Will Takumi finally get a win for once in the series?
Shokugeki no Soma
It's jobber vs jobber, and Takumi has more feats.
I can't see Eizan being redeemed after he ruined that old man in the flashback. I wonder what will happen to him.
does eizan know that boxer's wife is a soumafag? boxer's wife winning is a decent setup for finally having a match nobody wants to see to get the back the knife from giganigga that people forgot about
He offered him an opportunity tu rebuild and be more succesful than ever before, user.
How long until spoilers?
Comic relief that appears once in a while to shout shit at Souma and lust for the italian dish.
>boxer's wife
Where the fuck is my Takumi and Gin training montage.
Its pretty clear that Eizan is gonna lose, too many loser flags already. If anyone will lose it will be Megumi but barely.
As if. Momo's cooking is going to be toxic and spiteful, while Megumi's is going to provide that much needed homey-feeling and kindness.
You could ask the same thing about Eizan though. Both of them deserve the win.
Well its clearly not going to be a clean sweep, if megumi doesnt job then souma will job but thats unlikely due to the whole "exhaustion" loser flag from last match
>Eizan deserving anything.
>Second year, 9th seat
>Previously lost to Souma because he was not serious until the match begun
>Hyped up by Rindou saying he could at least overcome Kuga if dedicated
If Italy wins, Eizan will be sent to what's the equivalent of the shadow realm. Let's face it Takumi won the moment Eizan brought up his artichoke.
>Takumi won the moment Eizan brought up his artichoke.
Yeah. It'll be nice to see Eizan choke.
>the equivalent of the shadow realm
Please let it be his foodgasm.
I'm the new editor. If you want I could ask Yuto-san if he could make this foodgasm happen
Tell him I want my fucking valentine's arc.
Tell Tsukuda to hurry, finish up with this arc then make a Valentines Day chapter
he looks like a fucking monkey
Autism does shit to people
I hope a potential Valentine's Day arc focuses on the boys just to see your reactions.
>not arc
you had one fucking job
Are you implying I don't want it focused on the boys? You fag.
But this is exactly what I want, user.
He genuinely looks like a Jewish stereotype here
Sounds like what happened in Astan
But who wins the Somabowl in that arc?
That's what Valentines is for. A comfy SoL chapter about running from the thundering herd of Takumi's rabid fanclub.
>You thought it was Takumi, but it was Me, Mimasaka Subaru
Erina gives him an expensive extremely high-quality chocolate and he makes fun of her for not being able to handmake it.
He gives her sardines coated in poprocks for White Day.
Addicted to Curry is being.
Even Toriko was better.
SnS is just bad.
>Souma and Takumi competing with each other on who makes the best chocolate.
>they stuff Megumi with it until she breaks.
>Ok, Erina's turn now.
>Pajeet got rejected by his mom so Alice got his instead, she complains she didn't got enough.
>Kuga gave one to Nene, but in reality is a spicy prank.
>Isshiki covers himself in chocolate.
>Giganigga as best waifu makes one for everyone.
Nothing romantic happens.
>Giganigga carefully studies everyone's tastes and makes chocolate tailored made to everyone's pallate.
ftfy, bro
>Gigganigga carefully studies everyones tastes and makes chocolate tailored to everyone's palates
>He proceeds to hide them in the most private and awkward places possible because he can
>They go to Momo for help who acknowledges them after she got BTFO in the RdC
Make it happen Tsukuda
>she forces Eizan to help as well.
>tsundere jew is born.
>Momo x Jew
I didn’t know I wanted this pairing so badly
Momo is just for pegging Saito's butt.
I liked SwordLoli but this whole bout is just proving that Momo bullying Eizan is superior.
This was immediately apparent at first sight. They come as a set. They'll probably lose as a set.
Will the winner be announced this chapter?
This or the next top, Megumi will lose fast and Souma will take around 2 chapters more, so I presume that this bout will take 4 more chapters.
We still have to get a whole explanation on Takumi's pizza-with-a-twist, besides, this would be the perfect time for a flashback to his training. Better now than when he'll lose later on.
>Wanting Momo x Jew
Kill yourself
>so I presume that this bout will take 4 more chapters.
Bullshit. Megumi hasn't had an onscreen fight in forever. She's facing the 4th seat so she'll get her fair share of chapters.
How much further can his face get distorted before this is over?
Will he reach Yakitate levels?
Saitou deserves someone better than Momo I guess
Are the Aldini Brothers similar to the Mario Bros?
Chapter release today or tomorrow?
Have you forgotten that the judges have absolute judgement, anything other than a sweep would be a retcon of their characters
>implying bitches being unable to decide hasn't been a thing since before
Calling it. This will be a sweep for the Rebels so they can hype up Tsukasa soloing them ALL. He's going to be super exhausted in the end. When it finally comes time for Souma vs Tsukasa, Souma is going to refuse the shokugeki because if he doesn't beat Tsukasa at his best then he hasn't really beat him at all.
You can’t possibly hype up Tsukasa soloing them all when we also saw him tired after one fucking match. It’s going to be Soma, Takumi and Momo win
>because if he doesn't beat Tsukasa at his best then he hasn't really beat him at all.
