Who would be the best wife?
Who would be the best wife?
The one with the body built for breeding.
Even Saya knows that Hotaru is objectively better.
Hotaru. She can easily provide for her family and has shown herself to be the sweetest girl in existence.
You mean Feeding
One on the right.
the doujins for this are so fucking good
Reasons why Hotaru would be a better wife.
1. Rich
2. Horny
3. Huge titties to nurse children
4. Not a skeleton and has a body built for pregnanacy
>Doesn't mention SINGLE HANDEDLY the most important aspect
Better question is what do their pussies taste like?
Saya or polygamy. Now stop making the same thread.
Why does Hotaru's body look so weird in this?
Because it's bad fanart.
Very stiff and faulty anatomy, also smol head for anime girl.
I love Pochi
As you should
Saya is more responsible and would age better. As an actual life partner I gotta give it to her.
The one who is not destined to develop Type 2 Diabetes.
Such a damn good doujin.
And she cries (wails) in happiness so hard she has a coughing fit. Adorkable.
The one that's actually female.
In-character doujins are the strongest doujins
>most doujinshi quit making h as soon as they get serialized
>pochi says fuck it and makes doujins of her own series that may or may not be canon
Truly the best
Bruv, the sex came FIRST
I wonder how she was able to pull that off? Normally mangaka don't get to continue the original h-work if it gets serialized as a non-h title.
I hope Pochi makes another OnD trilogy once the second season rolls around.
>In-character doujins are the strongest doujins
This is why both this series and the "Dagashi Chichi" series by BlueMage are my favorite Dagashi Kashi doujins.
Should have been a yuri show
How come is this show not yuri? FUcking grade A bullshit I swear.
Prone bone
Saya. Only thing Hotaru is good for is impregnating, she'd make a terrible wife that would drive you insane with candy talk within the first year
I wanna lick Saya's boipucci
Saya by far.
hotaru's large supply of milk will ensure your baby grows up to be big and strong
the preggo shit ruins it, but the glasses improve it 10 fold.
Actually small breasts is better for breastfeeding. Large breasts is just result of sexual selection, no other primate beside humans have it.
t. chestlet
>small breasts are better for breastfeeding
You do not have kids, right? Big breasts prevent the baby from breathing during feeding. A small chest with long nipples is much more convenient.
>the preggo shit ruins it
Shit taste, kill yourself.
Gonna have to go with coffee because I hate sweet stuff.