Super Saiyan form.
Shooting blact with a high powered rifle was stupid ass fuck
Someone get this crossboarder back to Sup Forums
>Not him but clearly summoning a weapon out of thin air makes it a weapon with unique properties
Did Piccolo's clothes beam create clothing as strong as Piccolo?
Who would win?
>a universe busting deity
>a pointy wooden stick