They're literally throwing away players to exhaust Central, and Souma, together with us has had it thoroughly hammered into his skull that he cannot best Tsukasa without those tactics.
With Souma you have to hammer it beyond the brain stem. Even with everything on the line he's probably likely to do dumb shit.
elite 10 can't into teamwork
it's literally a power of friendship win
How is the rebels using teamwork to help each other considered some asspull "power of friendship win"? This isn't Fairy Tail where friendship is used to overcome odds against extreme threats in which you cannot defeat alone
Momo isn't going to win.
I'd much rather watch a full sweep and have Tsukasa get bulldozed in the finale because of
That user is talking about a sweep for the round, not a sweep for an individual match. The latter would fit your complaint, the former, not so much. Having said that it'll be a sweep for the round.
>Souma is going to refuse the shokugeki
>Sorry pops and Nakiri, you're slaves now. Sorry Umis and PSD crew, we're all expelled.
Momo will 100% win, it’s not going to be 3 clean sweeps in a row.
Characters who will leave the RdC without a single win:
Not happening.
I think Momo deserves atleast one win given she is the third seat otherwise it will be bad writing to make her lose against a first year. Even Saito needs exhaustion factor to lose so the same will be applied to Momo.
> Eizan and momo
Nah. One of them is gonna win
>I think Momo deserves atleast one win given she is the third seat otherwise it will be bad writing to make her lose against a first year.
No, it's really going to be bad writing if Megumi loses again. Keep in mind these aren't one on ones. They have the team work aspect so even if they sweep it's not like any of them could actually beat Momo one on one. Central isn't working together at all.
This, and to be blunt, Gumi needs to beat an E10 member to prove she deserves the seat she's going to get. She's a main character so she can't get a pity seat.
I wish the matchups were different. Souma losing would be best but he's against Saitou who should be weakened after facing Gigganigga.
>No, it's really going to be bad writing if Megumi loses again
No, you think it's bad writing if she loses because you don't want her to lose. Jeez, why are Megumifags so cancerous. Even if she does loses it doesn't mean she's a terrible chef or anything nor does she need to prove if she's eligible for anything. If Momo's that good and you have Megumi beat her just for Megumi to lose in her next match is bad writing. If Megumi defeats Momo and wins her next match then i'll accept it but that's not gonna happen.
Megumi's next match will just be Souma, Erina, Megumi, and Takumi all vs Tsukasa at once, so don't worry.
Either Eizan or Momo will win, sadly everything is pointing out that it will be Eizan the one that is going to lose leaving Momo winning by default, and that sucks, Takumi should have stayed in the bottom of the barrel and Megumi should have become the new third seat.
>Takumi should have stayed in the bottom of the barrel
No, Takumi is Soma's end game rival and he needs to finally win a match since he never won any match significant in the series and was someone you didn't took seriously until his match against Giga. Takumi needs to reaffirm his status.
The only rebel who can safely lose this round is Souma since he's proved himself multiple times, but the manga would never go there.
Will Erina finally taste Soma's dick?
Sounds like Urara.
>Souma terrorizes the Umis for their seat the entire second year
>Good writing: my waifu loses to dog, stands around for 130 chapters, and deserves to beat 4th seat
>Bad writing: my waifu loses to 4th seat
There's a reason nobody takes Megumifags seriously.
Nah, it's a tie at most
Reminder that Takumi is not fighting with his maximum power because he's still cooking without best girl, since he and Souma still didn't have a proper match.
There won't be any ties nigga. The reason there was a tie in the Autumn Elections was just to build up hype for the finals and it was something totally unexpected which made it great. A tie now would diminish Takumi's match, the judges and bad writing in most people eyes which Tsukuda isn't gonna do again.
>Even Toriko was better.
>Being better than anything, even shit
Fucking hell it's the autumn elections all over again. Megumifags need to fuck off already. It's bad writing either way because Tsukuda is a hack.
What was Tsukuda thinking, assassinating three characters at once, right after their moment of glory.
He is not even using muh training with Shino and Gin.
And the only thing his teammates did for him was cut some meat, nothing. Fucking lazy asses.
All jump threads are in the shitter.
This is the only relatively comfy thread left.
Hayama a cute
I only visit this and Bokuben's.
Spoilers are out
Takumi serves a Shigureni and ginger pizza
Takumi sliced the ginger very thinly so that it would melt into the pizza
The ginger on the pizza helps fight against the artichokes in Eizan's dish thus effectively ruining his plans
Saito is impressed by Takumi and praises him
Momo thinks he just got lucky
Eizan starting raging but tries the pizza himself and has an orgasm of Takumi slicing him down
Takumi wins 3-0
Momo and Megumi are close to completing their dishes
End of chapter
>Takumi slicing him down.
I wish that were me
The Eizan faces better be amazing
Hopefully Megumi and Momo will be over in the chapter after next but I can easily see it getting another chapter or two.
If Megumi wins it’s great because it shows her abilities but more importantly it means this arc will be over faster... If Momo wins it isn’t too bad because I love sweets.
>Momo and Megumi are close to completing their dishes
If Megumi loses will the fandom rage or be mature and accept the results?
I don't think we will get a winner this week. But the another one week wait ill be worthy.
tosh is gonna make momo orgasm from megumi's candy and all will be forgiven